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Yu’s site says her new film, Ike-chan to Boku, will be released this June 20 in theaters in Japan. Yes, I still haven’t seen TOKYO!, One Million Yen Girl is still NOT subbed, Osen is NOT on DVD, and Camouflage is still not done subbing either… BUT Yu’s got more new work on the way.

Synopsis sounds SAD! Check this over at Nippon Cinema~

For as long as he can remember, Yoshio (Arashi Fukazawa) has had a mysterious blob-like companion named Ike-chan (Aoi) watching over him. When Ike-chan is happy, she multiples; when she’s troubled, she shrinks; and when he becomes friendly with girls she turns red and starts getting angry. Throughout their time together Ike-chan sticks up for Yoshio when he’s bullied, and the two of them fight when she becomes too smothering for his liking. Then one day when Yoshio is older and has experienced his first love, Ike-chan vanishes from his sight.

T.T reminds me of Winnieh the Pooh. Anyway, Nippon Cinema’s got a teaser, the one-sheet and a little more info on the book it’s based on.

Also~~ Yu’s voice is only feature, and she’s a blob. LOL’ Not sure about the blob on the movie, but illustration looks super cute. Anyway, Yu has proven she’s good voice acting, though this role feels like its very soft unlike her voice acting in Tekkon~~ just saying. xP

Here’s the Japanese website… and the trailer with subs~~ weird subs, but subs. Any Yu Aoi subs are appreciated~~

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First, let me tell you – I don’t physically own these collections. I am basing my opinion on the content of the dvds, their price and their overall value compared to other collections that contain some of the same shorts.

Disney Animation Collection 1: Mickey & Beanstalk [] which is another release related to this Fun and Fancy Free~~~ They both have Michey & Beanstalk short, what this new release has is the 1938’s Brave Little Tailor in which Mickey kills 7 flies in one blow and the townspeople mistake it for 7 giants, putting Mickey at the front to get rid of the town’s own giant. There’s also 1934’s Gulliver Mickey in which Mickey… eh, gets to a miniature people island. Also 1936’s Thru the Mirror and 1940’s Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip.

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BALLS. I suck at working anything new or worthy with this fanlisting, but I do try to keep up with members. But it’s 3 years since I opened it!! Only 150 members barely though…

As If Fanlisting - 3rd Year

Many or most As If websites are either inactive, or totally gone… HOWEVER! You can still find some activity in Facebook! First, the As If Appreciation Society (who by the way are using the banner I made for my fanlisting, without crediting… balls much?) And there is also… and this is VERY important~ There’s the As If/Et Alors/Asi Somos/Som Aixi on DVD FB group. Yes, you read right… it on DVD.

If you are still interested on the ‘original’ set, you can still sign the petition (which I made) and has over 700 signatures – whoa~~ and where are these people and why aren’t they on the fanlisting? LOL’

Things against the petition, and the whole As If on DVD idea~ copyright music on the show. The show had an uber cool soundtrack, and because of this it probably gets killed by copyright fees of use for the music on dvd format. Just to tell you an example… I wanted to use a Sony Music song in a project in film school once, and this is the info I got.

$200 administration fee payable to Sony Music
Proof of school enrollment as well as proof of class credit
A VHS copy of your film

Depending on the particular recording and the scope of your project, we will determine your total cost.

And that was only for a song use for a weekly assignment TOTALLY non-profit … LOL’ – Of course I didn’t use the track ;) – so imagine how much a profitable project would have to pay. They already pay for the use of music on broadcast, but they will also have to pay fees to have the right to include their already made episodes on dvd… and a +10 dvd copies has a different price range ;) at least in some websites like ‘freeplaymusic‘ which is not so FREE.

So the As If DVD idea is kind of expensive to do, unless you want to swap the soundtrack on the whole series for other cheaper music (like The WB’s Popular did on their DVDs), but you don’t really want that with As If.

Well, this turned into sort of a rant… anniversary rant, but I felt it was time to put these on a post, instead of just complaining on IMDb, and getting people who keep asking the same question. “Why isn’t this show on DVD already?” Because of copyright music… *sighs*

In the meantime, do support the fans As If DVD project. To the lack of actual content, fans do what fans gotta do~~~ we must mess with the status quo, because the status is NOT quo. xD LOL’

Or Li Yuchun, whatever’s your pick on names. She was China’s Supergirl winner… she was the one who beat Bibi.
*le gasp*

I digs… I think she’s got style *points at Shane* – She’s also funny on stage… can’t beat doing the Cha Cha Cha, right? Or singing Corazon de Melao. LOL’ She does magic tricks, and she apparently directed some of her MVs.

that’s a pretty cool video, but still… Bibi >>> Chris – sorry, Chris fans. Just check that link.

I loved watching Departures. I thought it was quite poetic in its handling of oposing themes as life and death~~ good and bad… and a great balance between it’s light comedy and its drama. Plus, Kimiko Yo appears… she cracks me up sometimes *points at fried chicken* xD And Ryoko Hirosue also appears… both of them appear with Yu. I love playing 6 Degrees of Separation in the Japanese entertainment industry… xD

Why is this tagged as ‘oscar history’? Well, this is the first Japanese film to officially win Best Foreign Film since it was first given away~~~

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I just posted YAM 003 over at my portfolio~~

There’s a lot of international flavor in it… all by chance actually. It really wasn’t planned, it all just came together like that. There’s a couple of rant articles on movies and music, loads of reviews including complete non-fanatical reviews of Ao Akua, Utada Hikaru, DBSK, Hathaways, U2, Madeleine Peyroux, and Michel Gondry/Bong Joon-ho’s Yu Aoi’s Tokyo!

ALSO! A special on the Peruvian film winning the Berlinale’s Golden Bear top prize~~ The Milk of Sorrow, and some of the discussion regarding the original name “La Teta Asustada”.

YAM - Issue 3

Head over there now!

Picture this…

The terrorist threat is such a nightmare, that we get toque de queda (curfew) up to 10pm – there might be bombs anywhere you might go. You are at home, it’s the middle of the night and your kid is in bed for the night. It’s about midnight when you decide going to bed, you think everything is fine until it strikes. It shakes your window, and cracks the window in your kid’s bedroom.

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Some Minor Changes Here

April 8, 2009 — 2 Comments

You might not really noticed, since it was just changed in the CSS and ID tags, but I re-arrange some ;)

What you might notice… No more blogroll~~ Now it’s buttons! LOL Also!! You may notice that now we have a prominent button for Google and Yahoo subscriptions!! WEEEEEE~~ That means I want you to subscribe…

If you are a Google user (like me) add me to your Reader… there really isn’t any better way to keep up with updates, I tell you. I have a quite busy Google Reader, and it’s all dandy xD

So please, please~~ especially if you’re interested in Yu Aoi, Juri Ueno, Natalie Portman, etc etc… all the stars I talk about, as well as Award Season. No better way to keep you inform ;)

Amy, the Regular Mom

April 8, 2009 — 4 Comments

… Amy Poehler, that is.

Did you read the Advocate interview she did?? I just died laughing with this quote…

Who’s the most important gay person in your life now?
Shane from The L Word. She just can’t get her shit together. She’s a broken bird, and she needs someone to fix her. Just when you think she’s ready for love, she sabotages it. And the woman gives a rock ’n’ roll haircut. [Laughs]

Oh, Amy! The interview was fun~~~~ xD and she goes on to say this;

… I like children to have nice manners and a lot of boundaries. My hope for my children is that they’re happy, and my hope for myself is that people want to be around my children.

*sighs* where ARE those kind of mothers these days???

Terrorists >>>>> People

April 8, 2009 — 7 Comments

UGH. I am fed up with human rights that are more in favor of terrorists than actual citizens. YEAH, suck it UP! Peruvian Gov. Suck it up Human Rights Movement. Take a fist and up your ass!

Case 1:

Abimael Guzman Reynoso – Leader of Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) that killed +++++70k people. He lives comfortably under goverment’s funds – I say comfortably because there are hundreds of thousands of people (maybe even millions) who live in the streets, have no insurance, money, or even food to eat… YET this TERRORIST sneezes and gets taken to the freaking Poli-clinic/Hospital/etc to see he is well. The FUCK, right? He who killed soooo many people, and makes the state lose so much money gets FREE health treatment, and I have to freaking pay for insurance.

FUCK!! Who would’ve know I should’ve studied to be a terrorist!!

What a waste of fucking state fund, and taxes!

Look at it this way… an American has to pay thousands of dollars in medical care, so you could say Abimael has more benefits than you. Wanna suck it up? It’s like he’s living in France or something!!

Abimael is a terrorist. Come on! It’s super confirmed he was behind all of it, he was even proud! I say we kill him, fuck the human rights coz he lost his rights the moment someone lost their lives because of him (not only people working for the state, but women and kids as well and many other innocent people) and used the money we are wasting on him with the kids of families HE destroyed.

Case 2

Lori Berenson – American MY ASS. If she wants to be American she should go to Texas and get sentenced to the death penalty, because SHE deserves it. And she probably deserves resurrecting and getting it again.

Her case is this…
Lori Berenson got sent to prison, supposedly giving up her civilian righst (documents, etc)… YET, she gets MARRIED! In prison!!! Without DOCUMENTS!! How the heck does she do that?? Then… she gets pregnant, has problems with her pregnancy anf gets transfered to Lima to get medical treatment… FOR FREE!

Do you get FREE pregnancy medical treatment, Americans? Well, you should’ve killed a few people in Peru, and then plotted to take over congress, you know?

So many women who have done nothing wrong don’t even get the treatment… some even give birth in the streets. Does Berenson have more rights than them???? Is that fair?

Our taxes go to the families of these terrorists because the human rights tells the state to pay??? What happens with all the families that lost people because of THESE terrorists????? Do they get anything?? Do you think the girl in the Tarata explotions who lost her leg got ANYTHING from these so-called Human Rights?

Yes, because I live in a country where the thief has more rights than me. I’m in a country where I could shoot a robber inside my property, and I could go to jail even if the robber was committing a crime. This is the country where thiefs have no shame… they get you with a knife and you can’t possibly shoot them because he must also have a gun to be on the same level as you.

Oh yeah, did I mention TERRORISTS get victim/heroes monuments in Peru? 2M of Euros or Dollars, whatever Germany is donating to build a freaking museum for ‘victims’ who most likely will include terrorists… How about using that money to create a fund for the children, who lost their parents to actual terrorists, to study… not only primary and secondary school but also college and universities. I mean, there’s already a museum here that no one visits, why waste money on another museum that no one’s gonna visit after a while…

Here are also a few quotes from the BBC comments…

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