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The film is based on an award-winning novel written by rookie author and housewife Kanae Minato. Actress Takako Matsu (K-20, Villon’s Wife) plays a dedicated teacher at a junior high school who’s young daughter is found brutally murdered. Believing two of her own students are responsible, she decides to leave the school, but not before a final chilling confession to her class in which she informs them that she’s already enacted her plan for vengeance.

Watch the trailer via Nippon Cinema.

Yu Aoi for Jane Magazine

March 12, 2010 — 9 Comments

It’s been quiet in the Yu Aoi news lately (weird, considering Otouto was released), so I did my usual search on Google and came up with a couple of things. First, that cover.

Two, my HMV order is supposed to get shipped the coming 24th [Salyu’s new album with DVD, Shiina Ringo old albums], and I’m actually pretty excited to get the back issue of Eye Scream magazine with one of my favorite Yu magazine shoots. I think I’ve crossed that fan line with that buy… LOL

I swear, this is the first time I’ve bought a magazine for a photoshoot with my “fave idol”.

If I could have my way, I would have Yu do all her PBs with Yoko Takahashi… or Marisa Shimamoto… and finally Keiichi Nitta. If I could have my way. Of course, Mario Testino would be awesome too. xD

And finally… Anyone know what this article is about? Many news on this, and one of them Google-translated as “Aoi Yu produced” but I doubt she’s producing, or she’ll be all promoting in her website.

ps. I’m fascinated with how those shoes work with the socks…
and the bombachos ha! And that smile is so damn contagious…

What will become of America in five, 25, or even 50 years from today? FUTURESTATES is a series of 11 fictional mini-features exploring possible future scenarios through the lens of today’s global realities. Immerse yourself in the visions of these independent prognosticators as they project a future of their own imagining.

That sounded like a pretty cool idea, so I’m currently on episode 2, though I couldn’t really made myself watch all of episode 1. Episode 2 titled Mister Green is pretty good though.

And it looks oh so pretty.

In the disturbingly near future, Venice is submerged, Canal Street in New York City has become a real canal again, and it’s 87 degrees in December in Boston. Catastrophic global warming has moved from theory to fact. At the Biosphere Climate Change Expo, undersecretary for the Department of Global Warming Mason Park (Tim Kang) informs the crowd of scientists and activists that the tipping point has passed, and that they are all at fault.

You can watch it for free over at the Mister Green Futurestates website.

I dunno if I can post a link to Mirella’s Facebook, but this credit goes to her. Phunny.

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How about some Carmen Miranda in Las Vegas?
or Brigitte Bardot as a Geisha? or… Frida Kahlo in Bollywood?

xD Kristen Wiig is pretty funny, and takes this photoshoot to a nice place with the help of photographer Tom Allen. Though his site forwards you to, which kinda sucks coz it’s on Flash and you gotta check the whole site instead of just heading to PHOTOGRAPHER > TOM ALLEN.

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That’s what I call dedication…
Sucks to be supportive of the story in Avatar. LOL

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Japanese Trompos!

March 9, 2010 — 4 Comments

Love these trompos (why are they called Tops in English?)

I used to play with trompos in school… just like any boy. LOL My cousins (all guys) and I would do trompo battles not like those lame whatever-anime about trompos that was. xD

Check out the cuteness in these.

OK Go does Pythagora Switch (PITAGORA SUICCHI) on steroids… and other enhancing performing substances. Released on March 1st this year… single from the album Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, the video was directed by James Frost.

But seriously, guys. This isn’t about the music, it’s all about the video. Possibly our contender for Breakthrough video of 2010~~~ I wonder if there will be any more awesome videos???

Talk about Oscar History in the making.

It is amazing that has taken over 80 years to even consider a female director a serious contender for the Best Director category… let alone to actually see her win.


“I hope I’m the first of many,” Bigelow said. “I’d love to just think of myself as a filmmaker, and I long for the day when a modifier can be a moot point. But I’m ever grateful if I can inspire some young, intrepid, tenacious male or female filmmakers and have them feel that the impossible is possible.”

*end of edit*

Of course I have dreamed of being the first female director when I was 14 [I wore a pink dress in my dream, very unlike Amy… or was that a nightmare?], though I have detoured from that dream somewhat, it is still amazing to see Bigelow picking up such an honor. I can only imagine what this means for so many other little girls who dream to make films… like I once did, to see a woman being named Best Director.

What it means to them seeing the photo of Bigelow holding that Oscar with such fierceness. It’s just every Girl Power [another shameless Spice Girls mention here] supporter’s dream. It tells you it is possible. It is awesome. Even though I was personally supporting Inglourious Basterds and Tarantino, it is still incredible to think that Kathryn Bigelow was the favorite during the race. A female director was THE favorite to win.

Even that’s a first.

In an industry where many of the stars are women, but so many of them are exploited as just “that pretty actress to look at”, an industry where women turn 35 and are already considered “too old” or where sex appeal is a must. Luckily things seem to be changing… even if it’s in small degrees. With a wonderful Meryl Streep, vibrant at 60 years old, critical acclaim and mass-appeal. Moreover, add to that the many female screenwriters from the last 2 or 3 or 5 years like Terri Tatchell (from VFS!) who co-adapted District 9, or Nancy Oliver who wrote Lars and the Real Girl, or Diablo Cody (I know some of you hate her) for Juno, or Tamara Jenkins who wrote and directed The Savages… and don’t forget Miranda July who wrote and directed Me and You and Everyone We Know.

It is indeed looking pretty good for women in Hollywood.

Now, let’s only hope it is a change in the way they make films and not just a trend that will fade away in… let’s say 5 years, and that we don’t have to wait eight decades for another female director to be seriously considered for Best Director ever again.

Also, hello!? Male directors and their muses~ I love you guys. Without you, there will be no strong female characters on the big screen.

Forgive the shameless reminder of Spice Girls. xD

I just got back from watching Alice in Wonderland~~

And how about it? TheAuteurs is showing a short film version of Alice in Wonderland done on 1903, if you would like to watch it (for FREE) just head over there. You will need an account.

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