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Actually name of the book in Spanish is “Kioto,” but I can never get used to writing Kyoto with an “i” –  I don’t think I can write “Tokio” either, there’s just something odd for me…

Anyway, I bought this book on Monday… short one, “The Old Capital,” it’s called in English, from the original Japanese title “Koto,” referring to Kyoto which was Japan’s capital back in the day~ xD – I bought this book because I’m superficial and buy books by their covers. LOL’ ~ I had seen a bunch of books in the store, and read a bunch of synopsis, but eventually returned them to the rack… but not this one, because I liked the cover. xD

Written by writer from Osaka, Yasunari Kawabata, who won a Nobel Prize for Literature in 1968 (First Japanese, and only?). In fact, this was one of the books mentioned (but I didn’t know this) … sadly, he killed himself 4 years later.

Kyoto (sorry, can’t type it with an “i”) is a book about nothing. There’s no BOOM by the end of the story, but yet it is a surprisingly good read. You know? Like one of those films that is about a little about everything, but nothing at all? Just like that. But just so you know exactly… the back of the book says it’s about a 20-year-old girl named Chieko in Post-War Kyoto, daughter of a Kimono maker, who discovers she was an abandoned child, despite her ‘parents’ story. Then one day, she discovers something while attending one of the many festivities in the city.

When I first began reading, I had a picture in my mind of how Chieko looked like (you may have an idea of who)~~ But then, I decided to look it up online, and found out that there was a made-for-tv-movie done for this, and OH SADNESS! I was kinda disappointed with the choice of Chieko~ T_T

Though the Spanish translation seems good enough, it does lose some UMPH… and it makes me wonder how it would look with the use of Japanese Honorifics. I mean, they already used words such as geisha, and maiko… so why not keep the honorifics too? I think it would’ve been a better read…

The book gets very nostalgic at points, there’s also some funny moments here and there, and there are parts that I don’t think I really got… which requires me to read it again. xD All in all, this book is a keeper~ and I want to check out other books by Kawabata.

WARNING: Possible extensive Usagi (Rabbit in Japanese) post ahead! – Of course I am talking about the Japanese or overall Asian style of posing for a photo. I’ve done it… I cannot escape, *looks at you* – You’ve done it too… ~~~~ I’m sure of it, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this post in the first place.

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Did you watch? I did, but I almost forgot, ha! So won’t go on about the red carpet stuff… Tina Fey won big! Best Actress, Best Writing in a Comedy… 30 Rock also won Best Actor, and Best Comedy Series~ But as I said before… I suck at Emmys~

ALSO, House M.D won for Best Directing in a Drama Series for the episode House’s Head, which is by far the BEST I’ve seen on the show. Actually, I was ready to rant if it didn’t win LOL, because that episode literally blew me away~

I was secretly hoping for Hugh Laurie (House M.D) or Michael C. Hall (Dexter) to win Best Actor in a Drama, as well as Bryan Fuller (Pushing Daisies) for Best Writing… but hence, Tina WON which she deserved~ xD

Here’s a WIKI list of the winners

My favorite parts were almost all at the beginning… Heidi Klum in a tux, I would’ve actually prefered her wearing the tux, instead of the stripping… it actually make me think of Britney performing Satisfaction at the VMAs, xD – Though, I didn’t enjoy the whole multiple host thing, and all the rambling…

I also enjoyed Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, her “WERRRRRRRRCOME” was hilarious, and note that she’s not pregnant~ HOW DARE WE! xD She’s gaining weight for a role x’D. And to end my faves, Ricky Gervais telling off Steve Carell about the Emmy throphy stealing xD

Osen OST Spotting?

September 20, 2008 — Leave a comment

Last night I was surfing channels, and as I normally do when there’s nothing to watch on TV, I ended up on NHK. “Begin Japanology” was on (never seen it before), and they were showing how to make Dashi with some really thick seaweed, and with shavings of dried Bonito… which reminded me of Osen-san and the episode of the Katsuobushi. I will always laugh when remembering Osen-san physically assaulting the owner of the shop with the hard block of Katsuobushi… I’m telling you, priceless!

Anyway, as the show went on, they showed the people that worked in the top kitchens in Kyoto, is in this sequence when a light tune begins playing. “I KNOW that TUNE!” I say~~ And I am 99% sure it was a track from the Osen OST because it’s one of my favorite pieces on the album…

本物を見る目 (Honmono wo Mirume)
Discerning Eye for the Genuine <- this is Amy’s translation
and I don’t know if it’s correct, HA! But it will do~

It’s track13 of 22, by Yugo Kanno.

Does anybody know if it’s the track?

Enter the Dragon - PosterYes! Amy grew up with this film. I was VERY little, and my dad, being a feverish Bruce Lee fan, taped Enter the Dragon (Operación Dragón) from a broadcast at Panamericana Television (aka. Canal 5). I still remember the Spanish dub… “PANAMERICANA TELEVSION… PRESENTA!” said the voice in off, “Operación Dragón, con Bruce Lee.” – Of course, I became a feverish 4-year-old Bruce Lee fan~ My grandpa was also a fan… he even named my little cousin “Xiao Long” (FYI. Little Dragon, Bruce Lee’s Chinese name), and yeah~ I KNEW the lines… I still KNOW the lines in Spanish.

Kick me. Kick me.
What was that? We need emotional content. Try again.
I said, emotional content, not anger. Now, try again, with me.
*kicks, kicks*
That’s it!

xD, You know that scene… with Bruce Lee and the student? Right before they try to recruit Bruce to go to Han’s island??

Patéame. Patéame.
¿Qué fue eso? Mayor emoción interna…
Mayor emoción interna! No ira, otra vez, tonto…

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I don’t get NBC (not anymore since 2000, I think), so I just watched. Did you watch? Amy Poehler is always Hillary Clinton’s gold, but Tina Fey just nailed Sarah Palin. LOL’ Just watch the clip~

[iframe src=”” width=”100%” height=”400″]

If the video is not loading, you can try opening Tudou directly.

Dancer in the Dark by Lars Von Trier remains my favorite film since the day I first saw it at the movies. I was still in high school, and it marked a totaly shift on the way I watch films… you know? Before this film, I was your most ordinary teenager… I was all about Romantic Comedies, Teenage Comedies, and did totally dismiss many other films~~ Until this film.

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Osen-san Will Keep on Going…

September 11, 2008 — 6 Comments

OsenBut she made me cry. LOL’ What started as a funny (almost goofy) ride about yummy-looking food from Isshouan, ended up as something that made me cry xD No? Weren’t the last two episodes of Osen so nostalgic?

Maybe it is because my family owns a restaurant as well… and I’m so not-very-much like Osen-san T-T Sadness, NE?

But I do! I do appreciate GOOD food! I appreciate good everything… taking the time to do something~ I do with design… I may not be the Osen-san of design, but I worry for it… and am scared of ‘the times’.

Because now I have to compete with $100 websites, and have to convince and fight for a client that websites are only for them. Okay, I may not call a button “Button-san,” and I certainly can’t drink as much Sake as Osen… and oh yeah, did I mention I can’t cook to save my life? LOL’ But I treat each of my projects like an Isshouan dish~ With time, and dedication.

In the end, is all about learning… connecting, and passing it on. Please, don’t let good things go by just because other things seem more convenient. Hontou onegai shimasu. *bows*

Rejoice! After a few years absent from the music scene (at least mine…), Korean musician Seo Taiji (서태지) is back with a new single… and and new album, of course! Oh yeah, and a new video… ;)

I remember that my friend Jenny, back in DD school… she sent me Seo Taiji mp3s (See! Thank Kamisama for mp3 transfers), and I was instantly hooked. I was surprised to know that my other Korean friend was also a fan, because these two friends couldn’t be more different xD Anyway, Just about a year ago, I ended up buying his 7th album Issues, which is now out-of-stock in YesAsia.

I don’t know when the full new album will be out, but I’ll keep my ear open. xD Gosh, so many releases now~~ Luckily, Amy does not buy Singles~~~ I’ve only bought EPs, but not Singles, not yet. xD

To just sort of follow through with the idea of follow-up lists (eg. Shows You Shoul’ve Watched when They Were on the Air). I am sure many people (not sure if EVERYONE) could come up with a couple of lists mentioning the films they’ve watched that have changed their lives forever.

So just posting this, will dig in deep after today’s (Sunday) madness, ‘coz I’m sure I will be multiple-posting today. Care to share some of your movies though?