Archives For Screencaps

I just finally finished catching up to Fresh Off the Boat, and though it seems like there were a lot of filler episodes, there were actually a lot of more meaningful moments too. Of course, Chinese New Year celebrations was a major thing, but I also enjoyed the episode of Lao Ban Santa, which focused on Evan’s loss of innocence… alongside the development of his OBVIOUS gambling problem. First the bunny he lost to grandma in poker, now his Pogs. And his totally Machiavellian plans in the Jessica Place Melrose Place spoof.

And Emery gets his own development too! Loved that he was so devastated to find out his parents’ definition of romance, how we got to see him dealing with his anger and frustration, and his best moment having to deal with puberty.

I think I may have to write a review. xD

Anyway~ this post is because my life is literally the “polite fight” every single time we go out for lunch or dinner with my aunties.

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So I finally re-watched Inside Out in Original English audio track, and the feelings for Bing Bong were more real than ever. When I originally went to the theater to catch it in one of the late at night shows, it was still presented in Spanish dub and parents with children were still there. One of them parents ruined the movie for me when, at the moment of said tears, his daughter (seating behind us) began to tear up. He did what parents shouldn’t do—- he shamed his kid saying “why are you crying? Is this a scary movie?

Eff you, dad. Let your kid cry, it’s a freaking emotional scene in the movie. And who the eff cries in scary movies? Se dice “ya pasó, ya pasó” so you can calm your kid down.

Really makes me think of never ever going to big movies because people can ruin your experience.

Chulpan Khamatova’s FB updated a couple of days ago with a link sharing this supercut of her most updated filmography; meaning it includes Under Electric Clouds, as well as The Puppet Syndrome. There’s just a couple of clips I’m not so sure of, they could be from her series Bashnya (Башня) [Wikipedia], which was a little bit difficult to watch for lack of subs xD

Recognized clips (without repeats) are as follow~

  • Sobytie [1]
  • The Puppet Syndrome
  • Paper Soldier
  • Midsummer Madness (in that red whatever that is uniform xD)
  • Katya (short film)
  • Sleeping Songs
  • Dostoevsky (series)
  • The Rainbowmaker
  • Under the Electric Clouds
  • America
  • There’s a desaturated kissing clip between two Puppet Syndrome clips, that I think looks like America. But I’m not 100% on that.
  • The clip of Chulpan with a beard is from the Ivan the Terrible series.
  • The clip of Chulpan revealing her mangled face is from Bashnya
  • Unrecognized red screencap 001
  • Unrecognized sitting screencap 002
  • The House of the Sun

The unrecognized scenes could very well be from Sleeping Songs, I honestly don’t remember a thing about that movie. lol I’ll leave you with the screencaps, in case anyone wonders and/or knows. The second cap could be, judging from the hairstyle and the eyebrows, but I’m drawing a blank with 001. xD

Some image confirmation source at +

It’s tomorrow, but still~ worth a mention!

I also updated my Yu Aoi Films Ranked post with an Umineko watch, which was better than I was expecting from its IMDb rating. It’s totally worth the 6.5-7 rating on Douban, though… even if Yu-chan is barely in it. The subtitles available are poor, though, but they make do~

I can’t believe it’s been 8 years since. Last month I remembered Last Friends and Juri Ueno, and all my Asian entertainment fever years, which is coming back, I can feel it. Going to Japan, having Kirin Tea, Calbee potato chips, getting JiNS Air Frame glasses, eating tokoroten~ the whole fan experience. lol

So~ to celebrate this fan-niversary, here’s an image of Yu-chan in her Oha-garu days~


There’s a really really REALLY good looking photoshoot of Tabu for this upcoming month’s issue of Femina’s Wedding Times that was shot by Jatin Kampani [Instagram][Facebook]. Clothing credits are going to Sandeep Khosla and AJSK (which I’m also supposing is clothing, though I couldn’t find anything on it). I really really love this shot. Would love actual scans of it.


[source][source][screencap source][more images here][and here]

*edited: added more photos*

So I started watching We Got Married for the first time. I had previously just watched clips when GaIn used to be on it, but never got into it full on. But since I’m in my complete Mamamoo fan mood, I just couldn’t miss Solar (my bias, though… this keeps changing) in all her dork splendor!

I was not disappoint~ xD


I mean, when has Mamamoo failed to make me crack up? I wonder how this went when editing the episode, they probably laughed their butts off because…

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… at this rate, I’ll add their tag before I travel xD

GIFs after the break~

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You cannot kill me. You cannot kill China. Not even a million deaths could crush the soul of China, for the soul of China is eternal. When I die, a million will take my place, and nothing can stop them, neither hunger nor torture nor the firing squad.

We shall live on until the enemy is driven back over scorched land and the armies of decency and liberty are on the march. China’s destiny is victory. It will live because human freedom will not perish. Out of the ashes of ruin and old hatreds, the force of peace will prevail until the world is again sane and beautiful.

This quote is taken from Robert L. McLaughlin and Sally E. Parry’s We’ll Always Have the Movies: American Cinema during World War II because the audio of Lady from Chungking isn’t very clear.

I don’t know what they’re waiting for to make an Anna May Wong biopic with Tang Wei, and Joan Chen as director.

I finally took the time to catch up with all seasons of Orphan Black, which I had trouble sitting through during its first season… even though I think I might have actually sat through those 10 episodes on reruns without knowing they were 10 episodes. there’s a slump there somewhere between the first 3-4 eps, but once you go through that threshold, it’s a breeze worth the binge-watch. Season 2 flowed better as a viewing experience because half the first part rides on its S1 high and it sets itself for Season 3, which doesn’t glide as smoothly.

But feelings have been had. In terms of Sarah dealing with Beth in a near-death dream sequence that totally reminded me of the Buffy episode, Restless… which interestingly fits into Season 4 of that show where they also deal with the military and conspiracies xD

Feelings were also had because of that messy relationship between Cosima and Delphine, sidetracked by Shay. I haven’t had the fandom feels in so long… and it’s Cosima’s relationships because Sarah-Paul is so impersonal, and Cal -as good as he may be- has been mostly off-screen history. It’s Cosima and Delphine because I’m a sucker for that “I’ll give you up for you” thing, and Cosima with Shay because- man, Shay’s gotta be bad for Cosima’s heart. She seems soooooooooo damn good and caring, it’s gotta be setting up a heartbreak even though it would be “Delphine is your monitor 2.0” and it’s only been freaking 19min. of them together through the whole season.

And man is Ksenia Solo as Shay the type. Yup, there’s a type. Carly Pope meets Juno Temple. lol

So… I caught up with Fresh Off the Boat over the weekend for my birthday and Chinese New Year~ and I made it to that episode, which apparently is the first time CNY has ever been shown on TV in the US. Jessica (Constance Wu is my favorite) is prepping for the holiday… and becomes my mom.


Jessica: I overslept. Get up! GET UP! We have to go to the airport!
Eddie: What time is it?
Jessica: 5 a.m.!
Eddie: The flight doesn’t leave until 2 in the afternoon.


This is where I get it from. And my aunt also features in the episode a minute later~

Happy Chinese New Year y’all bunch of lurkers!