Am bored. Also remembered I haven’t done this in a while…
Plus, it’s Twenty 2009 films!! Only 28 more LOL!
Am bored. Also remembered I haven’t done this in a while…
Plus, it’s Twenty 2009 films!! Only 28 more LOL!
I know, I know… I’m being lazy.
By the way, by the time of posting this, I’m probably away taking photos at a concert. This is a scheduled post because I wanted Maggie Cheung as the first post for a little longer… xD
I usually post one thing per post, but there’s too much Yu to post –
all via aoinohoho’s Yu-dedicated JP blog.
Rumors that NHK’s future 2011 (I know, I know… so far ahead) Taiga drama (a la Yoshitsune, Atsuhime) would be centered around three sisters… The Three Asai Sisters (?). They throw in some names like Masami Nagasawa and Aya Ueto, but seem positively (?) more thrilled to throw in Yu’s name xD – though you know, it IS a Google Translate.
Me on the other hand… I loved Atsuhime… a strong female who moved the pieces in this game of life. That may have had to do with the high ratings the show got alongside the writing, and production values. So the prospect of Yu on a Taiga drama thrills me. For one thing, I will be able to watch her once a week on my TV for a year. LOL – but then, that will mean a decrease on films… *eek!*
Apparently (this is old old news), FRaU Magazine had a list Yu’s 10 Best Films~
Some interesting choices there!
3 films in English made it to her list…
A very international one… actually, a two-part film project titled Ten Minutes Older, divided into The Trumpet and The Cello. (2002)
And the rest are Asian… though I’ve only heard of Sway (with fellow Joe Odagiri), which I wanna watch.
and third!
aoinohoho uploaded this 9min video of… Yu talking about a book? Book reading?
[iframe src=”” width=”480″ height=”400″]
Oh yeah, and did I mention my mom loves Yu? She told me that tonight… again. LOL
I posted this a while ago.
Now I found out that there’s a Hong Kong version – VCD and DVD Region 3 – with subs (sadly no extras), which I’ve decided to purchase. I would’ve chosen the Taiwan Free region edition, but I decided to get the HK version instead because I had found other product reviews for the releasing company, and I couldn’t find anything on the Taiwan company.
DVD reviewers, please review the DVD and not the movie!
In any case, I will be reviewing the product once I get my hands on it.
Also on my order? Bibi’s Time – China version which includes a Bibi Photobook and DVD!!!
ZOMG! I had to get it… short PB with album with dvd! Less than $20!
I couldn’t resist…
I will be reviewing that too.
What???? – via TVShowsOnDVD
I’ve hated #4 this past weeks. That number is an unlucky number…
Anyway, this is my 4th contribution to the Japanese Cinema Blogathon, if you haven’t been reading… which I hope you have had~~~ because that’s the whole point of this blogathon, right? To promote J-Films…
Which brings me to today’s topic.
How to Make People Watch Japanese Cinema
It’s all about compromise. God knows I’ve tried so hard to get my friends interested in it, because sometimes it can get boring talking to people about it just online… *sighs* I’m sure I come off as pushy, etc~ and many of them won’t budge. I even offer them films to watch for free… they only need to come over, and that’s that.
Last year I had a Foreign Film gathering (they chose the foreign theme, anyway), two of the nine films scheduled that day were Tetsuya Nakashima’s Memories of Matsuko – mainly because I’m crazy about that film, and I had just watched it a few weeks prior – and Shunji Iwai’s Hana & Alice, because Iwai-san and Yu Aoi is lurv. Sadly, no one came on time to watch Matsuko (only one friend arrived… halfway through the film), and I highly doubt they made any connection with Hana & Alice.
Needless to say, I’m setting up another film gathering, though I haven’t made them choose themes yet. I have a few lists I’ve made and they contain a couple of Japanese films. Let’s hope one of them stays this year! *crosses fingers*
Anyway… you don’t want to come off as pushy – and like I said above… it’s all about compromise.
This will make your friend feel like you are not pushing him to watch something, instead you’re just exchanging interests… and who knows, you might end up enjoying both those hobbies.
The point of this blogathon is to promote Japanese Cinema, but we are the ones dealing and discussing. I mentioned this blogathon to a friend, and she had no idea why she should care. *doh!* – combine the idols with your favorite Japanese Directors, and get them at least skimming through your posts. Make a western comparison… got something to write about vampire films? psych ward films? I mean Clive Owen has said that he wants to work with Wong Kar Wai and Ang Lee again… that means some teenage Owen fans would be at least be interested in checking out some more work by both directors.
How about a crazy collaboration between Johnny Depp and Tetsuya Nakashima? Or Juliette Binoche and Shunji Iwai?
I made a fuzz about Tokyo! – I kind of really worship Michel Gondry’s visual style… then there was Ryo Kase, and Yu Aoi. – I’ve also been making a fuzz over New York, I Love You because it’s got Shunji Iwai’s short with Orlando Bloom. Now, I don’t like Orlando Bloom (I’ve only ever liked him as Legolas LOL), but if there are people who enjoy the short… there is a small chance that a teenage Bloom fan might check out Iwai’s past work.
My dad likes comedies… and action films, but well~ he also happens to like Asian culture, LOL’ so maybe I’m being a little unfair here. Anyway, I’ve made him watch films like Linda Linda Linda, Matsuko, Swing Girls, Tekkon, Kamikaze Girls… then one day he brought me Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams. *laughs* I was surprised myself, but my dad had a newly-found interest in Japanese films (mostly the epic kind though… xD)
and to just not have FOUR bullet points here…
Keep bugging people. Someone will need to budge, right? LOL
Continuing with this Blogathon (hmm… I’m finding it harder and harder to write) – I read the following post by Ulrik about Japanese subtitle distribution on blu-ray~ sad, sad indeed~
But the question is… would you buy blu-ray/DVDs with English subs?
Many of us, who watch through torrents and P2P, would probably not buy. I know a LOT of people who think they have the right to not buy a film they love – I get a little pissed when they say that. Not because they do not pay for films… but because they don’t WANT to pay for things they supposedly LOVE. I really can’t stand that.
You will always find me with little money on the wallet or my bank account (depending on where I do the buying…) because I literally spend whatever I get to cash in on the films I love (and used to be films I liked, LOL). It’s really depressing, if you think about it economicaly~ but my love for certain films make it worth the while. Really, watching films and talking about films make me forget about my surroundings hahaha.
[so please, ads my clicking. oh yes, i did again~~ LOL]
So I yearn for English (or Spanish… or even French as of lately) subtitles, so why aren’t they getting subbed? And even sadder (but not as sad as others…) – Why do some films take over six months to get fansubbed?? I worship fansubbers, because they provide something so very useful. But it would be nice to get DVDs with subs, right?
So let’s see… Hmm… I dunno if I can make it to 10 films, so we’ll see~~
Not including Region 1 releases
Hooray for multi-region players! Yes, because I still haven’t made the change to Blu-ray xD
Some other films, I’ve found on Region 1. But I only wish someone would release Hyakuman-en with subs – and I know they aren’t films but I would love someone would release Camouflage (this one doesn’t even have complete fansubs!) and Osen with subs. LOL
Come on WOWOW~ Get on with it! You’ve already licensed Hito no SEKKUSU as a Free Region with Subs in Taiwan! Which I’m so thinking of buying… but really, I’m more interested in getting Camouflage subbed/fansubbed… okay, and maybe Hyakuman-en.
I dunno if my wallet is, though~~~ xD
I haven’t bought anything non-Asian for… I dunno how long. xP
Wow, I still can’t believe I saw Bjork live, right in front hahaha for real. Nearly two years ago~~~ *sighs* – Anyway, here’s the link where you can see the video… it does get you pumping~ WEEEEEE
Didn’t watch too many films either… I did re-watch some though, with subs or just plain re-watching. I still haven’t made it to 20 films released in 2009 though… I’m getting worried how my Experiment Awards will do, if I can’t even made it to my own voting rules. LOL
I don’t know about YOU, but I just found out that YesAsia is listing Don’t Laugh at my Romance on a Taiwan DVD release with English subtitles.
Title is Bu Yao Chao Xiao Wo Men de – Xin? – after all, there’s a heart there. In that case, it would translate to Don’t Mock our Hearts… which is pretty close to Don’t Laugh at my Romance. Why is this important? Because it has English subtitles… and it’s a good film.
English fansubs were released a while ago… so it’d be interesting to see how wel those stand up to these.
Also, it might be the only official release with English subtitles~~~ so who knows?! Maybe with luck, I could get away with buying an American release with subtitles. *fingers crossed*
Though trailer seems to refer to the UK release, has it listed as June 30th, and while the Canadian DVD
is set for the same date, the Blu-ray release has a July 7th
release. The film is already out through Amazon France
, and Amazon Japan.
check more stuff below the break
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