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I was unsure on what to talk about before going to bed (I’m trying to post once a day, have you noticed? hahaha) – And I was between discussing this topic, and the news of Peru deciding to use the Japanese system of Digital TV [Eng Google Translate] (does that mean I could… somehow get WOWOW??), instead of the European one~~~

Anyway!!! I decided to rant~

[Original Spanish Article] Sorry, any English media DON’T CARE so you’ll have to do with a Google Translate.

I think it’s amazing that an illiterate person who is over 25 years old and Peruvian is legible to work in congress. Baffles me! And I’m sure it baffles many others…

I am in no way calling the congresswoman illiterate, because she reads and writes. Not AT the level that someone who supposedly legislates and works on writing and reviewing law should be, but writes nonetheless.

As congresswoman Martha Hildebrant (a linguist, who could probably insult me and I wouldn’t understand) – Actually, I think I would feel honored to be insulted by her… kinda like Lainey dreaming of Gwyneth being a bitch towards her hahaha – Anyway, as Hildebrant points out~~ people (regular, other congressmen and the media) have completely distorted the article written by the newspaper. They did not mock Supa’s quechua ancestry (that’d be more like mocking us Chinese descendants saying things like “lico alo” when we speak perfectly well. thankyouverymuch. Assholes!) But they did point out that Supa’s Spanish is of the level of someone in primary school, hence the reference to the Coquito books (popular ABC books for children).

And as Hildrebrant also points out in the pseudo-video (because it’s just an audio) is that all congressmen, as public figures, are exposed to being criticized in the labor they do.

As one user states in a comment,

I am a Peruvian from Puno, Quechua-speaker and southern, and I don’t feel remotely humiliated [referencing how the congresswoman feels], au contraire I feel pity for our representative being almost illiterate.

I say this because she’s a congresswoman representing the state, and should be in the position of being criticized or interviewed, but when you’re illiterate – you can’t even do that. She’s fragile and helpless, she doesn’t waste time to play victim and that’s the nature of ignorance. There isn’t the capacity to reflect, they think that everyone is against them or discriminating against them.

All talk on corruption, being honest, pure and holy – that’s simply poppycock.

Why don’t we put virgins in congress already! Geez~~~

Now, if you really wanna support literacy through all economic-social barriers, check out some about The Big Read project… maybe someday Peruvian’s will have a non-illiterate-congress.

… unless you’re buying something spectacular that can’t get shipped to Peru.

I did a test of after BBVA Banco Continental sent some promo, so I signed up. The promo had the, from where I get much of my stuff from so I thought I could do the test with my next shopping.

To avoid any swearing, this has been the experience…

  1. bought on (two-day shipping)
  2. 4 days had passed, no message from
  3. check website.
  4. order is there… why didn’t I get an email notification?
  5. order is there, but don’t know how to continue.
  6. customer service question, and complaint
  7. no response from customer service
  8. email notification my order is on-hold because credit card (still valid) is not going through. 2 days after it’s been sitting there…
  9. follow email instructions of  “change credit card” and “send email” – email has no custom info, how would they know it’s me? and what order?
  10. email from them saying they’re on time, and that package is being sent.

Now, let me tell you… I’m not complaining about their timing. I’m complaining about their system… a system with

  1. no notifications when something arrives to your inbox.
  2. no response from customer service.
  3. no emails saying “we’ve received your message”.

Comparing this order, with previous~~ I can tell is way more expensive than Amazon. Shipping per item cost has increased 100%… so eshopex is NOT worth the trouble. Unless you’re buying electronics, clothing online? etc etc that can’t get ship to Peru. CDs, DVDs, Books,  and probably all other websites selling and shipping international should be used.

Also, horrible SECURITY FLAW. Once you’re logged on, and surf out of your account page, you are able to hit “back” on your browser and continue working on your account. The site is impossible to navigate without losing your “log out” or “account” buttons.

4 1/2 Thumbs DOWN. The half-star comes from time… which they say it’s 2 days.

Remember VH1’s Divas?

April 23, 2009 — 2 Comments

Remember that VH1 segment where women sang? You know, that one show that gathered Gloria Stefan, Mariah Carey, Shania Twain… etc, etc~~ Sorry, I’m a little weak in the mind right now. xD

Well, Divas’ is making a comeback~~

Look, I get Divas~ I love talented women… Sophia Loren to me is a legend, whom we could call Diva, I guess~ How about calling the show Legends? LOL, Let’s face it! Divas is now synonym with bitch, hard to work with, and high maintenance.

Anyway~~~ I have issues with VH1’s announcement. First, “Pop, R&B, and hip-hop” – Heck? How about country music? How about rock? Then, VH1 is also asking listeners to pitch in. Let’s face that too! That’s rubbish. *sighs* Why? Britney Spears and Lady Gaga are being suggested! What the…

Who would you suggest? I dunno, howz about a duet by Joan Jett and Reba McEntire… or~~~ hmm… Regina Spektor with Pink? Woah, bizarre. I’d better quit thinking of duets. xD Just naming people~~ Alicia Keys, Christina Aguilera, Alanis, Alison Krauss, Amanda Palmer, Adele, Emily Loizeau… Bjork? xD

How about mixing music!?!?! Shiina Ringo!!! Or okay… Utada Hikaru… Faye Wong!!! Andrea Echeverri! Bibi Chow? Salyu!!!

ZOMG! A duet between Marit Larsen and Regina Spektor? I’d die~~~

Or one with Bjork and Salyu??? Alanis with Shiina? Amanda Palmer with Andrea Echeverri? Adele with Bibi Chow? Utada Hikaru with Christina? Faye Wong with… Loizeau?? Faye Wong with Bjork?? Utada with Keys? LOL

Coupling (uk)Though it wasn’t overly lasting, Coupling (the UK version, not its abominable US remake… ugh much?) should be included into anyone’s list of  “I should have watched this”. This is the case for me, I don’t get BBC comedies on my cable system (only the news, and they recently began showing BBC Entertainment), so the first time I saw this was on Eurochannel a few years back. In fact, they were already showing the final season… even then, I fell in love with the show.

I think of myself as a bit of a mix between Susan, Sally and Steve. LOL’ But all characters were equally hilarious in their own way… and unlike FRIENDS, I never ended finding a character annoying. Perhaps, it’s because it only lasted 4 seasons, so I never got around to growing to hate them… okay, maybe I hated Oliver – but that’s because he is too much of Joey, and I ended up hating Joey.

Steve (Jack Davenport) is hilarious… and man! His voice!! His voice and the monologues… like the one for “Lesbian Spank Inferno” LOL’ Jeff is also hilarious with his explanations, theories, women-related situations and many words on “breasts”.

And more than Richard, I love Richard and Sally’s interactions, because well… Sally is gold. LOL’ “I finally understand why you called him ‘donkey’.” And totally missing the point. I think that my favorite episodes of the show, revolves around these two~~ with episodes like the one and the Spiderman theme, and the one where Sally ends up singing “Susan the Happy Trotting Elf” – *snorts*

Then there’s Jane who is hilariously just out there… where? You know… there~~~ with the talking snakes, or improvising the traffic report… showing up naked to a dinner, or saying she’s a vegetarian that eats meat… you know, almost like a bisexual. x’D

And Susan! I love uptight Susan, and I love it when she says “apparently”, and her French accent. LOL’ “Giselle, the French bitch” xD and her history with Australian men~~~

The Big Read - 2009

Nelson Mandela, Queen Rania, Paulo Coelho, Luis Jaime Cisneros V. have come together with others around the world like Natalie Portman, and Dakota Blue Richards (The Golden Compass) on this global project for education.

You can head over here to read some of the stories (in English, Francais, y Español~~ some even in Arabic… but why not in Chinese, Japanese and Korean? I could do some Japanese easy to read stuff~~), and add your name to the list~

Yu with braces!!!

Ok… moving on~~ Portugirl is in my hands!! Or actually, on my desk now, otherwise I wouldn’t be typing. HMV Japan is pretty good~ even though they delayed my order, they sent it 5 days ago and it’s here already! And considering I don’t get Free Shipping with YesAsia anymore… also noticed? Prices are higher in YesAsia now, for example Portugirl would have cost $20ish bucks more with them. Should you be doing YesAsia now?

Anyway! Here it is!!!

Yu Aoi - Portugirl

Proper fan-ish review, after the break~~~ For a ‘pro’ review, you’ll have to wait. LOL

Continue Reading…

10 Things I Hate About You PosterToday I was re-watching BBC’s Shakespeare: The Animated Tales… particularly Macbeth and The Taming of the Shrew. Despite it’s misogynistic theme, it reminded me of the teen comedy 10 Things I Hate about You~~

How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways.

Some time in 2003, on one of the many Writing classes I had, we got to ‘study’ the script for this film, which I had seen back when I was 13 or 14. I’m almost sure that I saw this film at the theaters… oh the times! And oh how innocent were teen comedies back then~~~

Anyway, back to the topic~ my teacher pointed out that the film was a modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s Shrew~ Back then I thought, WOW! That’s so cool. LOL, she also mentioned at how much the script sold, and I was most impressed. Hahahaha~~

For those not so familiar with the film, or the Shakespeare story… here are some of the references:

  • Kat (as in Katarina) and Bianca are sisters. Bianca can’t date (or marry, in the case of the Shakespearean tale), before Katarina does.
  • Patrick Verona is the contemporary version of Petruchio of Verona.
  • Padua, the city, becomes Padua High School.

You can check more references here.

It’s so hard to imagine that the film is already 10 years old!! – Turned 10 about 20 days ago on March 31st – and that this film was the American debut of Heath Ledger (RIP) who’s got a remarkable career with great films… awards *sighs(, Joseph Gordon-Levitt has a broad array of films as well more on the indie flare – and whatever happened to Andrew Keegan? I’m pretty sure he used to date LeAnn Rimes, whom we all know what’s going on with her~~

Julia Stiles had a breakthrough with this role, and had a bunch of films out during those years, but eventually just settled for lesser roles. I did enjoy seeing her on The Bourne Trilogy~~ and Larisa Oleynik~~ I read she was seen on Without a Trace, but I don’t watch the show so can’t tell. I should go on the hunt for a few Oleynik flicks. Gabrielle Union is doing a big better on the more “commercial” work, as I’ve seen a few projects with her. Not really MY type of films, but she’s been active.

I wonder if someone would be interested in a “collector’s edition” of this film. Would like to see them together…

How do you feel this film is aging? I think it’s okay… I had a laugh watching it this afternoon. I was surprised how innocent it is compared to teen films now. I don’t know if I can call this the best teen romcom of the 90’s (or the last 20 years?), but perhaps… I could do a bit more research.

Record Store Day…

April 18, 2009 — Leave a comment

was today~~~

Damn. I must admit I haven’t stepped on a record store since… since… maybe perhaps 2006? I do most my shopping online now, mainly because Peru overprices too much, and takes to long to get stuff. For example, I wanted to buy the Surrounded Bjork collection, and the store here decided to split the collection per album and wanted around $30USD per album because they were all dual discs – so considering it had 7 discs at $30 each… they wanted me to pay $210 bucks instead of the $130 price tag it has on Amazon. And it’s not only the music… I have the same issue with books and dvds.

Also… there weren’t any events in Peru anyway. There were, however, events in Canada, Sweden, Japan, and even Hong Kong. And I am still looking for the Asian-version of Pitchfork… any suggestions??

Shiina Ringo’s new music!!!

One thing for sure… Newsletter Updates > YesAsia Updates.

I just got the email from HMV listing Shiina Ringo’s new upcoming album. Sanmon GOSHIPPU, which translates to ‘cheap gossip’ or as CD Japan puts it “Superficial Gossip”. This is Ringo’s new material since she began collaborating with other musicians, and performing with Tokyo Jihen. Last year, she released a bunch of compilations commemorating her ten years in the music entertainment business…

The album includes 14 tracks, but apparently the first single is not there which is called Ariamaru Tomi (Superfluous Fortune) [HMV Japan], main theme of the Jdrama Smile, and will be released on May 27th.

The album is set to be released on June 24th.
[][][CD Japan]

I bought my own server and domain, and opened by first ‘proper’ blog. sighs~

And damn it! I lost that domain because the stupid company I was using, didn’t automatically renewed my account, and they never sent me an email notification. Dumbasses!!!

So I spent 1 month without knowing why my domain wasn’t working, and when they finally confirmed my thoughts it was too late~~~ someone had taken my domain and was trying to sell it to me at a higher price. Assholes!

April 18th is remembrance day~~~ LOL website - April 18th 2004

Emo-est website ever? True. But that site had pretty nifty content like faux-interviews~~~ I should do those again! LOL’ Had some phunny lists like “You know you’re Peruvian when…” or “I hate it when…” – there was music, a lot of fanart icons and wallpapers, and my favorite of all~~ there was a movie faux-database. It was actually all .html and nothing fancy, but I did take the time back then to write as many reviews as films I got to watch each week. Sometimes once or twice a week, sometimes I wrote more than four reviews~~

Now I watch and listen to too much stuff to write individually… sighs.

too the long-gone!!! *raises glass* Cheers!