Archives For Life

Andrew Zimmern on Food

September 2, 2012 — Leave a comment

Food opens more doors and makes more friends than any other form of diplomacy. It allows us to explore each other’s differences and find common ground while celebrating each other’s cultures, changing the way we understand our planet one meal at a time.

A kick-ass quote by Andrew Zimmern in preparation for the YAMYUM Food Blogathon ;D

It begins on Monday 3rd! So TOMORROW!

Googling about (as always), I ran into this Best of Beakman’s World collection [1], split into 6-part 10-min clips~ lo and behold! Complete episodes of Beakman’s World Español Latino dubs [1]!!! Because El Mundo de Beakman just melted my brain with the idea that the dubbing voice of Will Smith (Juan Alfonso Carralero, who just happened to be on TV last week as the voice of Viggo Mortensen in A History of Violence xD) was ALSO the voice of Beakman.

Plus, there’s also Laura Torres. O_O

I miss children programming like Beakman’s World — I know there are a few “science educational” children programs out there, but all of them lack the sense of fun and wonder that Beakman had. :(

This is another reason why the 90s rocked so much.

Also… RIP, my dear Ratson.

You know, I’m not currently a big fan of Helados D’Onofrio mainly because since the mid-90s, the company has been regurgitating the same type of ice cream over and over again. There’s only many ways you can mix vanilla and chocolate on a stick, you know?

Their brand has gotten stuck in a way that it only does combinations of chocolate, vanilla, lucuma [1], and a very cringe-worthy hot pink strawberry.

Then again, the same thing happens with snacks and sweets. There’s only so many ways you can mix chocolate cookies with vanilla cream, or vanilla cookies with an assorted arrays of creams (yes, once again: chocolate, lucuma, strawberry… but sometimes mint and if they’re feeling adventurous, peanut.).

But as with many things you grow up, you can’t hep but have a weakness for the memories it brings back. I do remember enjoying my chocolate Buen Humor, the chocolate-cookie-vanilla-ice-cream Sandwich, the fruity Eskimo, and as a little kid it was all about the Copa K-Bana (you know, as in “Copacabana”), and the Vasito (little cup) which was a tiny cup with a one-single flavor “scoop” — Yes, it was either chocolate, vanilla, lucuma or strawberry.

The Bombones (chocolate bonbons filled with vanilla ice cream), the Jet (chocolate covered vanilla ice cream on a stick), Frio Rico (cone with vanilla ice cream with scattered chocolate, which has developed in coffee or dark chocolate versions lately), and I clearly remember Huracan (“hurricane”, water-based orange or lemon ice-covered vanilla ice cream), which had that silly commercial of… what was it? A sumo wrestler (?) wondering if it was “an earthquake or hurricane” and when tasting the ice cream, he would scream “HURACAN!!!”

But the one thing that brings the most memories to me are the D’Onofrio men and women who would bike the city blowing their horns to the typical sound of Helados D’Onofrio.

As a developing nation, we have been trying to minimize the sounds of the city (because we’re a very noisy city). Lima is filled with signage asking drivers to not honks their cars, etc. because noises are bothersome. Small business have sprung, with families opening small bodegas where they sell an assortment of things, and you guessed it, ice cream. This is why, D’Onofrio sellers cannot always be found riding their bikes everywhere around town — except for some neighborhoods that remain relatively small — and when you have the luck to run into one (a picturesque sight that brings many memories), they don’t really use their horns any longer.

So ever since I read this post, equaling the sound of a D’Onofrio ice cream seller to “the death cry of an exotic bird,” I’ve been thinking about them. The hard work it must be riding around the city, under the sizzling and humid summer, seeing people passing by and knowing that they now compete with little bodegas who sell ice cream which are properly refrigerated.

I feel a bug of making a documentary about them, but I haven’t work on film for years now. I feel inadequate, but I feel the need to put this out there. Somebody must do something to remember all of this, because… as Osen would put it — it’s in danger of been swept away with the times.

While the regular edition of l’Officiel has Katy Perry on the cover, l’Officiel China — which is celebrating 32 years of something — has Gong Li on the cover. There’s an accompanying piece (in Chinese) if you’re interested [link].

Also, I found a new photographer! Very excited when I googled his name and ended up looking at some very awesome fashion shoots and celebrity portraits. Sadly his Weibo isn’t so active :( His name is Feng Hai (冯海), in case you need his name in Chinese characters xD


Anyway, Gong Li is always class. She looks stunning, and the styling of the photograph is great as well, but since my Chinese is so poor, I haven’t been able to find the info I want. ~~~

I guess this is some sort of milestone?

Very Japanese Trailer of you, Tokyo Kazoku xD

Though, no sign of Yu-chan.

I mean, it makes sense it’s only like 10 seconds of actual footage xD the film began shooting just short of two months ago. We still got a long wait ahead of us… Having said that, I think my Japanese drama language will work out for me with this one, so I just have to wait for a DVD and not actual subtitles xD

Has anyone noticed that there’s so many un-subbed Japanese movies as of lately? Like, every time there’s a movie worth-watching~ SORRY, NO SUBS! And since the dismissal of upload sites, there’s been a lot of non-fansub activity.

Are all you fansubbers hiding from me???


Dear Sony Japan,

I really want to love you, but I understand our complicated relationship. Every time I pull closer to you, you pull away, retreating to your closed existence where there is only fans of your music in Japan and you forget about me, who just like a person who can’t get enough of this mistreatment keeps coming back to you.

I know I need therapy for this one-sided relationship we got going on.

I am hoping that one day (soon, rather than later) you allow me to love you the way I want to. I don’t want ALL of you, I’d be just happy with short PVs… the one or two-minute clips other companies upload. I can deal with that, but not being able to even BROWSE your content while being able to see it uploaded on my timeline seems like an awfully unfair affair.

Yours faithfully,

your unwilling mistress.

First… I can’t believe The Voice of China left me with a cliffhanger.

The selection process for The Voice of China is done, and I had already picked my favorites… so it’s time for Liu Huan to sort out his picks and do a deadly — seriously, DEADLY — cut. From the first round of duo battles, my favorite performance was Quan Zhendong (权振东) Vs. Jianing Combination (佳宁组合) singing Winter is Coming (冬天来了).

[you can check the video on QQ]

The show is seriously riddled with major talent — so much that Liu Huan really feels it when he cuts people — but since everyone is so talented, I feel like everyone deserves to be there. Some VERY hard choices were made. Almost by the end of the show, when you thought you’d seen it all, Liu Yue (刘悦) went out there and gave the OMG moment of the episode (after a rather weak duo battle, if I may say).

Having said that, if the competition doesn’t work for Quan Zhendong, I think he should totally get together with Jianing Combination because they had great chemistry, and I think they were the most difficult to pick from.

— EDIT —

Now that I’m chronicling my journey through The Voice of China with my opinion on Harlem Yu’s team, I guess I have to tell you my thoughts on Liu Huan’s. Surprisingly enough, I only had two favorite FAVORITES~ The first one was Liu Yue [1] and then Summer (who ended up winning this episode) [1]. But overall I thought Liu Huan’s team had a very good vocal quality.

I’m not even talking about online trolls, it’s regular people you run into your daily life. Someone does something stupid, and as a response this other person spits at this other person. Why?

You’re online answering a question, that you might get or not exactly right, and there’s someone out there who replies back calling you names instead of just stating the right answer.

People say something and there’s people making death threats.

Why are people so angry?

Someone needs a little Piñata therapy. ;P