abstract, but I like it with the music~~~
abstract, but I like it with the music~~~
Though I feel the trailer spoils the film a bit too much.
The only person who can answer this is Julz…
Does it?
I love Kore-eda’s work and sensibilities as a director. He always gets to me. And doe-eyed Doona Bae is always so good to see. Perfect to play a blow-up doll. LOL
Maid Cafe. The very concept makes me giggle.
But you can never go wrong with Karaoke and Yakitori…
okay maybe the same can be applied to Maid Cafe too.
I wasn’t a big fan of the This Is Us album, and Bigger wasn’t my favorite track in it… and the video is normal, but it just kinda works. I mean, it’s Japan~~~ And did I mention the Maid Cafe, Karaoke AND Yakitori?? xD
Awww… that is so awesome, non?
Major points for the music~~~
But of course, the big points come
from all that light painting~~~
by Acerk.
In my opinion, Yu’s had a pretty decent 10-year career. She’s been a supporting character more than I would prefer, but who cares, she’s still young and has a long way to go. Here are 5 movies that I wish she could have been in. I believe each film selected would have helped her career in one way or another.
The video is pretty disappointingly average,
but the song is quite good. =)
Yu Aoi is featured on CMs for U-Can (ユーキャン) a company dealing with distance learning courses and communication, among other stuff. One of the promotional materials is an almost-12-minute short film titled Sute Neko OL, or Stray Cat Office Lady, in which Yu plays Mayumi Yamamoto (?) an office lady who finds a stray cat…
some captures after the break~
In 2006, when she began promotion of her debut Under the Surface, she released a simple video for the song with the same title, which wasn’t really WOW but promoted the song well. Turns out, since her starting promotion of her music in Germany, they made a new version of Under the Surface…
and they also released a proper video for If a Song Could Get me You~~~
comes with Making Of an all~~~ Marit’s so cute.
Wonder if under all that cuteness, there’s a strong Scandinavian character.
What you say Julz?
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Very chilly short about a little girl named Alma.
I totally gasped that moment. xD
I have just fallen in love with a new song. Better yet!
Lyrics live up to the expectation.
Take a look at Sodagreen from their 2007 album
Incomparable Beauty. Beautiful lyrics and instrumentation on the song.
And this is Little Love Song.
FYI, singer is a guy. But here he is doing a pretty rocking version of Toxic. LOL Now imagine him singing and 2001 Britney Spears performing to that music. Would be sweet.
I love LOVE Incomparable Beauty. *sighs*