Archives For Jobs


Does that say enough to you? Really, read the editor’s note. Lots of things on this new issue… new problems, new films, new music…

Reviews of films from the blockbuster season… Star Trek, Wolverine, Terminator Salvation, Up~~~ Brothers Bloom. Short film reviews, concert reviews… of Kiss in Lima. Music reviews of The Sounds, Green Day, Shiina Ringo… a bunch of K-pop courtesy of Julz~~~ off you go to Japan!!! WOOOOO – there’s Life on Mars, House M.D. and my more “professional” review of Yu Aoi’s Portugirl.


Head over here.


Freaking bouncers… *note to self* always kick around to get a photographing wristband so bouncers don’t bug. I went to shoot Brett Anderson last night, and well – I actually had never heard of him before I heard he was coming over.

It was pretty good… though I liked the guitarist better. LOL – He was a great subject tonight, and his shots are some of my favorite of the night… which is running long. I really need to go to sleep, but I wanted to post the set =D

I’m sorry I couldn’t get a clear shot of the drummer… no lights pointing at him whatsoever!

and~~~ I dunno why I like this shot so much. xD


Well, it’s half of 2009 already! CRAP!

Last month I did a 50-post month! One up from the record of 49, LOL.

It’s begun to be a bit chilly on this side of the world, and well… let’s say it’s hard to get out of a warm cozy bed. Also, I will be doing a bit more photographing *crosses fingers* from this point forward. I’m excited about that~

Also, I got bored of my French. *sighs* Marion should really come up with a new French movie, LOL. How do I get out of this business? Or someone please! Begin commenting in some French so I can get into it again…

Also, I still need money. LOL – Oh shit, and I should really call Canada Trust to figure out the business with my credit card. *sighs* things are supposed to be easy when getting your credit card, why does snail mail suck so much?

Also, YAM 004 – it’s coming in some short two-weeks time give or take. This one’s been a tough issue, I need a bump of energy on that too. YAM cannot DIE in just 4 issues. I will make it happen~~~ I just need something to get me by until next award season.

Another Random Post

May 25, 2009 — 3 Comments

… because I’ve got nothing good to write, and there’s only two hours left today. Hmm… I should have posted that Yu bio past midnight. LOL’ Actually, I found a rather interesting blog post, from one of the referral links to this blog. I wanna expand on that, but I must read a Manifesto… which seems rather long~~~

I’ll give you a clue. What is Gutai? I don’t frakin’ know… haha – so I’m reading about it. I might post about what I learn later in the day… or depending how much info I can gather~ it will be throughout the week. And yes, that has to do with Yu. One of the most non-fan-fan opinions of Yu I’ve ever found.

Also, there’s only 2 weeks and a few days for the next issue of YAM. Haven’t started fully working on that one yet. Do you have any content regarding Films, Music, TV and/or Books? Leave a message on this post, and I’ll e-mail you back.

Cheers~~~ going back to reading!

*sighs* I am truly tired.

I just spent all afternoon, and apparently… night, so~~~ I spent all day writing Yu’s Wikipedia entry. Unless you’re reading this at the proper time, the entry might have gotten edited or deleted by now. Man~ writing a bio is tough, and worse of all is that Wikipedia markup language. It sucks, SUCKS! I tell you! It actually took hours because of that Wikipedia format~~~

I also had to search for references… and try to read Japanese. LOL’
Also, that damn table… I still need to work on it, at least for the TV work and Awards.

So~~~ in case it gets deleted. Yu’s complete bio by Amy below the break ;P
Also, planning a Spanish version *laughs*

Aoi Yu (born Natsui Yu August 17, 1985) is a Japanese actress and model from Kasuga, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. She made her film debut as Shiori Tsuda in Shunji Iwai’s 2001 film All About Lily Chou Chou. She became widely known for playing Tetsuko Arisugawa in Hana & Alice (2004) – also directed by Shunji Iwai, as well as Kimiko Tanikawa in the hula-dancing film Hula Girls, and Hagu in the 2006 live action adaptation of the popular Honey & Clover manga series.

In 2009, Aoi was named Rookie of the Year in the field of Films in Media and Fine Arts by The Ministry of Education , Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan.

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I spent nearly 3 hours photographing my cousin today, so I spent yesterday looking at some photos, many of them belong to Richard Phibbs

Richard Phibbs

The whole page belongs to him LOL… so I ended up shooting Black & White. ;) – Celebrities included there are Tobey Maguire, Tim Robbins, Christian Bale, Rihanna, Peter Dinlage, Lenny Kravitz, Jude Law, Jimmy Fallon, Jason Schwartzman, Ethan Hawke, Ben Stiller, and Adrien Brody.

Years… well, maybe a year ago – I ranted Peruvian animation not being compelling enough. I have also ranted about how tired I feel of 3d animation (most of the times), but there are times when I have to talk about things because they are important to note.

Machu Picchu Post is an animated short from Clement Crocq, Margaux Durand-Rival and Nicolas Novali. They are French, and did their whole Machu Picchu Post style reference from research. Research!!! Research is so important, and this is why I ultimately decided to blog them.

I have always found Alpamayo (and most recently, the team in charge of the Dolphin story blah blah) to be lacking research, not storywise (though I beg to differ sometimes) but on execution. Of course, you don’t only research styles, textures, colors, etc… you also research movement, and light quality. It’s not enough to just HAVE the best computer equipment… you also go on field trips, you do experiments.

Anyway, this is my brief rant. French animation students (and now animators) are creating more compelling animations regarding Peruvian culture. Here’s the video:

Testing it out… you’ve noticed?

Seems to be okay, though I got a bit confused when my Google account wouldn’t let me be my own ‘admin’ automatically… sighs. Just had to sign off completely~~

In case you may be interested… it does seem like it could be a good tool.

Here’s the Google Friend Connect section, and in case you want to implement this with your WordPress, this plugin seems to do the trick for the moment.

So please, if you’ve got a Google account, use it for the comments ;) and subscribe.

Despite whatever views I may have on Obama’s policy, decisions… or the lack of a firm position (and how much his ideas reminded me of the traditional Latin American candidates during their campaigns) – I do agree with many designers who point out how good his campaign is. The most throughly article I ever read (mind you, I read this a long time ago~~~ perhaps almost a year ago) was Expertinent: Why the Obama “Brand” Is Working – not only the thoughts and critic people involved in graphic design did, but also the comments on the article. Yes, there are a few bad-mouthing the article pointing out how they are not voting for Obama for his marketing, but there are a few others that are quite insightful too. Doing a quick search, you end up with articles such as The Hardest Working Presidential Candidate Logo, which show the pretty awesome use of the Obama-branding… crazy I tell you. As well as NOTCOT’s Obama design post, Ten marketing lessons from the Barack Obama Presidential campaign, and How Better Marketing Elected Barack Obama.

So we all agree. Now, moving on…

So I’ve been Mood: Political for the past week, and I’ve been watching a lot of political shows (which I’m tired off, because I always end up grumpy and cursing interviewers to hell and back), but I’m S&M like that sometimes~

Anyway!!! I got curious, went online and looked up websites of the main political parties here in Peru. APRA, Unidad Nacional, Partido Nacionalista Peruano and… is Peru Possible still relevant? Anyway, I did search for them. I’ll just let you look at my captures instead…

Very 90’s… compared to Obama’s right? Lack of sophistication, graphical quality… but let’s even forget about apperances and focus on the content and its organization. These political Peruvian websites lack ANY information architecture, perhaps interface design needs… a lot of work?, and a total lack of interactive design. But my main problem with all of them is the amount of information, which obviously hasn’t been edited. So in short~~~ They lack structure, and they lack strong content. And don’t even mention the Unidad Nacional website which is just a placeholder saying it’s the website, it has a few links linking to .htm pages with NOTHING on them!


So now that we are in the Obama Era… the times of globalization, will the political parties take notice of this, and begin minding their design and content? Will good marketing finally matter here?

I may have to agree with something I remember Simon Cowell said~~ that politics in America were great because they were very engaging. Something to that extent… I remember, but can’t find the quote. LOL’  But I remember! That was the reason I watch a lot of CNN, and the voting results with their graphics. There was so much design to be seen there! And I had wished that Peruvian politics took their job that serious and stepped it up with their marketing. *sighs* If only!

Esta es la traducción de inglés -> español del artículo que escribí para YAM 003 titulado “Too Foreign for your Own Good. Please Sing in English” en el que hablo de los más recientes lanzamientos de artistas de no habla inglesa estrenando material en el idioma para entrar en el mercado.

Como el artículo es un poco largo, pueden leerlo después del break.

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