Man, BiBi is even looking cool from behind the scenes…
she’s really grown into her image.
Man, BiBi is even looking cool from behind the scenes…
she’s really grown into her image.
Unlike Bjork’s concert [1], which I couldn’t photograph… to even have a faint memory of it. I did get the chance to shoot Miyavi with my good gear, without having to sneak it in… which is good, because this new lens is super huge.
Thanks to Noizu who let me in with it.
Hey, guys! I got you more stuff from Weibo!
I don’t know if it’s because I’ve actually never actively search for stuff related to Yu’s performance as Desdemona in Othello, but I just ran into these photos of Yu-chan in that play she did years ago circa her Welcome to the Quiet Room days.
I also ran into some of the old snaps she took while shooting The Lost World, which if you recall she was all secretive [1] [2] when she visited my South American turf. I’m sorry, I’m toooooo lazy to split up those images.
My gosh! Look what I found on Weibo~
At the time, Yu was only 1.50m xD
By the way, she’s turning 26 in two days. Yu is now closer to her 30s than her 20s. O_O
As you probably know… or didn’t – Yu’s latest play with Satoshi Tsumabuki, Minami he, opened in Tokyo… had some dates postponed (at least) due to the Earthquake, and I think it’s safe to say that it’s done with its running.
There were interesting thoughts on it – hint: only read one review, which you can check by going through the Minami tag – and I ran into this poster for it, which is the closest some of us got to this play xD
I have another confession to make.
As you may have already figured out, I grew up in a time when there was barely any stability. When things settled down, we had about 4 or 5 networks, usually broadcasting local productions.
But there was also syndication.
American television loves syndication, they ensure making a living with it. What’s a better example of syndication than… Baywatch. Yup, that’s my confession. I grew up with Baywatch. Especially the first season and the second… maybe the third. They re-ran those seasons a lot those years, so I’m pretty sure I’ve seen them more than once.
So when I was like 5 or 6, we would all watch the show — most likely for different reasons LOL — since we kids liked going to the beach, we would always joke that our local lifeguards looked like they had floatability devices inside them. We would laugh, and move on.
Then there was Shauni. Before there was Stephanie Holden… Shauni was the only girl in the cast — pretty sure, I could be wrong. I was Team Shauni! As a kid, I don’t know why I thought she was awesome. She seemed nice, no problems — I’m seeing a pattern here — and she had Eddie xD
I just realized I’m a crazy shipper… almost since I was born. LOL
Anyway, time passed. Country got better, we got cable. Sony had just launched their signal, and were re-running Baywatch. Browsing channels, there was this episode – or was it a movie? – of Tales from the Crypt: Bordello of Blood. Ha! I didn’t know what a bordello was at the time. I didn’t speak any English, all I remember saying was “Hey! That’s Shauni!” And I watched it. The memory of it — me watching that — is hilarious.
So yeah, I like Erika Eleniak.
Very much like on the other tales, I was browsing channels and ended up on Sony. What a surprise it was to see Erika Eleniak on the latest season of Desperate Housewives. Color me surprise. Even if I have stopped watching the show, I… for a split second or more, considered watching the show again. Then I didn’t when I found out it was a one-ep gig.
There’s a pretty personality-insightful making-of article in regards of Taiwan’s first and brand-new Boi-band, who in their second single Super Lover are urging a pretty lady to not give up on love.
I think I’ve finally figured out who is who. Ha!
First, there’s leader Jin Tai (the one with the glasses). Then there’s Qiu Qiu the former dance instructor (top third on the left), Milk is the one with the blueish tones on her hair, Chris (? Zi Lun?) (the one with the humping face), and finally Chiao (Qiao) the one with the blond hair.
And I’ve already picked my favorite. LOL
Today, while watching Chinese news — yes, I know… hardly unbiased opinion — I saw that China had deployed military airplanes, cargo ferries, and commercial flights in order to mobilize over 35k people out of Libya.
While violence and unrest is rampant, and expats from everywhere in the world are trying to get out, and people outside are “celebrating” freedom of speech, people are left without jobs, and families are left without income. Chinese expats have been uncommunicated with their families since the unrest began, waiting in the airports that have no running water.
Now, they’re back home.
When trying to look for the news to post, googling “China” to check the latest news from there, I only ended up seeing negative items. I ended up with and by looking for “China Libya” I found some tiny articles from the West barely mentioning this.
I thought it’s an important news item to highlight.
Since I waste a lot of time on Twitter now, one of my searches is spying on what people say about Yu Aoi… though I should really look for her kanji name instead, no? But that’s me filtering the info.
I think this is the first time I’ve seen tweets that go beyond of “just saw ‘name of movie,’ and Aoi Yu is so cute!” So I thought that I could post from time to time about what people say about Yu-chan xD
ToruShoji is talking about the Yogashiten Daisuki Sweets Best 88 Magazine.
For those of you who don’t know who Hailee Steinfeld is, she’s the actress now nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the upcoming Academy Awards (this coming Sunday) for her work on the Coen brothers’ True Grit.
What do you think? Is thessuh right? Steinfeld is 14.
And finally… toshii9245 says Yu Aoi is a beautiful girl… alongside Megan Fox and Avril (Lavigne?). Now, I wouldn’t put Lavigne and/or Fox in the same league as Yu Aoi … would you?