Archives For Music

Zico’s Artist isn’t honestly my favorite track in Television, but damn! It’s probably my favorite live of the album, coz- duh! Live band~ I mean, it’s almost impossible to beat any You Hee-yeol’s Sketchbook (유희열의 스케치북) when competing with a live band, but not even the Sketchbook performance of Anti or the MAMA one top it, because that’s the type of song you listen to at home in the middle of the night at 3-4AM.

Feelings. Feelings were had. Despite this divide of video/screen, I felt that. Faye’s that good. Imagine being there sitting in the PhantaCity studio watching a video of Faye Wong singing Dreams (梦中人) and, all of a sudden, Faye appears on the stage, right there, in front of your eyes. Woah. Shivers down my spine.

Truly a legend.

Look who’s playing her Solar Emotions LP


I’m a stan. I have decided to stan forever. LOL Well, at least a few years. A few years in this day and age is an awfully long time, which is practically forever. I’ve seen relationships that have lasted less than my two and a half years as a moomoo. xD

I’ve been a fan of Yu Aoi for a decade now [1][2]. I’m expecting my moomoo status to be just as long.

If they ever do an event here. I’m done for. LOL I’ve been wanting to feed them my whole moomoo life, as the Grandma Radish that I seem to be turning into.

Damn you, Solar, you making me cry for picking that song for Solar Gamsung. LOL

Like- the song on its own is super sad, but it works well with its video… but the Japanese version? Literally, Nada Sou Sou. xD With the Shamisen, and the goddamn subs in Spanish. ToT

Makes me miss my dad so much.

Me acostumbré a rezarle a la primera estrella, al atardecer miro al cielo y con el corazón lleno te busco. En la tristeza y la alegría, pienso en esa sonrisa; si desde donde te encuentras, me puedes ver, yo viviré creyendo que seguro nos encontraremos algún día.

Also, sharing that overdone Beginner’s Guide I did because I couldn’t make up my mind, LOL

Happy listening~ xD

I honestly don’t have the time to keep up with variety shows on a regular basis, but this showed up on my YT recommendations and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch Leehom on a duet with Han Hong. It gave me goosebumps. I love Shangri-la (心中的日月) on its own original version, but this arrangement for Come Sing with Me (我想和你唱) just gave me the chills.

Han Hong’s voice goes so well with Leehom’s. ToT

Also, DAMN~ I used to not give much for Hebe’s voice, but girl has continued surprising me all decade. I don’t remember her being much of a vocalist, but I’m shooketh with her performance of Angel Devil (魔鬼中的天使). I wonder if she found Julio Iglesias’ not-so-secret microphone stash.

Leehom also got better. Maybe they’re all getting better sound engineers.

I like mentioned back in April [1], Yu-chan is featured on Hoshikuzu Scat’s (星屑スキャット) most recent music video directed by Birds Without Names director Shiraishi Kazuya~ The song, titled Shinjuku Chanson (新宿シャンソン), is featured on Kesho-shitsu (化粧室), the first album of the drag queen group, and was written by multi-talented illustrator-actor-writer Lily Franky.

‘Tis a thing of beauty~

So I’m back with a ton of work to catch up with… as you do when you go on vacation for 10-days to two weeks. I enjoyed my visit to the States— first time in Chicago, first time in NYC. Ate a lot, walked a lot, got a sunburn on my scalp as bald people do… in the City of Wind, nonetheless~ I also watched Wicked on Broadway! Saw Ashley Parker Angel xD (I was a pretty big O-Town follower, lol), and was thoroughly impressed with Amanda Jane Cooper and Jackie Burns~ I am most shocked Burns is in her late-30s because her voice sounded so young. I guess green make-up could help~

I ran into this clip of Burns performing The Adele Dazeem Medley for The Broadway Princess Party held last year. It’s mind-blowing. I thought I should share.

I saw this on Twitter, but can’t post there for obvious reasons lol

It’s honestly the hardest thing I’ve had to choose recently. LOL I think I had the most problems choosing the right top node with Dab Dab / Funky Boy / Peppermint Chocolate / Cat Fight / Rude Boy; because – geez, what bops. I also almost had a stroke when I had to choose between Recipe / Be Calm to the point I had to re-think my vote. xD Similar to Spring Fever and Azegag; and honestly, I can’t choose between Recipe and Words Don’t Come Easy. However, this explains so much why Melting remains my (first and) favorite album to date.

Not to say that Yellow Flower isn’t amazing, of course. Rude Boy and Spring Fever, both bops; SWFS and Be Calm, both feeling~~~ Melting is another level, tho.

You know I’ve been loving Celeb Five‘s variety outing this year. Their Weekly Idol episode has probably extended my life an extra month. My Durian and Jujube face idols~

ANYWAY~ probably because of it, the YouTube algorithm gave me this clip of Lee Hyori performing Bad Girls at the 2013 Mnet 20’s Choice Awards which also features Ahn Young-mi, who -after making her Celeb Five mates do sexy dances – has become my favorite. lol

First of all, this arrangement for Bad Girls make it so much easier to figure out the patch from Monochrome to Black. Also, the performance. Also, Hyori. Blessed. I remember I was so mesmerized with Hyori during this era, I still remember the Comeback Showcase she did fondly. I’m almost mad Hyori went to Jeju to live her hippie life xD lol But bless her.