Archives For Clips

I suck at Best Kissing Posts. It’s been over 10 months since my last posting on it.

Let’s make things clear first. To me, Cinema Paradiso was a film about love… but above all, it was a film about love of film, and life. My favorite version is not the Director’s cut, but most my friends loved it more because it focused more on the romantically tragic love between Salvatore and Elena.

That kiss on the rain during the public screening after Salvatore curses to the heavens about Elena not being there, and Elena coming back and kissing him like that it’s hot.

But the scene that made the movie for me was the last 3 minutes of the film, when grownSalvatore sits at the theater to watch what Alfredo had left. Continue Reading…

Once again, no subs ;P
But you can still enjoy the interview.

If I ever meet Yu-chan, I want her to introduce herself.
It’s so adorable every single time she introduces herself, something about the way she says her name with the combination of “minna-san” xD “minna-san, Aoi Yu desu~” xD

You know when you’re young, and you’re with your friends hanging out when your parents arrive. They try to be cool, and talk to your friends about the time when you were a kid… about the most embarrassing or bizarre things~ Or they feel it’s appropriate to tell your friends about when you were a baby, and feel the need to tell the story graphically, so they decide to take the family photo album out and show them photos of yourself probably naked and being all baby cute? xD

Well, we’re playing that role today, since we seem (at least I) to know nothing about Yu’s parents and overall family — though I’m pretty sure she has an older brother.

Anyway, Acerk found a video of Yu playing games.

I’m not sure what it is, if it’s a game show or what… but I’ve been suspecting is a clip of her work as an OHA Girl for Tokyo TV’s OHA SUTA… but that’s just a theory of mine. It just reminded me of those clips I saw of the show in search for one of Yu.

Entertainment Weekly is reporting that Madonna is letting the Gleeks sing her song catalog. What that means? Possibly an episode full of Madonna tracks~ But it’s not the first time Ryan Murphy is featuring Madonna~~~

I had read a rumor that Madonna (and Gwyneth — split from the same cell as Mary Cherry) were fans of Popular. LOL Could that be true? Because that’d be awesomeness~~~


Ladies! We’ve got our Smokin’ Gun~~~ xD


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A regular person would have 8 or 9 films, on this video you’ll get to see clips for 27 films (though a few of those are just blink and miss them, or just a still). I’ve seen most but 6 films, I think. I’m still looking for 1980, and JUKAI.

Plus, this is the best way to choose what Yu film you wanna watch~ xD

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check post tags for movie info. some missing because they’re not on this blog.
by the way, Ikechan looks sooooo weird. I wonder if the movie is any good.

I know there’s people  that HATE — and I really mean HATE — Hello Kitty with a passion. I know there’s also people that love Hello Kitty… and I remember my friend even made a drawing of Hello Kitty eating Mickey Mouse. Hahaha. It was only HK with a little dark-spaghetti-like-tail in its mouth.

Anyway, I digress~~~ The fact is Hello Kitty is turning 35 — crap, HK is older than my cousin xD

The news reminded me that Barbie is also turning 50, and oh how much has Barbie changed throughout the years. I wouldn’t be surprised she’d be a common Botox user, as well as pretending to go to the gym and starving herself to death to keep that body of hers…

Change isn’t always good, just like the re-designed version of Strawberry Shortcake. It’s not like the new version is a technically bad version, but I would wonder why I would want my daughter watching her. Old Shortcake was short and child-like cute with baggy clothes, big boots, green/white stockings, and short curly red dreaded-hair. She was like a kid, and petted her cat (whatever connotations that may have now…).

New Shortcake is skinny and wears pretty tight clothing. It’s so tight, it almost looks like a freaking one-piece.  She has wavy and lustrous hot pink hair, and uses soft pink lipstick, and she freaking chats on her cellphone. WTF. I don’t want my 6-year-old who barely knows how to write on paper to spend her afternoon nagging me over a cellphone. No wonder kids are so effed up nowadays~~~ 6-year-olds acting like they’re 14.

Continuing with the Multilanguage dubbing~~~
Something reminded me of Winnie the Pooh,
and I ended up finding a bunch of clips in different languages.

My big cousin was a Winnie the Pooh fan.
I bet he still has his teddy. xD
Don’t you, Bruce?

That’s the original intro in English, but check out some of the other versions in Spanish, Swedish and even Japanese…

Continue Reading…


That was the moment for me. LOL I was expecting my Dr. Horrible mention xD
Now if only someone could upload for embed a good version of the intro
I love it when he mentions Joan… Ms. Holloway xD

Hmmm… I couldn’t find any other non-YouTube video of Janet’s tribute to Michael, sadly this one has an audio error at least for me… but it will have to do for the time being.



It’s titles! I wonder if porn movies still make funky title designs…
since they are also battling torrents and streaming sites,
also… the music xD
hmmm… maybe not so safe for work.

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