Archives For latin america

Recently, I’ve noticed that Kpop YouTube channels have been uploading their content with English subtitles!! That makes them official English subtitles — for some major groups like Brown Eyed Girls’ GaIn’s Bloom [MV] and Miss A’s I Don’t Need a Man [MV] (they’ve even added Simplified Chinese!) are recent examples — rendering in my opinion most (if not all) Kpop fansub groups useless.

There’s now no reason to upload an extra video with subtitles… at least in English [1].

Having said that… the quality of subtitles are very important when choosing your fansub group. It is, of course, the content and subtlety of the translation that matters the most, but in terms of hardsubs- it’s also about type-setting. It needs to be readable, and personal comments kept away out of the subtitles [1]. Matters should be as professional as possible… that also means language should be as neutral as possible.

You know I don’t really mind my songs not being translated… but it’s nice to find your favorite songs done the right way.

So thank you, JyariKpop, for your quality subs.

My favorite is, of course, SunnyHill’s Pray [1].

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So I have a complaint… I always get crappy detergent commercials — the Sapolio detergent Principe commercial suck, and it sucks even harder that women aren’t offended by them, as if women’s only thought in their heads was just to get a man after they’re done with laundry.

But then a couple of weeks ago, I saw Camucha Negrete’s face on a Twitter Ace promoted tweet. Then my mother came to me saying she’s seen the funniest detergent commercial since Ariel’s Chaca Chaca [clip] in the late 70s, which according to a comment on YouTube [1]:

el concepto se creo en México, en los años sesentas, fue Noble y Asociados con la primer Vicepresidenta Creativa, la publicista mexicana Cristina Gutiérrez de la Sierra quien inventó la frase y la hizo fuerte, después, la misma agencia de publicidad llevo el concepto a otros países de latinoamérica. De hecho dicen que ella escribía de una sentada las ideas y frases y es creadora de decenas de conceptos arraigados a la cultura latinoamericana.

Was a concept created in Mexico.

So it’s really no surprise at all that Ace, in all its region in Latin America, has employed the help of the Leo Burnett agency [1] to develop the concept of O Mistério Ace (The Ace Mystery) — for Brazil — or El Misterio del Sostén (The Bra Mystery), which stems from the fact that all Latin American countries have strong Telenovela roots. According to my search, the Brazilian version seems to have come by first with an array of different Portuguese Brazilian accent dubs [1] [2] [3] [4] [5], and the concept has now just made their debuts in different Spanish Latino versions from Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia and Peru.

Note: The Chile version seems to be the same to the Argentina according to the uploads on the Ace Chile YouTube Channel.

In the commercial, the “mother-in-law” (played in the Peruvian version by Camucha Negrete, and different actresses in the others) finds a tarnished bra in her son’s room. Thinking it belongs to her son’s girl, she storms into a restaurant telling her son off, as well as suggesting her “daughter-in-law” to use Ace because it keeps whites clear.

Things then get complicated.

I don’t know how “viral” a detergent commercial can get considering the core of Telenovela audiences aren’t usually hooked online. But it’s a good commercial, nonetheless.

Lucky and awesome indeed.

Googling about (as always), I ran into this Best of Beakman’s World collection [1], split into 6-part 10-min clips~ lo and behold! Complete episodes of Beakman’s World Español Latino dubs [1]!!! Because El Mundo de Beakman just melted my brain with the idea that the dubbing voice of Will Smith (Juan Alfonso Carralero, who just happened to be on TV last week as the voice of Viggo Mortensen in A History of Violence xD) was ALSO the voice of Beakman.

Plus, there’s also Laura Torres. O_O

I miss children programming like Beakman’s World — I know there are a few “science educational” children programs out there, but all of them lack the sense of fun and wonder that Beakman had. :(

This is another reason why the 90s rocked so much.

Also… RIP, my dear Ratson.

For the people saying it… it’s really NOT about the money spent, though that helps, of course. And since I haven’t re-watched the Sydney or Athens ceremonies, I’m not ranking them in this list (yet) — I’ll consider them ranking them if I find a download file. xD

In any case, I’m ranking the Olympics as I’ve enjoyed them and with some of the people’s commentaries trying to avoid all the political comments, so I’m really judging the Opening Ceremonies on broadcast artistic merits ONLY — these means how the show was seen on TV since I haven’t seen any ceremony live.

I’m also adding the information on each of their budgets to let you know that it’s not (always) about the money.

So here’s the on-going list. I hope it goes on and on for years to come!

Sochi, Russia!!! Where will you land in 2014!!?? *Updated*

Rio, Brasil!!! Where will you land in 2016??? *Updated*

Pyeongchang, South Korea! Where will you land in 2018???

Tokyo, Japan 2020~~~ Beijing, China 2022???
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YouTube had been conspiring against me showing me a series of videos of my childhood over the weekend, making me feel older than I should. One of these videos had to do with one of Nubeluz‘ host — aka. a Dalina — her name, Monica Santa Maria.

Her tragic ending in a bizarre high profile case of suicide wasn’t really registered in my subconscious. Maybe I was too little to understand, but I don’t think I realized she killed herself well into my years. Watching the videos of the case, looking back at those times with my grown mind, all one can really infer is that she had a deep troubled mind… one way or the other, it was going to end up bad. It’s terribly ironic that she never did what she preached — to enjoy life, embrace it… whatever small beautiful things you may get because life was short.

It’s such a sad thing to see.

ANYWAY. I remember that Nubeluz was celebrating their 20 years — GOSH! — and I ran into this clip of Almendra Gomelsky and the whole cast of the show back together. EVERYONE came back, however big they became… actress Daniela Sarfati, actress Rossana Fernandez Maldonado, twin hosts Anabel and Antuanet Elias, host Maria Pia Copello, and etc. Phew.

They sound atrocious, but it was damn fun. I don’t think Peru has ever developed as good a show as Nubeluz ever was. It has nothing to do with nostalgia. I don’t particularly think the show translated well into English, but I think they had a really good deal with the concept and songs.

Part of the Time Machine: Back to the 90′s Blogathon

I’ve always found Wagner Moura interesting ever since I saw Carandiru. And I finally saw Tropa de Elite (after watching Tropa de Elite 2 a while back xD)!!! And UMPH.

I don’t know what it is, but gosh.

Welcome to another random edition of Wannabe Distributor!

Today’s pick of film is the Taiwan/China co-production of LOVE (愛LOVE).

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I ran into these, and thought “wow, these are particularly quirky classy for Playboy.” xD Has the brand upped its marketing? Because I’ve ran into a couple of other of their commercial, ads, and covers, and well… they’ve changed.

The concepts were done by Brazilian company Neogama BBH.

Well, this one is an “oldie” alright.

I remember in 1999, I was obsessed with this song — at least, it was one of the many songs I obsessed over in those years. It has nothing to do with the video, even though I probably taped the video a million times over on VHS. Hey! We didn’t have YouTube back then!

The video is… very 90s Latin America. Floating face hovering on top of the movie — because Recuerda was the main theme song for an Argentinean movie called La Venganza. You would notice the use of Mistral in one of those scenes. It’s hilarious to watch the video now.

The song is pretty simple in lyrics. Diego Torres is an apt vocalist and songwriter at times, but nothing too extraordinary, so his songs tend to be easier to translate. He’s got some pretty good singles, though.
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