Archives For Music

Debe ser sexy

May 18, 2007 — 3 Comments

Traducción de un artículo “Sexiness a must for today’s lady singers” por Nekesa Mumbi Moody. (link aquí)

Ella fue un “gran talento,” una joven cantante con maravillosa voz que escribió bellas canciones. Pero no era una belleza, además era plana y tenía sobrepeso para empeorar las cosas.

Recordando a la estrella aspirante, la ejecutiva musical, Jody Gerson sigue sintiéndose terrible de pensar: “Nunca encontrará disquera, a pesar de ser fabulosa.”

Gerson podrá sentirse aún peor después de la salida de la noche del miércoles de Melinda Doolittle de “American Idol.” En la industria musical de hoy, las chicas del montón no necesitan presentarse. Sex appeal fue una vez considerado un bonus en una mujer, ahora es prácticamente un requerimiento.

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Well, my music video knowledge is very limited, but these are a couple of the trivia that I know by heart:

  • The first EVER music video aired on MTV was “Video Killed the Radio Star” by, if I recall correctly, The Bugles.
  • “Thriller” by Michael Jackson was the first ever Music Video-Turned Short Film.
  • The first ever Music Video I remember watching is “Remember the Time” by Michael Jackson – another short film/music vid!

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Marit in Stylus picture=D

Link here: Stylus Magazine

Here’s an excerpt:

What’s your impression of American pop music?[…]

[…]But often when I’ve turned on the radio here, I find it very beat-driven and repetitive, somewhat hypnotic, and that’s not up my alley.

She’s a good musician and performer. She’s got what to brag about, haha. Can’t wait for new material. :D

Just began hearing Kobukuro. Effing awesome. Specially their ALL SINGLES BEST released. A double-disc with 20 tracks. I am having trouble finding all the lyrics for the songs in this release. Will post the ones I found, thanks to and

  1. Kimi toiu na no Tsubasa
  2. Anata e to Tsuduku Michi
  3. Koko ni Shika Sakanai Hana
  4. Maiasa, Boku no Yoko ni Ite – revised May 10
  5. Million Films
  6. Eien ni Tomo ni
  7. blue blue
  8. Takarajima
  9. Yuki no Furanaimachi
  10. Negai no Uta
  1. Kaze
  2. YOU
  3. miss you
  4. YELL
  5. Bell
  6. Wadachi
  7. DOOR ~ The knock again ~
  8. Taiyou
  9. Sakura
  10. Mirai e no Kaerimichi

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Okay, I’m sleepy. It’s 5 a.m. but I won’t be able to sleep if I think of forgetting about this when I wake up. Tuesdays mark “new CDs and DVDs” day, I should know, I was the one going on a shopping trip every Tuesday to get my favorite music and movies in Canada. Don’t do it here in Peru, mainly because there is not “new merchandise” day that I know of, and things just don’t get here in time.

Anyway, for anyone – I am the ideal consumer. If I like your product, I will likely buy it. However, products have been sucking lately… also because I hate thinking Blu-ray discs and HD are on the market now, so studios are not releasing two-discs DVDs anymore.

But let’s talk about music as a more general example. Continue Reading…

Brazilian electro-pop-funk group, CSS (Cansei de Ser Sexy), is holding a music video contest with Italian QOOB.

Please, click on this link and register so you can vote for my video!! Well, the site is in Italian, and I know some people will be discourage to register, but you can still watch it through there.

If you still feel like letting me know your comment, and you have a YouTube account, click here.I also got myself a new CPU, from what I have seen so far – it’s at least 3 times faster than my laptop. LOL… I think almost anything can be faster than my laptop nowadays.

It’s been a busy week. I have been working on three different computers… and one of them was quite annoying because formatting sucks, especially if you’re an HP user. Windows sucks too, by the way. And the stupid Support Center, it’s pure rubbish.

Nothing else here, I think. That’s pretty much all. Working on music video, some printing and loads of formatting and installing and complaining.

The Eyes Rant

March 10, 2007 — Leave a comment

I have been listening and re-listening to Marit Larsen’s album (*hint* you can still listen to some of the songs in the music player section) – I bought it almost a year ago, but for the last week I have been hearing 3 or 4 times a day. It just seems so short! It lasts no more than 40min, so when it ends, it leaves you wanting more :P

Anyway, *Amy goes to turn on her disc reader and listen to the CD* – Shoot, even talking about the album makes me wanna listen to it. OK, so I have been listening to it, and felt like doing a portrait of Marit. This is officially my 2nd portrait, and my 3rd digital painting, and my 4th digital artwork – and God! It’s so difficult, I wouldn’t even dare doing it for real with real painting and with real canvases. More power to the real painters out there~

After 13hrs, and maybe 15 plays of the CD, I came out with a pretty decent painting… but it’s always the EYE that screws me over. And I didn’t even have two eyes to screw over like my digital Sooz, which you can see on my DeviantART account. Anyway, here it is…

Marit Larsen Portrait

Björk 6th Album~

March 3, 2007 — 1 Comment

I’m so excited! I just read a press release for Björk’s 6th album, entitled “Volta” – three years after “Medulla”

Here’s what was posted:

“Musical innovator Björk releases her next studio album ‘Volta’ on May 7th 2007.

‘Volta’ is Björk’s sixth studio album and follows the release of ‘Medúlla’ in 2004.

Featuring ten brand new and original tracks ‘Volta’ is entirely written and produced by Björk.

In the role of producer Björk has brought in various other musicians to work on her songs and ‘Volta’ features some of her most interesting collaborations so far with Antony Hegarty (Antony And The Johnsons) singing on two tracks, and Timbaland (Jay-Z, Missy Elliot etc) working with Björk on beats that she created for three further songs.

Other artists that feature on ‘Volta’ include electronic pioneer Mark Bell of LFO and two unique drummers – Chris Corsano (the improvisational drummer who has worked with Sonic Youth amongst others) and Brian Chippendale from Lightening Bolt.

Björk also brought in two acclaimed African artists for ‘Volta’ – Toumani Diabate, the Malian kora player and Konono No1 the experimental band from The Congo who won a BBC World Music Award in 2006. She has also put together her own 10 piece female brass section of Icelandic musicians who play on three further tracks. Meanwhile Chinese pipa expert Min Xiao-Fen plays on one song.”

It’s so exciting!!!! ^^

Bloody hell~

March 3, 2007 — 3 Comments

I tried to add really old entries from when I started blogging, but it’s really impossible. It’s effing retarded to see how I was blogging almost daily when I was 17, and I find it almost impossible now. Gosh~ So I just gave that idea up.

Since it’s been so long since I last really, really blog, this post might just turn up a little too long, but here goes~

I have been a Dixie Chicks’ fan since I first heard “Without You,’ back when Napster was still free, and I was merely a kiddo living in Lima, Peru. I had NEVER in my life been exposed to Country music, because it’s really not the type of music you hear in a country like mine, so we’d never get anything related to them or their music.

Recently, at a forum, I created a topic to discuss Country music, because I was so excited by the Dixie Chicks sweeping off the Grammy awards. Soon, the topic turned from Country music songs to a heated argument about the Dixie Chicks, so I have been wanting to rant about this.

PS: I think the Chicks will be so proud to create so much controversy in forums~ ;)

However, I must say that their music prior this whole thing was pretty great. Loads of fun to listen to, and lovely ballads.

You can’t take that away from them (hmm… mariah carey’s flashback)

I just saw the documentary “Shut Up & Sing,” which was pretty good… I was expecting more politics, but it was actually moving in bits of the film.

I am not American, but I do not condemn or praise what Natalie Maines said. Well, sure I don’t like Bush… I’m guilty of that, but to defend Natalie’s mistake, her comment wasn’t part of the act. They had just finished a song, and during that moment where they were preparing for the other, she wanted to express something that was bugging her, since the US was invading Irak THAT DAY. The Chicks were watching the news… and closely watching Internet news, when they had to go perform, so that kinda messes with your mind a little, and makes you voice your opinion easier than in other circumstances.

Totally opposite to what Tobey(sp?) Keith did insulting Natalie Maines – that was actually PART of his show, which then turned into that stupid kid’s game of insulting. But whatever~ FUTK, FUDC… but I must say I found Natalie hilarious. x’D

However, watching the documentary – you did see them taking advantage of it. At first, Natalie was all about not making a big deal out of it – and their manager was like “wouldn’t it be great if this and that happened?” – I think that was wrong, and the press didn’t wanna let it go either. If the press and republican groups hadn’t made a big deal out of it, nothing would’ve happened – and probably, the Dixie Chicks would’ve been left standing worse.

There’s no such thing as bad publicity. Any type of publicity is good publicity.

Now, I never saw the big deal with insulting Bush. Everyone does. Every political comic artist in the world pokes fun at every politician they know, because that’s what they do. Otherwise, they’d have no jobs.

Bush is as any other president, or any regular person in the planet. Respect should be earned for the things you do, not the title you wear. That’s my opinion…

After my post, the discussion turned to the definition of “freedom of speech” – And I must say that their arguments weren’t valid to me. Freedom of speech is not “saying whatever you like” – Freedom of speech is “giving your opinion about something.” Yelling “FIRE!” at a cinema does not count as part of Freedom of speech because it doesn’t state anything about anything. I rest my case.

In other crap things~ The Oscar was held a few days back. I guessed a few of them – and I loved the surprise for Alan Arkin =D I was really happy for him, even though I wanted Djimon Honsou to win. ^^ – I also loved “Happy Feet” kicking “Cars”‘ ass for Best Animated Feature. However… WTF – I know Jennifer Hudson was a shoo in for all the awards she’s been getting, but WHATEVER in HELL possessed people to give her an Oscar for playing a singer? It wasn’t much of a stretch now, wasn’t it? – Is Rinko Kikuchi a deaf-mute person? Is Adriana Barraza ever an illegal nanny in the States? – ah, I didn’t think so.

But, ok – whatever~ rant’s over~