Archives For Motion

TV Coming Out Moments

April 9, 2010 — 2 Comments

“Don’t cry. It makes you look like a girl”
wise, Amanda, wise.

In honor of little Justin’s coming out on Ugly Betty, which I haven’t seen in ages. AfterEllen has put a list of their favorite Coming Out on TV Moments~


I may not be watching Ugly Betty, but even that short clip was sweet and tear-inducing. Also making their list is my favse Glee and Buffy… as well as some others.

Check them out. What say you?

I’m dying to watch this =D
I love the cast! I mean, Moore + Bening + Ruffalo + Wasikowska?
What more can I ask for?

And well… look at Josh Hutcherson! He’s older now! Wish he’d grown more though…

Like I’ve said to Julz, this is by far SHE’s best song to date.

I could have done without the puffs, but the song is pretty Girl Power.

Who said that girls don’t have Rock N’ Roll
I tell myself, when I’m the only one left
“Who is my hero?”
Can’t see, can’t find, can’t wait for your hero.
Why not be your own sky-holder Shero.
You can, I can be a Shero and face all obstacles
like an Empress waving a proud cape

[make sure the annotations are on so you get the English translation and the pinyin]

That’s a first for me from SHE. There’s also that bit about changing History to Herstory. Totally Girl Power. Awww… I’m missing Girl Power, and I wasn’t even a Spice Girls gal. What’s wrong with me? xD

Color me surprise. This song is so catchy, but I lost track of how many outfits they’ve used. Major points for the Stormtroopers though~~~ and the dancing with those heels.

Also, am I the only one having a Lady Gaga vibe?

I have the urge to get 2NE1 music all of a sudden… as well as Gaga. Must get.

I feel like I’m having a HUGE music video animation bias, but this could be a good candidate for one of the highlights in Music Videos for 2010. Doesn’t compare to the Breakthrough of this though.

made entirely of cut paper, pen and ink by Liam Stevens.

I need you to link me to synchronized dancing or videos with loads of dancing~ xD

From what I could gather, Kim Shinyoung is one of the MC (host) in KBS’s Invicible Youth, which I’ve never ever seen. However, I ran into a clip online, and I couldn’t help but keep on searching…

Not long ago… on December last year, Kim Shinyoung was awarded Female Variety MC Newcomer.


Not only does she stands out in a room full of celebrities… she also does pretty great dancing parodies. Just check her out as Kim Tae Woo… full on drag [she actually has the same jawline as Justin Timberlake], or doing her version of Bi’s Rainism… HUNGRISM. xD And don’t miss out her rocking version of Wonder Girls’ So Hot.
Continue Reading…

I’m always for diversity… but when that diversity gets done by diversity, it gets seen by diversity, and in the end… the people that need diversity the most [straight white people, I suppose in America?] never get to watch these films.

Other than that… I hope I ran into a copy of this — legally, or not so legally… depending on distribution. *hint nudge* online distribution *cough cough* it’s always important to make people watch. Otherwise, how else who other people learn about diversity? Right?

[iframe src=”” width=”560″ height=”315″]

and well, hi there~
Ricky Martin, Anna Paquin, Sean Hayes?

It’s nice to see you =D

don’t wanna mark this off as a trailer because I don’t have a graphic…

Cinematical has an interesting post asking “What’s your Favorite Disney Animated Feature since Lion King?” To which I have always said that I’ve enjoyed many of them. Mulan, Tarzan, Lilo & Stitch and The Emperor’s New Groove being possibly at the top of my list.

However, I have also enjoyed Treasure Planet — with it’s luscious sky-boarding animation. And I also remember I enjoyed Atlantis: The Lost Empire… though I don’t really recall a specific reason why. Maybe it was the bad guys and that most of the other characters were flawed.

I even went to the theater to catch Home on the Range, which I was disappointed it being the last ever 2D animated flick Disney was ever going to make… which it wasn’t. And I also enjoyed Brother Bear fine. I think Disney’s dismissal on the animation genre is that it ultimately began release straight-to-video 2d animated films making it seem like 2d Animation was no longer worthy of a theatrical release. Shame on you!

Add to that the fact that Disney characters weren’t ever really flawed, Aladdin was a thief (street rat) with a heart of gold~~~ Simba was a bit of a hothead, Quasi was… well, a hunchback… but that’s hardly a flaw. Tarzan didn’t speak English… but as storytelling advances and begins having characters that are good but not perfect, we want to see imperfect characters in a positive light. Characters like Mulan who was a little rebellious, and didn’t fit the mold she was supposed to fit, Kuzko who was selfish like no other… or Lilo who didn’t have many friends.

Also, check out Cinematical’s list of Disney Vets who should return to Disney.

Once again, thanks Julz for making me watch.
I saw this posted about a week ago, but didn’t wanna watch based on the title. I mean… “Love Song”? Sound the alarms! Also… Bi Rain… some people call him Rain, others Bi… others Bi Rain to avoid misunderstandings~ but Bi Rain is so less practical xD

This is the first single from his album Back to the Basics — I just had a full flashback to Christina Aguilera — and well, apparently the song is written and composed by Bi himself. Color me surprise. No wonder it plays well with Bi’s strength… using his sexy whispery voice.

my only pet-peeve I’ve told Julz is that he does the urban-looking dance all sweaty, which looks good sure… but does little to say “wow, Bi’s all grown up now”. I suggested to Julz that he should have done the sitting on a stool all tuxed up, doing a choreography with that and while the song seems to be getting angrier, he begins loosening his tie, and ends up ripping off his shirt.

See~~~ probably same effect, but doesn’t go all urban. xD

Hyori-unnie’s Vol. 4 album H-Logic [okay…]

Here comes the first single… a Latin-emo arthouse styled song/video.
Doesn’t it make you think old Latin song? Like OLD school Latin song.

And there’s a creepy clown… so arthouse.
And black balloons… totally Le Ballon Rouge xD

thanks Julz for the heads up~