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You know I’m a numerology buff – bizarre, because I really hate math… or should I say, math was my worse course at school especially in my last two years of high school. But somehow, I like numerology. I think it’s because I don’t need to understand it, I just need to ponder.

We’re not talking about what it really means. We just wonder what it could be…

In theory, the number 10 does not exist – because it turns into a 1. However, also in theory… you could separate it like 1 and 0, thus having two numbers. xD Sure, you can get 10 by summing different numbers like 4 and 6, 3 and 7, or two 5s… right? But all those numbers sum up to 10, and then become 1 once again. Does that mean that the 10 is a whole number? It’s complete? It brings the harmony?

Harmony! xD

The 1 and 0 are opposites – but it’s not like opposites attract. Suck it! We’re talking about opposites, as in Yin and Yang – which in the end are two different halves of one whole.

And talking about Julz and your fanfic thesis – my final had also kinda to do with fandom. LOL

Harmony final!! xD Such an old video pimp ~~~

And you know, YAM Trivia!!!!!

The YAM Website’s opening on 15.12.10, which summing up (1+5+1+2+1) turns to 10, which turns to 1 – a whole! LOL While December 15th 2010 also marks my grandpa’s 5th anniversary of passing. Yup, it all has a meaning, people~~~

Ahh… nostalgic much?

I was doing some TLC reading – rumored new material? Please, Grilled Cheesus! – and found that Alicia Keys had put together a performance honoring her fave girl groups.

Ahh… Peruvians and Chinese, Peru and China – countries so far away, but with so many links. Almost a year ago I read a book called 1434 by some guy Menzies. He also wrote 1421 where he says China arrived to America first. It’s an interesting thought considering how similar our cultures can be.

I mean, sure – Peru has the biggest Chinese colony in Latin America. Many of us may not speak Mandarin or Cantonese, but it sure has caught on everyday life. I mean, not only do we have a dish called Lomo Saltado (Sautee Sirloin?) that’s made with soy sauce, and that’s now a landmark dish.

lomo saltado

Obviously, we don’t call soy sauce “soy sauce,” Peruvians call it “sillao” [si yau in Cantonese]. Everyone in Latin America doesn’t — just saw some Colombian “chef” doing some ceviche with lime and “soy sauce” and “ginger”. As well as an Argentinean doing “Chinese noodles” with “soy sauce”.

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My friend sent this over to me, Crap Logo Yourself~

So I made a new YAM Mag logo! Yeah… right~~~

Also! MySpace getting a new logo?

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Whenever I think about Joseph Kahn, I… well, now I think about stupid Torque, while my friend complained that he paid to watch the film and fell asleep. Yup, Torque’s one of those film I try to block for the sake of the Kahn – because the Kahn is a pretty kick-ass music video director.

Before I ever EVER turned into the teenage girl that knew (and still knows) the lyrics to the Backstreet Boys songs, and before the Kahn blew me away with Everybody (Backstreet’s Back) — which remains my dad’s fave BSB song and  video. MY DAD who rocks xD — before all of that, I was blown away by Brandy and Monica’s The Boy is Mine. Not because I knew the lyrics… I didn’t. I didn’t know English then~ I just looked at them and doing the sing-off which I didn’t understand, and watched the clips of the video on Frecuencia Latina’s Ayer y Hoy. I found it fascinating.

Of course, then I got cable… and I got MTV, and I became a BSB fan and learned English. And Everybody (Backstreet’s Back) is a bloody good pop music video. Of course it’s got tinges of Michael Jackson, that’s why it’s so good. Mind you, Nick’s mummy , Brian’s werewolf, Howie’s vamp and AJ’s Phantom are kinda lame, but Kevin’s Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde more than make up for anything. And that group sync dance, ahh… they don’t make them like that no more.

Watch the HD version (only US), or the regular version.

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October 8, 2010 — Leave a comment

My friend Y.doo has been teasing me with tasty breakfast photos. xD


Not like I’m any taller, but if Radcliffe were taller, he’d be hotter.
His high-contrast Harry Potter stubble is totally quiveration. LOL

The posters don’t seem like regular character posters, though. More like teaser character posters, even if it seems late to be releasing teasers now~~~ I can’t remember if the WB has ever released teaser character posters.

Is this being referred as HP 7 Part 1, instead of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1? Maybe it was a typographical decision more than a branding one?

More posters over at MovieMobsters!

Zac is totally playing a Peruvian Cajon, eh?

And Taylor is still so so purty. xD

And Isaac’s grown out of his awkward stage. xD

This is the best type of Hanson.

[iframe width=”480″ height=”385″ src= “”]

Okay, I feel kind of lame saying this but the most quotable Glee quote this week was the title of the episode. I don’t want to say that I didn’t enjoy the episode, I felt it was more like the back-9 that people didn’t seem to like, but I did.

I feel like I’m gonna begin saying things like “Cheesus Christ!” or “You’re scaring the be-cheesus out of me.”

Do I need to use the quotes format?
Grilled Cheesus!

I wish I had known sooner, but I just found out today.

REDLINE will be opening in San Francisco this Friday 8th at 7.15pm at VIZ Cinema – at the same time as in Japan! And will continue showing the film throughout the week. I already added them to the Yu Aoi Events calendar.

Friday 8th – 7.15pm
Saturday 9th, Sunday 10th – 12.30pm , 2.45pm , 5pm , 7.15pm
Monday 11th – Thursday 14th – 5pm , 7.15pm

Admission is $10

If you catch the show, let me know. Would love to hear your thoughts.