This is a 2006 Live Action adaptation of the Manga series by Yuki Urushibara, featuring ubiquitous creatures called Mushi, which most humans are incapable of perceiving. However, there are few who possess the ability to see and interact with them, one of them is Ginko who refers to himself as a Mushishi (or Bugmaster), traveling from place to place to research Mushi and help people suffering from problems caused by them.
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I found this… thought it was cute though I can’t really get the questions… O.o
I really need someone to translate… LOL’
— June 30 2009 —
I hard-subbed this with kitty’s translation (which is below the break) alongside a link to the original YouTube video. Hope you like it =D
— June 18 2009 EDIT —
Remember that VH1 segment where women sang? You know, that one show that gathered Gloria Stefan, Mariah Carey, Shania Twain… etc, etc~~ Sorry, I’m a little weak in the mind right now. xD
Well, Divas’ is making a comeback~~
Look, I get Divas~ I love talented women… Sophia Loren to me is a legend, whom we could call Diva, I guess~ How about calling the show Legends? LOL, Let’s face it! Divas is now synonym with bitch, hard to work with, and high maintenance.
Anyway~~~ I have issues with VH1’s announcement. First, “Pop, R&B, and hip-hop” – Heck? How about country music? How about rock? Then, VH1 is also asking listeners to pitch in. Let’s face that too! That’s rubbish. *sighs* Why? Britney Spears and Lady Gaga are being suggested! What the…
Who would you suggest? I dunno, howz about a duet by Joan Jett and Reba McEntire… or~~~ hmm… Regina Spektor with Pink? Woah, bizarre. I’d better quit thinking of duets. xD Just naming people~~ Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, Alanis, Alison Krauss, Amanda Palmer, Adele, Emily Loizeau… Bjork? xD
How about mixing music!?!?! Shiina Ringo!!! Or okay… Utada Hikaru… Faye Wong!!! Andrea Echeverri! Bibi Chow? Salyu!!!
ZOMG! A duet between Marit Larsen and Regina Spektor? I’d die~~~
Or one with Bjork and Salyu??? Alanis with Shiina? Amanda Palmer with Andrea Echeverri? Adele with Bibi Chow? Utada Hikaru with Christina? Faye Wong with… Loizeau?? Faye Wong with Bjork?? Utada with Keys? LOL
Nelson Mandela, Queen Rania, Paulo Coelho, Luis Jaime Cisneros V. have come together with others around the world like Natalie Portman, and Dakota Blue Richards (The Golden Compass) on this global project for education.
You can head over here to read some of the stories (in English, Francais, y Español~~ some even in Arabic… but why not in Chinese, Japanese and Korean? I could do some Japanese easy to read stuff~~), and add your name to the list~
Yu with braces!!!
Ok… moving on~~ Portugirl is in my hands!! Or actually, on my desk now, otherwise I wouldn’t be typing. HMV Japan is pretty good~ even though they delayed my order, they sent it 5 days ago and it’s here already! And considering I don’t get Free Shipping with YesAsia anymore… also noticed? Prices are higher in YesAsia now, for example Portugirl would have cost $20ish bucks more with them. Should you be doing YesAsia now?
Anyway! Here it is!!!
Proper fan-ish review, after the break~~~ For a ‘pro’ review, you’ll have to wait. LOL
Live Action version of the famous manga series Hachimitsu to KURO~BA, it follows the lives of five art school students, who are trying to find their way through life and love. Takemoto is not a very good art student… preferring to talk about Japanese castles and models. Morita (Yusuke Iseya – Kiraware Matsuko no Issho, Blindness) is an amazing artist, but fears the real world and prefers to stay behind in the safety of college life. Mayama (Ryo Kase – Tokyo!, PAKO to Mahou no Ehon, GUGU Datte Neko de Aru) is in love with (and stalking) his boss, while Yamada is head over heels for him. And Hagumi (Yu Aoi) is a child prodigy…
Continue Reading...Yu’s site says her new film, Ike-chan to Boku, will be released this June 20 in theaters in Japan. Yes, I still haven’t seen TOKYO!, One Million Yen Girl is still NOT subbed, Osen is NOT on DVD, and Camouflage is still not done subbing either… BUT Yu’s got more new work on the way.
Synopsis sounds SAD! Check this over at Nippon Cinema~
For as long as he can remember, Yoshio (Arashi Fukazawa) has had a mysterious blob-like companion named Ike-chan (Aoi) watching over him. When Ike-chan is happy, she multiples; when she’s troubled, she shrinks; and when he becomes friendly with girls she turns red and starts getting angry. Throughout their time together Ike-chan sticks up for Yoshio when he’s bullied, and the two of them fight when she becomes too smothering for his liking. Then one day when Yoshio is older and has experienced his first love, Ike-chan vanishes from his sight.
T.T reminds me of Winnieh the Pooh. Anyway, Nippon Cinema’s got a teaser, the one-sheet and a little more info on the book it’s based on.
Also~~ Yu’s voice is only feature, and she’s a blob. LOL’ Not sure about the blob on the movie, but illustration looks super cute. Anyway, Yu has proven she’s good voice acting, though this role feels like its very soft unlike her voice acting in Tekkon~~ just saying. xP
Here’s the Japanese website… and the trailer with subs~~ weird subs, but subs. Any Yu Aoi subs are appreciated~~
[iframe width=”480″ height=”390″ src=”″]
Or Li Yuchun, whatever’s your pick on names. She was China’s Supergirl winner… she was the one who beat Bibi.
*le gasp*
I digs… I think she’s got style *points at Shane* – She’s also funny on stage… can’t beat doing the Cha Cha Cha, right? Or singing Corazon de Melao. LOL’ She does magic tricks, and she apparently directed some of her MVs.
that’s a pretty cool video, but still… Bibi >>> Chris – sorry, Chris fans. Just check that link.
… Amy Poehler, that is.
Did you read the Advocate interview she did?? I just died laughing with this quote…
Who’s the most important gay person in your life now?
Shane from The L Word. She just can’t get her shit together. She’s a broken bird, and she needs someone to fix her. Just when you think she’s ready for love, she sabotages it. And the woman gives a rock ’n’ roll haircut. [Laughs]
Oh, Amy! The interview was fun~~~~ xD and she goes on to say this;
… I like children to have nice manners and a lot of boundaries. My hope for my children is that they’re happy, and my hope for myself is that people want to be around my children.
*sighs* where ARE those kind of mothers these days???
Okay, last time Marcia totally blew up in my face – but that’s hardly my fault, right? But nothing to lose on supporting Toni Collette now…
No one could play 4 characters like Toni does. xD From crazy obnoxious T, to proper but scary Stepford wife Alice, to weeny-less Vietnam vet Buck – LOL, I love Buck. Oh, and don’t forget ‘it’. Toni can play “it” too.
It’s early for award season, yada yada yada~~ I know, but these turned out pretty nice, no? Free to post out and about if you are a fan of the show, or Toni, and feel she should be Best Actress next. Here’s the complete set~~ INCLUDING, one more of Tara and the alters group, one of T, one of Alice, and one Buck. Oh, how I wish there was a picture of Gimme or whatever ‘its’ name is spelled.