Archives For Motion

Liu Huan, Na Ying, Harlem Yu, and Yang Kun. I mean, dude- Liu Huan alone would trump Christina Aguilera. LOL And I have a soft spot for Christina Aguilera [1], but imagine participating and singing in front of Liu Huan, and having HIM picking YOU to be on HIS team.

His pitch-perfect and perfect-toned-singing-Mandarin.

I would maybe… MAYBE… change Harlem Yu over someone like Wang Feng. But that’s just me. These are all seasoned singers and vocalists (I can’t label Liu Huan as just a singer, sorry).

So the Chinese version of The Voice, aptly titled The Voice of China (中国好声音, Zhong Guo Hao Sheng Yin), has made its debut about two weeks ago. I’ve only seen the first episode, but I already like the judges selection better because you’re being judged by people already in their 40s or 50s who have been working in the industry for years — not a bunch of people in their 30s who have been barely working for 10 years.

And Liu Huan has been working as a music teacher for the past 10 years, besides still being a music icon, so he’s perfect. Plus, I’ve already taken a strong dislike to Adam Levine, whom I used to find so attractive. LOL I can’t stand him EVER again. xD How people change.

My dad is going to be crazy about this one. made a video titled 135 Shots That Will Restore Your Faith in Cinema, after asking their readers what were “the most beautiful movies ever made.” The result is okay, I guess. I still don’t think that I’m as moved by Terrence Malick films as others are…

There was also some Zhang Yimou and Wong Kar-wai added in there, alongside Darren Aronofsky’s The Fountain — which was one of my picks for most iconic movie images. xD

In any case, there was some Noboru Shinoda (and therefore, Shunji Iwai) missing. The Hana & Alice ballet scene [1], just as Love Letter, as well as EVERYTHING on Picnic [1], and every single frame in All About Lily Chou Chou — they’re all perfect. LOL

YouTube had been conspiring against me showing me a series of videos of my childhood over the weekend, making me feel older than I should. One of these videos had to do with one of Nubeluz‘ host — aka. a Dalina — her name, Monica Santa Maria.

Her tragic ending in a bizarre high profile case of suicide wasn’t really registered in my subconscious. Maybe I was too little to understand, but I don’t think I realized she killed herself well into my years. Watching the videos of the case, looking back at those times with my grown mind, all one can really infer is that she had a deep troubled mind… one way or the other, it was going to end up bad. It’s terribly ironic that she never did what she preached — to enjoy life, embrace it… whatever small beautiful things you may get because life was short.

It’s such a sad thing to see.

ANYWAY. I remember that Nubeluz was celebrating their 20 years — GOSH! — and I ran into this clip of Almendra Gomelsky and the whole cast of the show back together. EVERYONE came back, however big they became… actress Daniela Sarfati, actress Rossana Fernandez Maldonado, twin hosts Anabel and Antuanet Elias, host Maria Pia Copello, and etc. Phew.

They sound atrocious, but it was damn fun. I don’t think Peru has ever developed as good a show as Nubeluz ever was. It has nothing to do with nostalgia. I don’t particularly think the show translated well into English, but I think they had a really good deal with the concept and songs.

Part of the Time Machine: Back to the 90′s Blogathon

I really REALLY REALLY am loving Chochukmo, and not because I interviewed them. I actually accepted to interview them because I really liked their first album, which you can listen to on Xiami or Bandcamp ;O

Don’t forget to check out my interview with Mike Orange from the band.

I have a really special and complicated relationship with Britney Spears. Despite my moving on from fandom in the early millennium, I think… deep in my heart (I know it’s only you, xD) – deep in my heart there’s always going to be a soft spot for Britney. The one side of me that’s always going to get happy when something good happens to her, and the side of me that gets preoccupied when something bad happens.

I think in terms of ‘true’ Britney fans — you can recognize them by how much they love her ballads. Because Britney is not necessarily famous for her powerful vocals, but her long-time fans love Britney and actually miss her ballads — I actually love I Will Be There with those lyrics of… “when you’re feeling low, baby, let me know… and I will be there.

Then there\s Girl in the Mirror — she must’ve sung that song when she was 19 or 20 years old… but there’s an unequivocal innocent… almost too naive character to the song. It’s the kind of inner drama that 15 year old girls used to listen to and have ultimately stopped.

Despite of the technical qualities of this fan video, it’s a very VERY sad and emotional clip. Especially with its beginning with a very young Britney and showing all those clips. It just… it almost breaks my heart… as if I had forsaken her.

Time will take us apart, but I will still love you. I promise.

I love saying that now, “From the vault.” xD

Anyway, I’m sure you guys know this video. It’s a classic one. One from when you first started using YouTube. It’s that hilarious video of the two Korean girls dancing to Yoo Chae-yeong’s Emotion [MV] — this is what years and years of listening to Kpop and watching variety shows does to you. I think even Hyori has danced to this song on Family Outing.

I can’t remember when I watched the video exactly, but it’s definitely one of the first videos I watched and re-watched laughing out loud with my friend before we began truly listening to Kpop.

Welcome to another random edition of Wannabe Distributor!

Today’s pick of film is the Taiwan/China co-production of LOVE (愛LOVE).

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Well, this one is an “oldie” alright.

I remember in 1999, I was obsessed with this song — at least, it was one of the many songs I obsessed over in those years. It has nothing to do with the video, even though I probably taped the video a million times over on VHS. Hey! We didn’t have YouTube back then!

The video is… very 90s Latin America. Floating face hovering on top of the movie — because Recuerda was the main theme song for an Argentinean movie called La Venganza. You would notice the use of Mistral in one of those scenes. It’s hilarious to watch the video now.

The song is pretty simple in lyrics. Diego Torres is an apt vocalist and songwriter at times, but nothing too extraordinary, so his songs tend to be easier to translate. He’s got some pretty good singles, though.
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More Yu Aoi narration work, this time for a 30sec. animated commercial for Tokyo Disney Resort… “where dreams come true,” that carries more of a storyline than some of the movies we watch in theaters. LOL

I hope Yu-chan doesn’t only focus on narration work in the future, coz I’d be pure disappoint. But as I’ve noted before, she’s developed her narration voice now. She’s expanding her voice range.

I was watching my YouTube upload feed, and was shown this commercial instead of the Telefonica Movistar one, and thought it was really good. At first, I thought it was just an Olympics commercial, then I went “duh!” it’s a Bounty commercial.

It was directed by Bram Van Riet for Caviar Content.