Archives For Fun

The Number 31!

May 17, 2007 — 2 Comments

Lol, I saw The Number 23 – and even though it was not a very good movie, I still had to go to the imdb and vote! – I’ve been checking out the boards, and found a topic about some number 23 ‘freaky’ stuff. Well, mine seems to be The Number 31! Lol xD

Check this out, IMDB ID for Number 23 was 481369:
4 + 8 + 1 + 3 + 6 + 9 = 31

The sum of my birthdate is:
x = 31

The ID number for the post I was reading of ‘freaky’ stuff was 65785739 page 35:
6 + 5 + 7 + 8 + 5 +7 + 3 + 9 + 3 + 5 = 58… 5 + 8 = 13 <- 31 reversed.

Today’s date is May 17, 2007 – 17052007:
17 + 5 + 2 +7 = 31 or 17 + 5 + 2007 = 2029… 2 + 2 + 9 = 13 <- 31 reversed.

Will maybe continue doing this crazy later, lol – I’m going to bed now.


Edit with more 31s.

I couldn’t sleep well last night. I saw the clock, and it was 5:31
The sum of my phone number is = 31
I was scoring videos for a competition for two categories. One of the averages was 7.45 and the other 6.45 – 7 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 4 + 5 = 31

Shirley Holmes

May 10, 2007 — 1 Comment

For those of you who don’t know, The Adventures of Shirley Holmes was a show for kids that dealt with Shirley, the great-niece of famous detective, Sherlock Holmes. She was a bright and curious young girl with some emotional and social issues, that are triggered by the mysterious disappearance of her mother, Dr. Joanna Holmes, in Rwanda.

We follow Shirley, three or four years into her mom’s disappearance, when she finally meets Bo Sawchuk, a bad-boy-turned-friend and Watson-like companion to Shirley. Together they solve mysteries dealing with insurance fraud, kidnappings, alien abductions, illegal immigrants, conspiracies, and deception – just to name a few… all ending in young Shirley learning something about herself, and other people.

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A Villain~

Mobeen the VillainWelcome, everyone to a revamped edition of interviews at! We are here to interview super villain, Mobeen, our very special guest! First, why don’t you tell the people, that don’t know you that well, a little about you and what you do.

Mobeen: I am an actor and I like to play Villain roles in movies. Sometimes I keep up the role in my real life too. It has ended up in some terrible crimes and accidents because of that…..but we are veering off the topic here. I have won 2 Oscars. Continue Reading…

Nicole Kidman as SatineMoulin Rouge is one of my favorite films because of its soundtrack, art direction, choreography, and overall production ++ plus it’s an idealistic angsty story about a courtesan and a pennyless writer who fall in love in the midst of the Bohemian revolution that swept Paris.

Freedom. Beauty. Trust. And above all things, Love.

Nicole Kidman is great in the film, as well as Ewan McGregor and John Leguizamo. Zidler and The Duke are excellent, especially in the “Like A Virgin” musical number. It is very hard not to like and enjoy this film, unless… of course, you don’t like Musicals at all.

Recently, I got my Greta Garbo collection, which includes 10 discs, and over 12 films – which kicks ass. I’m in the third disc, and just finished watching Camille, both the 1921 Silent Film and Greta Garbo’s.

First of all, Garbo was excellent in this film, especially in the last act. And although the Silent version might have been great in its time, I think the story loses subtlety without dialog an the exaggerated facial expressions. That’s why I prefer the 1936 version better ^^

It is such a pity that Garbo was competing against Vivian Leigh, who won the Best Actress Academy Award for Gone with the Wind that same year. Marguerite, just as Satine in Moulin Rouge, is a courtesan who doesn’t believe in True Love, and instead trades her love for diamonds and bracelets, until she mistakes mid-class Armand Duval for a rich Count.


Marit in Stylus picture=D

Link here: Stylus Magazine

Here’s an excerpt:

What’s your impression of American pop music?[…]

[…]But often when I’ve turned on the radio here, I find it very beat-driven and repetitive, somewhat hypnotic, and that’s not up my alley.

She’s a good musician and performer. She’s got what to brag about, haha. Can’t wait for new material. :D

Just began hearing Kobukuro. Effing awesome. Specially their ALL SINGLES BEST released. A double-disc with 20 tracks. I am having trouble finding all the lyrics for the songs in this release. Will post the ones I found, thanks to and

  1. Kimi toiu na no Tsubasa
  2. Anata e to Tsuduku Michi
  3. Koko ni Shika Sakanai Hana
  4. Maiasa, Boku no Yoko ni Ite – revised May 10
  5. Million Films
  6. Eien ni Tomo ni
  7. blue blue
  8. Takarajima
  9. Yuki no Furanaimachi
  10. Negai no Uta
  1. Kaze
  2. YOU
  3. miss you
  4. YELL
  5. Bell
  6. Wadachi
  7. DOOR ~ The knock again ~
  8. Taiyou
  9. Sakura
  10. Mirai e no Kaerimichi

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Kahlen Curiosity

April 15, 2007 — 1 Comment

It’s 4 a.m, and I have decided to blog. Why? Well, I did my website statistics, and finally remember what program I was using to read my logs. I ran the logs, and found something I thought was funny.

For those of you who don’t know, I run the Kahlen Rondot Approved Fanlisting – Kahlen was the America’s Next Top Model runner-up for cycle 4 – and, oh well… I’ll show you the picture.

Kahlen Curiosity Search

Over 30% of the searches are for Kahlen. So sad… people need to start searching for me! LOL

Anyway, I think that’s about it. I’ll see if there’s anything else I’m forgetting. I wonder how everyone is doing…

Brazilian electro-pop-funk group, CSS (Cansei de Ser Sexy), is holding a music video contest with Italian QOOB.

Please, click on this link and register so you can vote for my video!! Well, the site is in Italian, and I know some people will be discourage to register, but you can still watch it through there.

If you still feel like letting me know your comment, and you have a YouTube account, click here.I also got myself a new CPU, from what I have seen so far – it’s at least 3 times faster than my laptop. LOL… I think almost anything can be faster than my laptop nowadays.

It’s been a busy week. I have been working on three different computers… and one of them was quite annoying because formatting sucks, especially if you’re an HP user. Windows sucks too, by the way. And the stupid Support Center, it’s pure rubbish.

Nothing else here, I think. That’s pretty much all. Working on music video, some printing and loads of formatting and installing and complaining.

A night or two ago, I watched the last episode of Reba. It’s so sad that such a fun show had to end, especially when there’s a lot of crap coming out. I can’t exactly tell you when I first saw Reba, but I truly began watching it on reruns while I was living in Canada. However, I couldn’t continue watching reruns, because I don’t think they show it in Latin America. A month or two ago, I saw it on TV – it was Sunday at 3.30pm on Fox, but I didn’t find it there the next week.

So I was in the boards at and saw a topic saying that it was over, they also were kind enough to post a link to watch the two-part episode. Thank you for that.

I truly haven’t watch all the episodes, but I would watch every time I ran into it. CMT played reruns Mon-Fri at – It was awesome. The characters were all funny, from Dan and Cheyenne’s retarded parenthood adventures, to Reba’s ironic comments on her ex-husband and her husband’s wife, Barbara Jean… to Barbara Jean’s retarded faces and comments, and Kyra’s smart-ass comments. It was a good family show that will probably share space in the hearts of people, just like shows such as Family Ties, Growing Pains, Step by Step, and Full House.

Come on! I still watch re-runs of Growing Pains on Nick@Nite at 3am, alongside The Addams Family, The Munsters and Bewitched! And if I stay later… I get to watch re-runs of Step by Step, and Full House. Hahaha – That’s how bad prime time television is nowadays!


My blog re-opened!

March 3, 2007 — Leave a comment

Hello, everyone~~~

Welcome back from the dead!!! Yes, I have decided to re-open my blog once again, because I need the chance to rant every now and again. Gosh it’s been over 6 months since the last time I did something in here. I have been blogging a bit in MySpace, but it is not the same, as having my own. As you can see, I have adapted this, so I can use WordPress to update and keep things in order, coz holy frijole- it was such a pain in the ass to update before.

So I’ll be back in a few, to rant about the things that I want to rant about, and if by any chance you don’t agree with my thinking, you can leave a civilized comment in here, otherwise – just FUCK OFF.