Archives For funny

Sh*t just got dirty. Sorry, I had been reading Japanese “news” that I missed during my trip. ANYWAY, I’m not here to talk about such things. If we’ve discussed such things, you probably have a way to email me or PM me in some forum or Facebook — if you wanna talk about this, you know what to do~

Here’s a very super cute commercial Yu-chan released on early March sponsoring these glasses [1]. She looks positively glowing, and the reports say she was a natural during these shots. Of course. She excels at this type of things. Her facial expressions are perfection. Always. All the time.

Best way to begin the week!

You know I have to do it… LOL

I wanted to add one more panel, but I thought it would be too spoilerific of the episode. I really really REALLY hope and wish someone subs Shokuzai because it’s only five episodes, and buzz seems to label it as “the drama” of the season because of the amount of talent involved [1].

After this, I need a face massage too.

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You know you spend too much checking out the Cpop music scene when you look at this and think it’s the funniest thing ever because it’s so true.

I wasn’t/still not a big fan of S.H.E but I gotta admit I’ve warmed up to them, and I guess that comes from my liking of Hebe’s solo albums, which I gotta admit surprised me a lot more.

I used to — still — find Ella the most entertaining. I’ve never seen her acting, but when I catch S.H.E MVs or clips, she always cracks me up. Her face just crack me up, looking at these pictures cracks me up. That girl is hilarious.

Then there was Hebe~~~ hahahahahaha.

I don’t get to watch Nigella on tv any longer, mainly because I’m not stuck to it — and when I am, it’s only on the news channel. But I used to watch her show as often as I caught it running.

I had always thought Nigella had a way with words because she had an MA in language and, as such, knew the right way of talking to get you interested. LOL and then my friend told me she didn’t watch her show because she felt Nigella was flirting with her through it all xD

I guess I got caught in between all the flirting.

Anyway, Nigella is the guest editor for this month’s (?) Stylist Magazine, so all their frontpage at the moment is covered with Nigella content ranging from videos, recipes, tips and things~ and with that a lusciously dirty cover with Nigella’s face covered with salted caramel.

Her post on her love affair with salted caramel is also a good read, with loads of good dirty quotes. Like “I don’t want merely to experience pleasure, I want to wallow in it – gloriously and gratefully – while it lasts.” or:

Not since the first ever infant suckled at its mother’s breast had a food – it felt – had so much instant impact. If I’d been in a cartoon, my eyes would have bulged, stars would have emanated from my head, and I would have been licking my saliva-spurting lips wolfishly.

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Usagi! The Asian Peace Sign~

Yu Aoi has been caught! Several times!! LOL

There’s just… no denying it, Yu.

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I refuse to believe there’s no script on this one [1]. I just refuse to believe Yu-chan is this cute in real life. And I have an urge to eat some chips, with the lack of Calbee Potato Chipusu around – I’m just gonna have to get any other chips.

By the way, two funny CMs [KOIWEB] in like one week. Yu-chan, I know you do this on purpose.

— EDIT —

There’s also an Amusement Park version.

Yu-chan, why do you do these? I mean, release stuff on the same day. It makes me do multiple posts, and makes this blog look hugely disproportionate. xD

Having said that, what are these? Because they’re hilariously cute.

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I literally burst out laughing when I saw this on the DVD

It’s supposed to be a deleted scene from In the Mood for Love — understandable considering it totally kills that moody setting throughout the whole thing. But the part of me that laughed heartly would have loved it included…

Los Nosequien y los Nosecuantos (literally translated to “The Whomever and the Whichevers”), often shortened as NSQyNSC or some variation of that, are famous for… being total clowns. They’ve got their bits of ska so often populating the good stuff of Peruvian Rock, ready for parties.

I was recently updating myself with their discography and found this song called Cuando Tu me Pegas (When You Hit Me)… which talks about DV… domestic violence, or a variation of that since it’s not explicit that the couple in question lives together… in a very inappropriate funny way.

Raul Romero, in the role of the woman… mocking “delicate” tone of voice and all talks about her relationship with a man who hits her, but she loves it. It probably goes in hand with that ever popular saying of “mas te pego, mas te quiero” (the more I hit you, the more I love you) or that thing called “amor serrano”.

Of course, DV is no laughing matter… and I’m sure I’m supposed to be feeling socially conscious about the song and its context… I just can’t help finding this hilarious though. It’s not the lyrics perse, but the execution and overall feeling of the song that makes you go WHUUUUT and then laugh at it.

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