Archives For animation

Last post of the month! #75!!! xD

Dominoes - wwf

Animated for the WWF (the wildlife… wrestling is no more for a long time now) by Wyld Stallyons. I always have a thing for things dealing with domino. Like in V for Vendetta. xD I can’t help myself.

Check it out~

And is that Tempus Sans? I used to use that in school too. xD

There’s a short film/music video hybrid~
check it out, yo!

Continuing with the warm-up!
Woohoo!! Movie count is up to 41!!
Only 7 more to go~~~ xD

First, some observations. I noticed that I’ve only listed about 70 films (counting with some really REALLY bad ones there), and I had to cut to half of those… the results are kind of very American. You agree?

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It’s supposed to be “stop motion” but it’s really mixed media =P
can’t go really wrong with music by Sigur Ros, eh?

stop motion! wafflers and cheesy 90s song!! xD

woah, some heavy stuff on this one~~~
am I a mindless git? Can I use “git” for feminine?

It’s 35 films this year! Woohoo! Well, not much to celebrate since some of those were really REALLY bad, but they count for the movie countdown~~~
In the meantime, I’ve decided to put my list of Best 2001 films.

It was really difficult to choose some, as I seem to not have seen many 2001 films, so many of my nominees are the same as the Oscar, I feel. Remembering the films made me remember about the first time I actively waited for the Oscar. I mean, the event in itself was something I did, but that year was the year I said I’m gonna watch the Oscar to see who will win. American Beauty won that year, as did Kevin Spacey and The Matrix. 1999 Films, wow~~~ I was 13 going on 14.

Anyway~ without further ado~~~

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More fun educational stuff by They Might Be Giants,
because… Jurassic Park FTW!!! xD

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This post is dedicated to Julz and her bro. xD
‘coz I know they read the blog, and they both love Rock Band…
and hopefully both of them love The Beatles~~~

and for those who loved the intro~~~
though I’ve posted it before, quality is better on this one~

What better way to show people that Google cares about your privacy, than with a cute animation on how it’s done. Only from Google Japan, of course~~~