I never thought I would see the day when Nicole Kidman would USAGI [1]. On a red carpet… posing for hundreds of red carpet photographers and for all of us to see. I LOVE IT.
Archives For Moving Media
YouTube recommendations worked for once! I ran into this pretty complete compilation of Brown Eyed Girls throughout the years, since their beginnings in 2006. As you may know or not, I discovered BEG from Abracadabra [1] and didn’t appreciate their first two albums completely — I liked them, but just liked them — until my trip to Taiwan when I spent most of my highway time listening to them.
However, I haven’t actually bothered to look for Brown Eyed Girls performances throughout the years, so I was astonished to actually SEE how much they’ve changed physically. I knew that JeA, Miryo… and specially Narsha had talked about the things they got done, as they often point out the struggle GaIn had to go through for not accepting to undergo whatever their label wanted her to go through. I had seen the photos and some of the old music videos, but to actually see them perform and SEE — it’s shocking.
I also respect their honesty on the subject.
I’m also SHOCKED at the part where Miryo kinda reminded me of Bibi, with the hair and the geeky getup, included geeky glasses and all.
Cloud Atlas was one of my highlight movies of 2012 [1] given that’s been a meh year — don’t fight me, less than 10% of the films I watched this past 2012 were rated higher than 8 on IMDb. So I’ve been waiting for its release on Bluray because I haven’t heard of theater releases in my country. The rumor I had heard was that it was going to get a release by February 5th, which of course it’s my birthday x)
To top it all, it appears Cloud Atlas its making its push in Mainland China with my favorite girl, BiBi doing a song. And another song featuring a bunch of artists [1].
On first listen the song, titled Under the Stars (星空之下), is so-so. But on further replays, I really like the verses, more so than the chorus. Of course I think pushing Cloud Atlas with a pop song seems completely misplaced considering how awesome the soundtrack to the movie is, but I’m game. I hope it’s a hit in China so it can recoup its missing budget, as it deserves more positive vibes than it has gotten.
In a world torn by gender wars, Lesya and Kenzell must learn to unite and defy all the rules in order to expose the truth.
This looks freaking outstanding.
I haven’t watched Canadian TV in so long too.
I’ve been on a Chulpan Khamatova movie hunt for the past week or two. xD
I had been trying to watch her filmography since… Goodbye Lenin! in 2004, but I never got to it. I, then, chose to watch Luna Papa. I realized I couldn’t call myself a fan if I hadn’t watch more of her movies, so I went finally hunting. I’ve already seen The Land of the Deaf, 72 Meters, Doctor Zhivago, The Sword Bearer, and Domovoy.
I also got The Dancer’s Time (but it’s got no subtitles), Tuvalu is on its way, and I’ve got Paper Soldier ready to go.
I hope that in a few months I have enough information to write a YAM Loves post about her :) Coz her face is perfection personified and from the little information I was able to find, she’s also a fascinating person.
I don’t really hunt down anything Twilight and I’ve been a lousy Buffy fan since my re-watch in 2006, but Joss has just posted this video of Buffy vs. Edward in which they overlap the different ideas presented by both materials to hilarious contrast that comes in an assortment of subtitles that include Portuguese (Brazilian or Portuguese), English captioning, Chinese Simplified, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, French, Spanish, etc — all brought to you by fans.
My re-imagined story was specifically constructed as a response to Edward, and what his behavior represents in our larger social context for both men and women. More than just a showdown between The Slayer and the Sparkly Vampire, it’s also a humorous visualization of the metaphorical battle between two opposing visions of gender roles in the 21ist century.
Read the whole thing here.
Also the author’s YouTube/Lionsgate copyright battle.
NBC is uploading things for posterity! (That’s a first!)
Despite missing the Globes last year. Tina and Amy were too much of a temptation to not watch, and it was worth it… even if they weren’t on the show longer instead of other insipid guests.
Mom, I know you’re inside those blue eyes somewhere and that there are so many things that you won’t understand tonight, but this is the only important one to take in: I love you, I love you, I love you. And I hope that if I say this three times, it will magically and perfectly enter into your soul, fill you with grace, and the joy of knowing that you did good in this life. You’re a great mom. Please take that with you when you’re finally OK to go.
Complete transcript via Awards Daily.
I’ve looked forever and always for this clip of Piper exclaiming “CHUPACABRA!” in one episode of Charmed. Now, with a quick YouTube search, I found the episode of season 4, Bite Me, where it was used [1].
But I’m snatching it before anyone dares take that down.
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