Well, something worth pointing out from the Pacific Rim fans. How awesome is “let me google that for you” ??? It’s awesome. And perfect. So for those people that might be wondering- no, she’s not a newcomer, you guys.
Archives For 2013
Oh man, American pop music must really be in a dire situation if people are praising Britney’s latest song, Ooh La La — for The Smurfs 2 OST, I swear this is the last time I mention that movie — as “vintage Britney” and describing it as “folksy pop-tart” with “whimsical vocals,” because yeah. I’ll defer y’all to SunnyHill. [1][2][3][4] You’re welcome.
Anyway, I’ll roll my eyes to the song and the music video. I just wanted to talk about Britney. I think this is the first time, since the early 2000s, that I’ve seen Britney happy. And I’m happy she looks happier. I think she enjoys spending time with her kids. I wish she could be happier through most of her week.
What I’m not entirely sure is if she should be adding her kids into the music video — she should know she’s exposing them more than what paparazzi shots would be. Adding them into her music video would make them fair game. I hope she’s not turning into her own mother.
I remember how it was. The introduction to NHK’s newest morning drama played and I wondered what happened to Jun to Ai, I thought Asadoras lasted all year — I guess not. Anyway, the intro to Amachan seemed pretty funny, and of course it was. Apparently, it was written by Kankuro Kudo, so I stuck around for an episode. Aki (Nounen Rena) had forcefully decided — against her mother’s (Kyoko Koizumi) wishes — to become an Amasan. A photographer had been shooting pictures, and Kyoko Koizumi was running off to Koike Teppei’s lighthouse screaming “HENTAI!!!!” and he apologized for it LOL. I was laughing too much already.
Then, of course, I saw Nounen Rena’s funny face when falling into the water, and her funny expression when she was not-so-much as deep-sea-diving, but she was stranded in the middle of the ocean. I wasn’t hooked, but I was peeking my interest. Damn, Nounen Rena is so charismatic… at least in the role of Aki.
I want to see some of her other roles to figure out whether or not this charisma is hers or if it’s the role, and if it’s the role… then maybe she’s one hell of an actress. She seems super dorky too, and she has an aura that you kinda just can’t help but to root for her.
Holy mother of $*#&$#
This is Sharon Stone at age 55. (I actually thought, for a second, she could have been closer to 60). But this, this photoshoot for Revista Vanity Fair. I don’t give a care about Sharon Stone much, and a lot of what she talks about gives me a mad case of eye-roll, but this photoshoot by Norma Jean Roy is crazy good.
I have a feeling I’m never writing that “ø” in Bolsø ever again. I’m not even typing it. But damn, I was impressed with Ingrid Bolso Berdal while watching Flukt. She really made the film for me. You remember how many chills I got from Charlize Theron in Huntsman? Watching Berdal as Dagmar was downright chilling. She’s like a total badass Theron.
Oh, man~ Liu Huan is gone from The Voice of China, and I thought he was the one elevating the show to a more professional level. Have no idea why he’s not there, but I hope he’s back later on.
And my prediction of Wang Feng being on the show [1] kinda became a reality, except not replacing who I thought he should be replacing. LOL
Happy to see A-Mei, though I would prefer her releasing new music instead.
I have nothing to say about Harlem Yu xD We are just not compatible. LOL
National Geographic programming usually shifts from interesting to completely eye-roll worthy, but this particular special on these three particular transgender people — simply titled American Transgender — is something I’ve seen a couple of times. I think that when it first aired, I saw it twice in a row. I think it might have been because LGBT media, especially in regards of transgender people, is just really downright depressing, so it was surprising to see something quite uplifting. I mean, Claire, Jim and Eli are damn lucky and it’s so good to see.
How many times do you get to see a wedding? A boy became a woman, and the girl became a man. They met, fell in love, and got married. How perfect is that? Overcoming struggle, and the importance of the support of family. Fiction will never be as good as that.
Okay, I gotta admit South Korea- I’m jealous.
Some of you may complain about the political implications of choosing Park Geun-hye’s party, but you’re getting the cake. This is coming from someone less privileged than you in terms of political options. I don’t want to talk about my current president, but since President Park Geun-hye just made a splash on my TV speaking Mandarin at a speech she delivered just this week at Tsinghua University during her visit to Beijing [1], which apparently is self-taught [1][2] (that’s even way more accomplished!), I want to give a good mention to my Ex-Pres.
A couple of years back, when (now Ex-) President Hu Jintao was visiting the country when Alan Garcia was still president — and he gave us THIS SUPER AWKWARD photo of himself trying to hug/kiss Hu — Alan had the BRILLIANT idea of giving HIS own speech in Mandarin, even though he knows a lick of any Asian language (I doubt he knows anything about Asian culture outside what to eat at a Chifa [1], explaining why he tried to hug/kiss Hu, LOL).
The end result is, of course, madly hilarious if you speak Spanish.
Besides trying to sound out Mandarin, which you know it’s nearly impossible, he sounded out some “words” that sounded similar to other words in Spanish, included the now political-satire-classic “Soy chanchin,” which is a cute modification to the word “chancho,” meaning “pig.” So basically it sounded like he said “I’m a little fat.” Hilarious history in the making right there.
Surprisingly, Hu had the biggest poker face EVER. He didn’t blink, snorted, NOTHING. He’s either the best politician in the whole wide world, or his team warned him about this Garcia Mandarin stunt and he turned off any of his hearing aid, if he used any.
I still haven’t been able to locate a photo of me as a child in my family’s house garden waving the yellow and lime green plastic Sword of Omens I had as a child. However, these guys are designing weapons or designing pretty awesome real props, and have made my dorky childhood dreams come true.
Its amazingness is beyond words.
And YES. Even though Thundercats aired in the mid-80s, I saw them in the early 90s in their dub version, and it was still pretty goddamn awesome.
A long long LONG time ago (actually, about three years ago), I made a rough list of Yu Aoi films I had watched and ranked them on MUBI (then TheAuteurs). Since I’m way too lazy to bother adding films to their database, unless I really REALLY wanted the films to be on their database, I’m just gonna work on the ranking here, like I started with my Russian fandom love Chulpan Khamatova.