Archives For Motion

I know a bunch of people were watching the American Music Awards on Sunday – does anyone care about the AMA once we grow older? I actually complained there was no broadcast, when there actually was… I just didn’t know there was, because I guess I didn’t care.

Also I rarely have the TV on in anything other than CNN, NHK, or CCTV LOL

Anyway, the New Kids on the Block and the BackStreet Boys performed together – which they’ve done before, only the video leaked that time was just a bunch of women screaming. So this one is an actual broadcast performance bringing oh so many memories.

They sang a mash-up (Glee fan-mode on) of Hanging Tough with Everybody, which then turned into I Want it that Way, which turned into Step by Step with The Right Stuff, and they finished off with Larger than Life.

Please, I was a teenage girl once – I know every single track name from any pop song of any pop idol prior to 2002. I know the choreography to those music videos. LOL

But now? Now I work on YAM, and I’m all about WORLDWIDE stuff.

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Thanks to Acerk for the find, as well as user gp0patt0jp for the upload~~~

Now time to slap myself for not understanding Japanese. Major fail, Amy. Major~

It’s interesting to see that Yu Aoi’s interviews this year have been… more relaxed than before. It’s really really great to see her smiling and giggling during an interview.

From what I got, they talked about her piano playing… and her piano practicing habits before? They also talked a bit about something about English.

And of course she talks about food. I can’t be mistaken about that one xD

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someone cares to explain the video to us? xD

— EDIT w/ on-the-go translation by Nina —

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Not really the best of captures, but we’ll take what we can with YouTube removing stuff. Once again, YouTube users~~~ contact me in order to figure out how to keep the videos online. Your upload credits will be kept.

Thanks hirokisakurajima for the upload~

OMG, Yu-chan plays the piano!!!

I had read about that, but never actually believed it… you know, it is the internet.

I think it might be time for a Wikipedia update, right?

By the way, her last Ongaku appearance… which was uploaded by rocking user aoinohoho is gone because YouTube deleted the account – understandable. Aoinohoho, if you still visit the site would love to get hold of those videos.

Which leads me to a rant. Seriously Japan broadcasters, REALLY? As if you’re going to release interviews for sale. Even the likes of Letterman, and all those night shows have clips online. What’s up with that!?

Fuji TV, you fail at worldwide distribution.

I think it’s safe to admit that OK Go has the 2010 title of best set of music videos. First of with the incredible-blowing-your-mind This Too Shall Pass, followed by the pretty good End Love, followed by the doggies on White Knuckles… and now~

A video with some 30 toasts per second~

This Too Shall Pass still remains the best of the year, I think – and the year is almost done.

Considering I didn’t think the Latin Grammy was anything special, I thought I’d give the search for my favorite performance of the Video Music Awards.

The initial shot works perfect, despite some problems with the camera zooming out. Moreover, the cuts when everyone shows up dancing work to show the whole stage, and closer shots for all the jumping.

The song is catchy, and the performance is different enough from the rest of the performances of the night to be memorable, and perfect to stand out. I hope Vimeo doesn’t delete it because it’s the only good version I’ve found.

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Continuing with posts on main titles, this is Desperate Housewives by yu+co

Check the yu+co link for a better resolution one.

What’s so cool about this title sequence is that it’s simple. Women from famous paintings as housewives. At the time, it was giddy for anyone taking an art history class. Plus, it captured the essence of the show.

Frankly, I’ve stopped watching the show… and I think they’ve stopped playing the intro last last season. But it still brings back memories of better Desperate times. The last season I bought on DVD was when they did the 5 year jump. I’m going to pretend the show ended there.

Why Kurt Hummel is Important

November 11, 2010 — 5 Comments

This week’s episode of Glee created a bit of a ripple. Some of my friends said “intense” because people were surprised that the football (?) – let’s just call him jock – that he smack one on Kurt. At first I was like Kurt, kinda quiet, but then thought to myself “Oh, okay… I’m not really surprised.”

I went to the ever present IMDb boards to read some of the things people were saying, and was surprised at the amount of people that have begun to hate Kurt… or should I say Kurt’s gay storyline. Okay, I’ll concede in that Glee’s not doing a great balance of the funny, the cheesy and the drama — Popular had a bit of that plus more — but I don’t have a problem with that. I usually like Glee’s cheese, I can handle my drama fine, and I like the funny. But I know what you mean when you guys talk about Glee not being the same.

However, some of the comments left me perplexed with things like “I don’t have a problem with Kurt being gay, but why does his story need to revolve around him being gay?” People saying that Will & Grace was a better representation of homosexuals, and other programs that do the “gay thing” much better.

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It’s an After Effects  shadow puppet show!! xD

Now, I’m not really religious, but I think this type of animation… where they kinda teach you about things – they’re really interesting. It’s sorta on the line of the whole Shakespeare The Animated Tales, or the series for Religions of the World. Kiddos should watch this stuff. Okay, this one’s not as serious… but at least it gives you an idea of what’s Pentecost, right?

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You guys~~~ your music makes me really silly-grin happy

Anyone know where I can buy their albums? I know you can buy their debut over at the Modern Sky website, but buying through it is a hassle because they don’t have other payment method than wire transfer… which sucks, but understandble since there’s no Paypal~

More Jonsi at The Wiltern stuff – missed the first post?