That is a photo of Carey Mulligan looking a bit different, but a pretty cool photograph. Who’s Carey Mulligan, you say? Well, I first spotted her as Elsie on My Boy Jack (starring Daniel Radcliffe), but truth be told~ I couldn’t pay much attention to it until her scenes came up.
Where else have you seen her? She was also Kitty on Pride & Prejudice (the one with Keira), and Doctor Who as Sally Sparrow. And she seems to be having a pretty busy 2009~~~ with The Greatest (with Susan Sarandon), Public Enemies (with Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Marion Cotillard~~~ Ooh la!), Brothers (with Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Natalie Portman~~~ another Ooh la!), and An Education (by writer Nick Hornby) – in fact, I was checking out The Awards Circuit, and turns out they have her listed for this film as a Best Actress Nomination until now!
Now that’s pretty impressive.
Next-next up for her? Never Let Me Go (by Kazuo Ishiguro… with Keira, and Sally Hawkins) and The Electric Slide (with Ewan McGregor).
Ooh la~~~