So finally~~~ The bottom 5 of the Top10 actors you should be watching until they turn 30. And here’s another asshole. Because there is a 95% chance that he is a douche with all those reports and things he says. Plus, he’s short… that’s probably where the bad attitude comes from.
Not everyone can be Tom Cruise.
You may ask why he is ahead of freaking Shia LaBeouf, after all LaBeouf has 2 franchises – but those are pretty boring franchises. Skull wasn’t that good of an Indiana Jones film, and Transformers 2 was rubbish. ANYWAY, why is Hirsch on #6 of the list???

His jump from TV to the big screen was on The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys (with Kieran Culkin, Jena Malone and… Jodie Foster!) — so that’s pretty awesome. He later was placed into the spotlight with The Girl Next Door sharing screen with Elisha Cuthbert (oh, what the heck happened to you) and Paul Dano.
He’s also been involved on Imaginary Heroes (Sigourney Weaver, Jeff Daniels, Michelle Williams), Lords of Dogtown (with a whole bunch of people including Heath Ledger and Michael Angarano), he later should’ve been nominated for his role on the Sean Penn’s directed film Into the Wild, and became part of Milk sharing the screen with Penn himself.
So that’s freaking impressive, liking his attitude or not. Would I dish my hard earned cash on someone who’s such an asshole? No, I wouldn’t. This is why Hirsch’s thing isn’t a blockbuster. But is it worth keeping an eye on the roles he chooses? Yes, he has chosen interesting projects since he left the small screen for the silver one, and there is no reason why he shouldn’t be looking for other roles like that.
And no. Hamlet is not a brilliant idea, but Hardwicke could make it work.