Amy seems to be quite the TuneSocial application user on Facebook… if you’ve no idea what is this, it’s an application that sort of works as a ‘virtual’ CD shelf… you can add the albums you own, or the one’s you’ve heard, etc…
I was browsing through ‘my collection’ and noticed that I’ve never given a 5/5 score to any of the albums on my collection, HA! Talk about picky, eh? I also noticed a few glitches, but won’t report because in order to do so, I’ve got to open an account with THEM. DUMB! The main glitch is that when I wanted to find out which CDs had the best rating, and wanted to organize the albums by rating, some of the albums didn’t show up… so in order to verify my list, I had to go through the +600 albums on my list. SUCKY!
Anyway, over the +600 albums… only 30 reach the 4.5 mark. ONLY 30!! Over +200 reach the 4/5 – so AM pretty confident about my choices of stars per albums and artists…
So here it is! Amy’s Top Rated TuneSocial Albums! Continue Reading…