Hello there, Carey Mulligan!
And Emma Thompson, and Olivia Williams…
and Peter Sarsgaard and Alfred Molina – LOL
Looks a bit on the sappy side, but even like that seems worth a look. I loved About a Boy and High Fidelity xD – In the meantime, if you intend to watch this… please also check out Precious (aka. Push) – it will be at the Gala at the Toronto International Film Festival.
Also there…
Kore-eda’s Air Doll with Doona Bae!!!! *squee*
and Bong Joon-ho’s Mother
Not long ago Yu appeared on Fuji TV’s Our Music~
It’s very telling of me, but I only understand when Yu talks about food.
Daikon mochi??? xD Not my fave, but I think my mom likes it…
though they don’t make it like they used to, according to her xD
Gods knows when was the last time I tuned in MTV. I do remember watching a good 15min of VH1 on Sunday afternoon, but I really can’t remember when was the last time I saw anything on MTV. Actually, I can’t be bothered to check my tv at the moment… so I’m beginning to wonder if these changes can be seen on MTV Latin America~~~
I just needed a reason to post this beautiful, beautiful poster. LOL
Now that the trailer can be embedded from Trailer Addict, below the break xD
Thing is, I really didn’t care for the trailer – it’s so over the top… but the poster is gorgeous. And this is why you should take into consideration who your motion graphic designer is, as well as you print designer xD
I’m not much of an Almodovar watcher, but something about the project interested me. I’m thinking it’s the title of the film, it has a nice ring to it. xD – Plus, I’ve learned that Spanish Penelope PAWNS.
I saw the making of this CM for Kirin titled “The First Surf Ride” thanks to aoinohoho~~ Have you guys all seen the Kirin CMs?? They’re pretty funny, and super cute. Anyway~
I was wondering if anyone had scans for Yu’s Vogue Taiwan… like good scans, I tried searching online but many are auctioning the issue O.O – seriously. – That’s my request! =D Any fashion fans that have the issue, you too are being requested xD
ANYWAY! Making of courtesy of aoinohoho below the break~
Okay, my Chinese music has taken over my Asian music as of lately. So I felt I should make another playlist =D – I feel this is an interesting list, even though I couldn’t find a good video for Vae (is he that independent?), and was able to find only one video for Yuguo =’-(
Mayday – Sheng Cun Yi Shang Sheng Huo Yi Xia
(More than Surviving, Less than Living)
Cheer Chen – Ji Ta Shou (Groupies)
Crowd Lu – Wo Ai Ni (I Love You)
LaLa – O Yi Xi (Oh, Easy)
Vae – Ru Guo Dang Shi (In the Event that) – Not a video.
Cheer Chen – Deng Dai (Waiting for You)
Mayday – Bao Gan (Liver-busting)
Milk@Coffee – Ran Shao Ba! Xiao Yu Zhou (Burn! Little Universe)
Crowd Lu – Yi Bai Zhong Sheng Guo (100 Ways for Living)
I love how this list turned out, kinda like telling a story… right? Like just beginning your day with a certain energy, then chilling down a bit, until is not so easy xD and then bam! Liver-busting *laughs* – Combustion!!! Big Bang!!! And finally life goes on… xD
O.O – it’s so great! So interesting, I want to see what each person does haha.
And there’s an “Amy” in it!! xD ~~~It’s sort of an “interactive” video, I think. At least it got the fans of the band involved in more than “we need fans to show up in a concert-type-setting for the music video.” This seems like it was a lot of fun.
And the music is pretty good as well, so I’m looking for their music. =D Any recommendation?
I was looking back on music videos this past weekend (which, by the way marked amy-wong.com’s 4th anniversary) because I was watching Michael Jackson music videos and thinking “wow, how come I don’t like watching music videos now” – at least I don’t watch videos of most music I listen to in English, though I’m generally impressed with Asian Pop Music Videos.
When I was little, well… a pre-teen and teenage girl fuzzing about the Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears with my friends at school, I began to notice director’s names. MTV (which I pretty much used to watch almost 24/7) used to show the Name of the Song + Name of the Artist + Name of Album + Name of Director. They did this until the beginning of 2002 or 2003 when the Director’s name suddenly disappeared from the credits. I dunno if it’s back, and I dunno if it was because I just went to Canada. LOL
One of the first names I noticed was, of course, Nigel Dick.
If I could describe Nigel Dick’s style of music-video-making when I was a kid, I would say “simply brilliant” – not because I was naive and didn’t really know much about the business, but because his videos were simple, but yet so full of life. Perhaps, the easiest way to show it is with a simple video such as Oasis’ Wonderwall.