Fandom crossover… of sorts. Obviously, otherwise I would have known about this sooner rather than later- if I were a hardcore f(x) or Anna Kendrick fan. But the Kpop humor nearly kills me. Kkkkkkk xD

My favorite detail about the clip, though, is when Kendrick is choreography-failing and she goes “Amber, if you could just teach me…” because you know what could happen when that happens. I see what you did there, Anna.

I think she deserves her tag now.

I haven’t bought anything on a vending machine in a VERY long time, unless you count the times I’ve used machines that dispense train tickets — and that would probably be twice in a little more than a year.

So this video of a vending machine in Japan using a Touch Screen is very interesting to me. Is there a practical reason they would need to switch regular vending machines to these touch screens? I can’t think of any reason at the moment, then again- it’s nearly 5am. This sort of posting always happens at this time of night/morning.

I’m not particularly fond of Girls Generation, but I like them THEM – they’re funny. I ran into this compilation of everyone’s pointing out at each others’ sleeping habits… which, you know, they’re always interesting to find. That’s one of the reasons I strongly believe in cohabitation before marriage; it’s always good to know other people’s sleeping (and living) habits.

My family’s habits are probably a lot closer to Taeyeon’s. My mother and I speak in our sleep — my cousin told us that there was once we were all on the same room sleeping, my mother sneezed in her sleep, I told her “bless you” and she responded with a “thank you” without ever waking up. LOL

Then of course there’s the infamous time when I was visiting my cousin in Hawaii, and I was sleeping in her room. At that time I was surrounded by a lot of Korean friends in my daily life who would speak a lot of Korean among themselves. There was a point that it was so much Korean, that I started understanding words out of nowhere. Apparently, that night in my cousin’s house, I was speaking something unintelligible. That day I told her I had dreamed about my Korean friends. So what say you? Did I speak unintelligible Korean in my sleep?

What language do you guys dream in?

I usually dream in both Spanish and English — sometimes it gets wacky because friends that I would normally speak in English to start speaking Spanish in my dream. Then it all gets a little fuzzy. I’ve never had that happen backwards, though.

I was watching La Maison de Himiko the other day and my heart was struck once again by how beautiful Odagiri Joe is. I don’t think it translates too well in photographs, but his face on a movie screen while he’s doing his acting magic. It’s so alluring.

Here he is in some photoshoot for Korean 1st Look.



One of the most tiring things on technology blogs is to read comments from people. It’s been specially tiring when Apple fans start blasting Samsung/Android posts, and viceversa. Though I must admit The Next Big Thing Commercial [1] was pretty funny. However, there was always something in common for the both of them, they could piss on Nokia.

Well, Nokia won’t stand for it no longer!

And their commercial speaks the truth.

Mori Now Building Group is celebrating ten years of something, so they’ve opened a website called Tokyo City Symphony where you’d be able to experience Tokyo at a 1:1000 scale 3D map projection.

It’s pretty darn visually impressive.

Faye Wong’s baby girl is no longer a baby. Leah Dou (Dou Jingtong, 竇靖童) is freaking 16 years old, and I just discovered that she’s posted a song online. Daughter of Chinese musician Dou Wei (窦唯) and Asian diva Faye Wong, you’d think their daughter would be predestined for musical haven — Of course, in this day and age, you would be more inclined to think that she’d be a spoiled brat. But her introduction makes it seem like she’s a composed young adult.

Seems like Dou and Wong have been decent parents.

Move over Taylor Swift, as much as your first two albums seemed to pave an okay-ish path of songwriting skills with some… vocals, Leah Dou has arrived and hasn’t even started yet. Is not only that she’s Faye Wong’s child (and she’s enormous) , that just got me mildly interested. I clicked on the link thinking “oh, great! Another kid on the internet with a guitar.” But passed the first few chords, the quality of her voice is just… mind-blowing. And I don’t think she’s even trying to impress. She’s just chilling.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff0090&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Of course this comes after her mom’s latest release that has already shot up to my favorite tracks this year, and I doubt any other track will snatch the #1 spot for my yearly music countdown.

You can follow Leah’s activities on Facebook, YouTube, Soundcloud and Twitter… and Weibo.

After many many MANY years, Yu Aoi’s Itoh Company web page will be redesigned. At the moment, you are greeted by the message excusing themselves for the blank page, and given a pop-up link to her Itoh profile.


I wonder what they will come up with.

And no, Itoh Company didn’t contact me. xD

For a few couple of years already, people have been calling on the death of printed paper. And in all honesty, I rarely print stuff for myself — a vast majority of printed documents refer to letterhead letters, which I usually just send on PDF by email. But if I’m printing something, it’s got something to do with branded documentation.

We’ve talked about e-paper [1], digital newspapers, and Samsung’s flexible screens [1] are coming. People are supposedly using smartphones and are all over iPads, as sales for PCs are down dramatically as times flies by. Yet, people apparently still print stuff. At least that’s the premise for this project:

For a long time, people have been playing around with interactive tables [1][2][3][4][5], though I don’t know anyone who can afford one. The guys from Fujitsu Laboratories seem to be aiming at consumer-range products. And though it may sound and look cool that you can turn all your printed documents into something digital and interact with it, wouldn’t it mean that your page with video included has already been digitally design?

There’s digital pop-up books!


Of course, there ARE elements in our everyday life that aren’t digital — doodled post-it notes (I can’t think of anything else other than notes). The rest, they wouldn’t have been embedded elements on your digital source document. The question is, why print it?

My Teenhood Crushes

April 16, 2013 — 1 Comment

I ran into this after a series of related links on websites.


“I never took the fame too seriously, it was a great period in my life, but it doesn’t define me.”

So I went down a bit on memory lane to think about my favorite guys.

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