I often use the word lightly. I can be ‘obsessed’ with anything. Perhaps everyone is obsessed with something~ You can be obsessed with DBSK… xD, some other can be obsessed with Jay Chou~~~ some other obsessed with vampires~~~ we get called geeks or weird for being ‘obsessed’ with those~ but someone who is a little too obsessed about themselves get called narcissistic. Just a bit unfair, non?
Like I said, I can be obsessed with anything~~ Talk to me about film, and I’ll talk for hours about my favorite films, other films… anything – music, television~ if you’ve read this blog, you’ve seen my ranting. Anything goes, design, photography. LOL’ you would have guessed that I just got called on my obsession~ and I didn’t like it. xD I’ve explained my obsession on the lack of information… partly, I think that’s the reason. Right now, I’m mostly a lurker in many websites… and I seldom comment. But the lack of info always gets me going~~
Like I said… graphics and scans are nice, but if there’s no one worrying about the work and updates, that’s where I see a problem. It just bugs me.
I dunno what’s an obsession~ but maybe we (all who have been called obsessed at one point or the other) can make a lists of possible characteristics that we may be or not be guilty of. xD