Archives For tv drama / tv series / miniseries


This is the first time I ever found the Japanese name of this show. Kodomo Ningyougekijou (こどもにんぎょう劇場) or Children’s Puppet Theater, known in Peru (and maybe Latin America) as Me lo Contaron en Japon.

Though the DVDs are available on Amazon Japan — at a whopping price of nearly $50USD (over 4500 Yen) per volumen at 3 episodes a bundle [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12], which results into over $600USD for 36 episodes. WHY, Japan? According to its Wikipedia page, the show possibly has over 50 episodes, running from 1990 to 2011.

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I’m in the mood for some Sally singing Susan, The Happy Trotting Elf~

Though, moment starts exactly at 1:11

I’m Susan the happy trotting elf! I trot and trot, and bounce and bounce, and smile a lot, and that’s what counts! I’m Susan the happy trotting smile a-lotting elf! I’m polite so just for clarity, when I’m cross I say “Apparently!”

I have to admit… I’m a little disappointed. Be it choice of script or choice of character — I’m choosing this as punishment from Itoh Company for Yu-chan choosing to cut her hair. LOL I’m uncertain about her hair, it looks real, but at the same time I’m unable to make a clear timeline. Maybe she shot this BEFORE she cut her hair. I would have liked her present-day character to be portrayed with her short hair, and a lot more different.


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Yu-chan, how am I supposed to know you have a new miniseries, if you don’t even update your blog? Like, I was blind. COMPLETELY BLIND about this two-episode series you did for TV Asahi, airing on February 2nd and 3rd. Titled Mottomo Toi Ginga (最も遠い銀河) — translated as The Most Distant Galaxy — the series has nothing to do with space. Instead, it seems to be a detective story, but the AsianWiki Plot/Synopsis sucks.

Still… it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to check it out.

I wouldn’t have heard about it, if it wasn’t for Weibo. I’m supposed to be subscribed to the Yu Aoi/Aoi Yuu and other variations of her name from Tokyohive, but whatever. It seems she has very few English-speaker fans who don’t even bother.

At the moment, this screencaps will do.

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So sue me! I have a Power Rangers tag on my blog.


I wanted to do a quick ranking for the Time Machine Blogathon, so I thought it was fair to rank only the seasons that I followed, which ended after the destruction of Zordon [1] back when Power Rangers in Space was done. Despite my watching of seldom episodes of Lost Galaxy, and even more random episodes of Lightspeed Rescue… maybe Time Force (can’t be 99% sure if I’ve watched that one), and OBVIOUSLY~ Dino Thunder (because Tommy was in it, xD), I feel the proper thing to do is to rank just those first few couple seasons while highlighting my favorite moments, my least favorite ones and stuff.

First things first~

Aquitar Rangers


Though not strictly a season on Power Rangers, I gotta give them a special mention as my least favorite rangers of the ones I’m ranking because I just hated that they had to come in because the others were turned into little kids. I don’t know why I didn’t like the little kids — being a little kid myself — but looking back on it, it feels like a cheap cop-out to have more rangers thrown into the Power Ranger universe.

The only highlight with their inclusion was that the leader was a girl. I haven’t seen that in others (certainly not from the ones I followed), but feel free to correct me.
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It’s because I love Dexter that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to protect him from you. I’m not gonna give up until your murdering a** is behind bars for good. That’s how we’re gonna work out our issues. But hey, thanks for stopping by.

In a world torn by gender wars, Lesya and Kenzell must learn to unite and defy all the rules in order to expose the truth.

This looks freaking outstanding.

I haven’t watched Canadian TV in so long too.

Writing nonsensical dramatic lines that may or not be grammatically correct? xD




I don’t really hunt down anything Twilight and I’ve been a lousy Buffy fan since my re-watch in 2006, but Joss has just posted this video of Buffy vs. Edward in which they overlap the different ideas presented by both materials to hilarious contrast that comes in an assortment of subtitles that include Portuguese (Brazilian or Portuguese), English captioning, Chinese Simplified, Arabic, Russian, Japanese, French, Spanish, etc — all brought to you by fans.

My re-imagined story was specifically constructed as a response to Edward, and what his behavior represents in our larger social context for both men and women. More than just a showdown between The Slayer and the Sparkly Vampire, it’s also a humorous visualization of the metaphorical battle between two opposing visions of gender roles in the 21ist century.

Read the whole thing here.

Also the author’s YouTube/Lionsgate copyright battle.

Piper: Chupacabra!

January 9, 2013 — 3 Comments

I’ve looked forever and always for this clip of Piper exclaiming “CHUPACABRA!” in one episode of Charmed. Now, with a quick YouTube search, I found the episode of season 4, Bite Me, where it was used [1].

But I’m snatching it before anyone dares take that down.

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