Oh, gosh.
I was looking for a suitable still of Hemingway & Gellhorn, when I ran into this cover for Harper’s Bazaar and I thought it was an old shoot until I read it was a fairly recent one.
Oh, gosh.
I was looking for a suitable still of Hemingway & Gellhorn, when I ran into this cover for Harper’s Bazaar and I thought it was an old shoot until I read it was a fairly recent one.
Remember when time-lapse used to be the craze within designer circles? You used to find all the good ones in design blogs, and stuff…
I found this on Facebook, posted from a second-hand rate website.
There’s also a Vimeo version.
I can see why people hate time-lapse now, though I gotta admit the time-lapse with Machu Picchu is quite stunning. We don’t get to see Machu Picchu shot as beautiful as it was shown there.
This is a superficial post on The Flowers of War.
You can also check my post on propaganda films — Propaganda: Movies and their Message ~ and you are more than welcomed to flame me for liking “rubbish” films or liking China, whatever. LOL
I honestly liked The Flowers of War, it had its faults of course… as any and many a film does, but I totally think that the shameful 29% in RottenTomatoes is undeserved. It’s… with all my honesty and my unbiased, a solid 70%. All of that aside, wow– these are beautiful. If only the film could have been promoted with these pictures~
They’re the heroes~
Fashion and perfume CMs are so pretty, huh? [1][2]
This latest j’Adore Dior CM, which Charlize Theron has been promoting for a while doing those long walks almost naked but not showing anything have been… pretty normal. But this latest one which features Grace Kelly, Dietrich — both look like pretty close impersonators (I’m not even sure! LOL), but Marilyn looks pretty close to the actual Monroe and it looks like it might be footage. I’m not sure either, but it’s just pretty cool hahahaha.
Theron is the long-legged giantess and with those uber high high heels, I don’t even want to think of how tall she must be with those. I love it. LOL
Having said that, does anyone know the legality of using a dead icon’s image to use on a CM?
I love it.
Nick, over at Anomalous Material, did his list of 13 Iconic Movie Images (for him). I thought I would share mine here since things have been a little on the weak side lately.
I dunno exactly why 13, but… it suits me fine. It gave me room to include things I wouldn’t have included in the first place. I’m surprised I cut so many from my Top10 Fave Films, but I did manage to squeeze half of them in. LOL I also set myself two rules… no black and whites, or animated films. ;O
So here we go~~~
Baby, why you so hot. xD I can’t take all the hotness that is you, especially in these high contrast and moody elegant photos of you.
If you want bigger pics, you’re gonna have to drop by Aiya They Didn’t.
Sorry, no photographer credit that I could “read.”
Zhao Wei’s (aka. Vicky Zhao) Harper’s Bazaar January cover~~~ pure gorgeousity. Her skin is flawless and oh-so-clear, with that combination of colors in her dress, the tinge on the photograph, and the colors in the background, she’s wow — I can’t believe she just had a baby. LOL
Wait… if she has a baby – does that make her a MILF? Woah. So weird since she looks so young~ xD
Anyway~~~ Zhao Wei’s interesting on screen, but on photos I’ve always had a problem with her nose. Sometimes, when the shot is not right… it seems large, and it sticks out a lot. I don’t know if it’s an issue with the camera lens, or if it’s a photo angle issue… but in this particular shot – she looks perfect.
Check out the full set on high resolution photos over at Sina.com~