Archives For china

Dear, Bang Bang Tang members~

I stalk your douban page from time to time, even if I don’t really read Chinese characters. I heard your music once featuring on CNN’s CNNGo programming, and I was hooked.

Anyway… enough with the fan message. xD

I am aware Bang Bang Tang — not the Taiwan boyband — just get together when they feel like playing, and actually study… or I guess already have jobs. I know the indie music scene is really tough… imagine such a huge market like China.

I wish someone who sign them already. Anyone, even an international indie label. Sighs. You know, instead of debuting a new girl group a week, they should fund BBT’s album.

Suffering fan,
amy xD

Here. I leave you with the video for  Bang Bang Tang (棒棒糖) – 我最爱缺陷男 (Wo Zui Ai Que Xian Nan) – My Favorite Male Defects, which was included in my Top-Rated Songs of 2010, even though it’s not a 2010 song. Only one exception to that rule. xD

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Top-Rated Songs of 2010

April 7, 2011 — 3 Comments

I know it’s pretty late, but I guess that I always put the list off because there was always that “haven’t listened to that yet” issue. I will be probably adding 2010 stuff later on, but it won’t hurt to put my top rated songs — according to iTunes and iPod numbers.

Surprisingly, or not surprisingly… the majority of top-rated songs that are equal or greater than 5 stars are Asian artists with their Asian songs and albums. LOL As you know, I’m trying to mix everything up with languages, so I’m also trying to pick one song per artist xD

I hope you like this compilation, there are links to preview the tracks… and also links to buy the albums via affiliate programs, so if you like anything – please support this blog (or YAM)

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I don’t recognize you.

I swear that if I ran into this video without knowing what your name is in characters, I wouldn’t know it’s you. I also have stated that when you released Time, and many people complained that it was boring, I said that it was a well-produced album expanding your vocal range.

I like your two last albums, but your performance of the songs is not up to par with what you’ve previously performed, and it’s because you’re letting the production overpower your talent. And I don’t mean it so you stick to R&B – I actually really REALLY love your duet with Priscilla Chan. One of the most quality presentations vocally you’ve ever done.

FYI, I’m aware this is a fan-shot video.

But even if production and video quality are better than the other between the examples, you have to admit that the big dress and big hair is overpowering her presence on that stage, and the song is too mellow to be presented like that.

I’ve said her album Time would be better suited for an acoustic.

Today, while watching Chinese news — yes, I know… hardly unbiased opinion — I saw that China had deployed military airplanes, cargo ferries, and commercial flights in order to mobilize over 35k people out of Libya.

While violence and unrest is rampant, and expats from everywhere in the world are trying to get out, and people outside are “celebrating” freedom of speech, people are left without jobs, and families are left without income. Chinese expats have been uncommunicated with their families since the unrest began, waiting in the airports that have no running water.

Now, they’re back home.

When trying to look for the news to post, googling “China” to check the latest news from there, I only ended up seeing negative items. I ended up with and by looking for “China Libya” I found some tiny articles from the West barely mentioning this.

I thought it’s an important news item to highlight.

Weibo Fail

February 26, 2011 — 3 Comments

So I was browsing around to see if I should setup a Weibo (aka. China’s microblogging a la Twitter), and I was fine. I was able to open an account, and got an email for confirmation. The problem began later.

I was supposed to pick a nickname, and setup my profile… but there was an issue. I thought it must be me not reading characters, so I google it up and ended up with this Tutorial on how to setup a Weibo account (to follow CNBLUE, ha!).

And it seems like the “Location” option tab — which is the first rectangle in my screencap — is set automatically, but in mine shows nothing! Then, I don’t have the confirmation code either! So I can’t move on from that setup page!

To make matters worse, servers in China are sooooo freaking slow. What’s up with that China? You’re awesome and all, but the slow internet, and slow response for people outside China of Chinese sites is kinda sad. =(

I think this is the only video of Bibi with English subtitles. It’s short, barely three minutes of it… but makes me miss BiBi circa her NOW/WOW albums… which reminds me, gotta review those.

[iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”400″]

Her last bit singing gives me the shivers.

From the last few performances she’s done, something is amiss. Her voice is quite not right, and I think it might be due to the production of her last album.


Forgive the lack of updates, but then again… you do know there’s YAM, right?

Paypal in China?

December 29, 2010 — Leave a comment

I is very excited about this news? I don’t know, all this business talk at this time of night gets me confused, but I seem to understand that Paypal is opening business in Chongqing. Did you know my grandpa was from Chonqing? Dumb-dumb gave away — gave away!!! — his properties. Ahhh… my grandpa.

Anyway, I digress.

I’m very excited about this bit of news because Modern Sky‘s online store, or I guess online catalog we could only ordered with a money order because… obviously, there was no Paypal in China — but now there will? Too bad Milk@Coffee is no longer with Modern Sky xD

I’ve never seen this video of Bibi during her Super Girl days. And I never knew she sang Gone by NSYNC! She even has a more likable – hint: not nasal – voice than Justin Timberlake. Someone tweet this to him ASAP! xD

I wish she had changed the line about “being a man and be strong” xD but to what?

Then? Then she pulls of the ABC song in blues? Please, WTH.

I’m also making a YouTube playlist titled “Why Zhou Bichang is Awesome” LOL And you see the 2nd clip on that list? The duo with Priscilla Chan – that’s the same song she sang on this clip up here in the contest.

Makes me feel so proud.

I thought I should re-post from here.

And I get to fangirl here.

I knew this had to become a single. Surprised that Bibi’s English is so well-pronounced. I mean, we got a tiny official peek when she sang those bits in English on her song Seasons from the Time album, which has a super soft tone to it, so easy to listen to and so lovely.

But in I Miss U Missing Me she goes all power ballad on me xD

The video is eh… eclectic for a power ballad. But I can dig the color palette, though I don’t get the circus and carousel theme.

Sorry, no photographer credit that I could “read.”


Zhao Wei’s (aka. Vicky Zhao) Harper’s Bazaar January cover~~~ pure gorgeousity. Her skin is flawless and oh-so-clear, with that combination of colors in her dress, the tinge on the photograph, and the colors in the background, she’s wow — I can’t believe she just had a baby. LOL

Wait… if she has a baby – does that make her a MILF? Woah. So weird since she looks so young~ xD

Anyway~~~ Zhao Wei’s interesting on screen, but on photos I’ve always had a problem with her nose. Sometimes, when the shot is not right… it seems large, and it sticks out a lot. I don’t know if it’s an issue with the camera lens, or if it’s a photo angle issue… but in this particular shot – she looks perfect.

Check out the full set on high resolution photos over at