Archives For actress

I think the website that had the scans for the Boys Style So-En photoshoot is gone, so I took some of my late night hours, un-watermarked and cleaned up the images for re-posting.

Call it… Yu Aoi archiving purposes. LOL

Photos by Mie Morimoto, but you know~ It’s all about the style in this one, right?
Stylist: Junko Kobashi
Hair & Makeup: Takayuki Miyamori [who also did Yu as a Mori Girl]

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Hey, guys~

Just wanted to let everyone know that I created a Yu Aoi list on TheAuteurs ranking her films. I’m still undecided about overall film or just Yu’s performance, so I’m going to say a mix of both.

I think it’s time to take the post-its off…

I thought that for my birthday, I could have a little Nicole Julian reunion…
I love it when she asks Mary Cherry why she’s dressed up as a gay turkey.
Teehee, even makes me laugh to type that.

SAG 2010 Winners

January 24, 2010 — Leave a comment

Sorry, I couldn’t blog the SAG live…
my internet connection died on me at 8pm, and just got it back.

I was kind of Okay-ish with my predictions xD

And Yay for Michael C. Hall! And Yay for Glee!!
A little boo for Toni Collette not winning though…

And Yay Star Trek Stunts! xD

Bridges, Monique and Waltz become the almost factual winners of the Oscar by now with these wins, which only leaves just a few days before nominations are announced xD

Biggest “I Saw that Coming” Moment was Sandra Bullock possibly winning a Best Actress at the Oscar. I mean, seriously. Really??? I love Sandra Bullock, she’s funny… but get real!

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Ohisashiburi desu! LOL
This is taking the 4-years-waiting title. xD

This is your chance to see Yu Aoi on scrubs… even if she spends the first episode apologizing for everything she does, after all — she is playing a nurse just out of school, so we can forgive the IV drip, the blood-taking… the fainting in the OR, and shutting her eyes while doing an incision. Mina-chan is kind of a klutz, but a super-cute-i-totally-wanna-hug-you-poor-you clumsy nurse.

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Though I feel the trailer spoils the film a bit too much.
The only person who can answer this is Julz…
Does it?

I love Kore-eda’s work and sensibilities as a director. He always gets to me. And doe-eyed Doona Bae is always so good to see. Perfect to play a blow-up doll. LOL

Finally got the chance to watch the second chapter of Camouflage fully translated. Why? One, because I didn’t have the time, and when I had the time ViiKii wasn’t letting me stream.

So… anyway! I’m pimping subscribers! I want more people to subscribe, and I guess most of the visitors are coming here for their Yu Aoi fix, so please. Add this blog to your Google, or your Yahoo…. or just add the blog’s Feed to any reader you use, that way you can keep up with your Yu Aoi reading. ;P

Okay, pimp time is done.

BARAIRO NO HIBI, or Rose-colored Days is the 2nd 3-episode chapter of Yu Aoi’s Camouflage, which aired a LONG time ago. The title seems to be a play on words on “rose-colored g lasses” (aka. pink-colored glasses) which refers to seeing something nicer than it normally is. A common word that is often used (and I often read about 5 years ago) was delusion. Delusional people aren’t really crazy per se, but they are living in an illusion that they’ve created.

In this case, Yu’s character, Makoto.

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you so gotta see the one on the Great Wall.

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Found these ;P I think most of us know that Hana & Alice was expanded from the Kit Kat Anniversary CMs. xD Some cute moments here and there… if you haven’t seen the film, what are you waiting for?

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November 18, 2009 — 1 Comment

I found these shots of Anne Hathaway taken by Yu Tsai


Cute, but you gotta see the ones with Eva Green — photographer, I dunno.
You know? Well, let me know then…

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