I’m a little bit sad I have no one else to share this with. I think my dad would’ve loved seeing this clip of BiBi and Chris Lee together after all these years. It’s all gonna be so weird now, I have no one to share all my music with.
I’m a little bit sad I have no one else to share this with. I think my dad would’ve loved seeing this clip of BiBi and Chris Lee together after all these years. It’s all gonna be so weird now, I have no one to share all my music with.
I would rarely post a fanvid lyric video, but this song suddenly popped up in my recommended YT clips, and seems very fitting.
Summer has come and passed,
The innocent can never last-
wake me up when September ends.Like my father’s come to pass,
seven years have gone so fast-
wake me up when September ends.Here comes the rain again,
falling from the stars.
Drenched in my pain again,
becoming who we are…As my memory rests,
but never forgets what I lost-
wake me up when September ends.Ring out the bells again
like we did when spring began-
wake me up when September ends.Like my father’s come to pass,
twenty years has gone so fast-
wake me up when September ends.
And surely, September has come and passed., like my father.
Sept. 26. Wake me up when September ends.
I find it strange that I got to find out Westlife is splitting up while on Weibo. I don’t know if that says how much I spend time there now, or if that only means I don’t follow the guys on Facebook or how much they matter or Twitter.
Anyway, Westlife going their separate ways after years… and years… feels weird as if I hadn’t been paying attention to this pop side of my life I used to have. My story with the band is a rather interesting one that started with a communication class group assignment where we had to make our very own radio show.
You can say I started my very first podcast back in the late 90s.
And you know what’s funnier (weird)?
My dad agrees. Hahahahaha. This is why dad rocks~
So I was showing my dad Jing’s latest music video, and we were agreeing (again) that before you realized that the video was about Cyndi Wang and her dead boyfriend, that it felt kinda gay-ish with Jing waking up next to Wang. Anyway, we ended up searching for Jing’s performances in her idol days…
I’m telling you, JingCastleSubs are the best.
And, OMG! She’s so handsome xD and I told my dad “wow, she looks more handsome than my cousins” and we burst out laughing, coz we always pick on family like this. And then we got sad… just watch the video, awwww just wanna hug her so she doesn’t cry… and then she rubs her eyes – through her non-glasses glasses, so we burst out laughing again.
My dad’s totally having an identity crisis, I just know it. LOL
And you know what’s even funnier??? The first time Jing performs on the show, the host first says “I thought this one was a girl.” Once Jing tells her she is, the host tells her that she’s a little too handsome. She totally is. LOL
Dude! Bad-ass with a heart.
Ip Man, for the people who don’t know, is Bruce Lee’s martial arts master.
Though, from the little info I could read on the real Ip Man, they do make him look like a total hero here. I mean, you watch the first Ip Man film [semi-biographical], and he’s painted like a real nice man who likes to spar with other martial artists. He’s just a family man, and good to everyone, but he does sure love his martial arts.
Ip Man is the hero. He is the man, and this is a total blockbuster, but with a lot more heart. I teared up a bit in parts, and I’m not even supposed to feel “patriotic” about it. But this is not about that, right? Wow, Ip Man… or I mean, Donnie Yen can totally kick ass.
I suspect my grandfather would have enjoyed this movie very much. My dad sure did.
And because Ip Man 2 [pretty much not biographical] has just opened in China and some other territories (including Australia, damn those lucky SOBs xD), Ip Man has been battling it out on the box office against Iron Man. However, despite Ip Man 2 not being as good as the original Ip Man… it totally beats Iron Man 2 to a pulp… in quality, not in box office power.
Yeah, sure. Ip Man 2 is a little bit Rocky and a little No Retreat, No Surrender — and all the many fighting movies — but I can’t deny Ip Man has a lot of heart. I mean, can’t get more patriotic than fighting to “defend all Chinese culture.” How was the line? Something like you can put me down, but not all Chinese martial arts?
And oh man, Bruce Lee was such a total cocky child actor.
*sighs* if he only were alive.
Dad ur getting older…
but there are still cool points.
I’ve hated #4 this past weeks. That number is an unlucky number…
Anyway, this is my 4th contribution to the Japanese Cinema Blogathon, if you haven’t been reading… which I hope you have had~~~ because that’s the whole point of this blogathon, right? To promote J-Films…
Which brings me to today’s topic.
How to Make People Watch Japanese Cinema
It’s all about compromise. God knows I’ve tried so hard to get my friends interested in it, because sometimes it can get boring talking to people about it just online… *sighs* I’m sure I come off as pushy, etc~ and many of them won’t budge. I even offer them films to watch for free… they only need to come over, and that’s that.
Last year I had a Foreign Film gathering (they chose the foreign theme, anyway), two of the nine films scheduled that day were Tetsuya Nakashima’s Memories of Matsuko – mainly because I’m crazy about that film, and I had just watched it a few weeks prior – and Shunji Iwai’s Hana & Alice, because Iwai-san and Yu Aoi is lurv. Sadly, no one came on time to watch Matsuko (only one friend arrived… halfway through the film), and I highly doubt they made any connection with Hana & Alice.
Needless to say, I’m setting up another film gathering, though I haven’t made them choose themes yet. I have a few lists I’ve made and they contain a couple of Japanese films. Let’s hope one of them stays this year! *crosses fingers*
Anyway… you don’t want to come off as pushy – and like I said above… it’s all about compromise.
This will make your friend feel like you are not pushing him to watch something, instead you’re just exchanging interests… and who knows, you might end up enjoying both those hobbies.
The point of this blogathon is to promote Japanese Cinema, but we are the ones dealing and discussing. I mentioned this blogathon to a friend, and she had no idea why she should care. *doh!* – combine the idols with your favorite Japanese Directors, and get them at least skimming through your posts. Make a western comparison… got something to write about vampire films? psych ward films? I mean Clive Owen has said that he wants to work with Wong Kar Wai and Ang Lee again… that means some teenage Owen fans would be at least be interested in checking out some more work by both directors.
How about a crazy collaboration between Johnny Depp and Tetsuya Nakashima? Or Juliette Binoche and Shunji Iwai?
I made a fuzz about Tokyo! – I kind of really worship Michel Gondry’s visual style… then there was Ryo Kase, and Yu Aoi. – I’ve also been making a fuzz over New York, I Love You because it’s got Shunji Iwai’s short with Orlando Bloom. Now, I don’t like Orlando Bloom (I’ve only ever liked him as Legolas LOL), but if there are people who enjoy the short… there is a small chance that a teenage Bloom fan might check out Iwai’s past work.
My dad likes comedies… and action films, but well~ he also happens to like Asian culture, LOL’ so maybe I’m being a little unfair here. Anyway, I’ve made him watch films like Linda Linda Linda, Matsuko, Swing Girls, Tekkon, Kamikaze Girls… then one day he brought me Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams. *laughs* I was surprised myself, but my dad had a newly-found interest in Japanese films (mostly the epic kind though… xD)
and to just not have FOUR bullet points here…
Keep bugging people. Someone will need to budge, right? LOL
Okay, if you haven’t read the Quickie one, do so here –
I needed some time to find the setlist, which I couldn’t really find so you’ll have to rely on my memory and how it connects the online videos of the concert. Lucky for you, Wikipedia did a fairly good job… I think.
Here’s the songs that were played:
… on a NYLON Korea photoshoot.
Yu + Bae Doona + a Linda Linda Linda mention = awesome~~~ xD If you haven’t seen Linda Linda Linda, you must. Gets better in time~~ And just the idea that Yu was supposed to be involved, but had to back out. Oh the Linda Linda singing along possibilities of singing Yu. xD
BTW, my dad also LUVed Linda Linda, and Bae Doona’s character was his fave++ Another reason why my dad’s cool~
Today’s my dad’s Bday! Happy Bday! I called him at midnite to wish him a happy bday~~
And just like my last Father’s Day post, I’m gonna post why my dad is the coolest… xD
First… since it’s almost barely a month~~ He’s going to the BSB concert with me! xD He likes singing Everybody (BackStreet’s Back) xD – and no… unlike many people in his generation (meaning our parents) he does NOT confuse BSB, NSYNC and New Kids on the Block… and he even recognizes between them, 5ive and Westlife. LOL