Archives For Motion

Farewell, Weslife

October 23, 2011 — Leave a comment

I find it strange that I got to find out Westlife is splitting up while on Weibo. I don’t know if that says how much I spend time there now, or if that only means I don’t follow the guys on Facebook or how much they matter or Twitter.

Anyway, Westlife going their separate ways after years… and years… feels weird as if I hadn’t been paying attention to this pop side of my life I used to have. My story with the band is a rather interesting one that started with a communication class group assignment where we had to make our very own radio show.

You can say I started my very first podcast back in the late 90s.

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This is actually a really cool concept.

You would obviously have to know about high resolution pictures and paper quality, but it’d be really awesome. I don’t know many people who have a printer specifically for printing photos, though.

I don’t want to say that I didn’t like the lyrics, but you gotta admit that there’s a certain beauty when the music and a voice can speak to you more than whatever the song can be about.

Besides, being at very basic Mandarin level, this is probably the only level of lyrics that I can try to attempt to work with anyway… so I guess there’s nothing wrong with it. xD

If you want the pinyin lyrics, head over here.

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It was about six months ago (I don’t know why it took so long to cause controversy) when this Latin American Snickers CM featuring ex-RBD Anahi hit the waves.

In it, Anahi is doing her usual extreme biking when she falls and starts complaining about it. Her male friends call her Carlos and tell her that whenever he’s hungry he’s “acting like a girl.” “That’s not what your girlfriend said,” as she eats the snicker.

Anahi turns into Carlos.

I was never able to swallow that commercial, and every time it was on tv — even though it should be tough to run into it without watching much tv — I ended up changing channels with an “UGH”

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I think the director of Sixth Sense and Midnight Circus [1] might be my favorite director this year, though I gotta admit that Bounce is giving it a good run for its money with not only The Kingdom of Fools [1] and Hebe Tien’s My Love [1] and Joey Yung’s gorgeous MV hybrid with a perfume CM commercial, LOL – One Flower and a Thousand Tress [1].

But there’s just something really fierce about Sixth Sense spelling sex without being tacky, instead being completely fierce about it. I mean, Narsha did make me uncomfortable as she frolicked as a prisoner… but that was the only thing. The rest of the video/song was hard-hitting pizzazz… especially when we reach Miryo’s rap and she drops her verses adding the “grazie” and “gracias” — by the way, her “gracias” was almost on point perfect. xD

If you don’t know who directed Sixth Sense, why don’t you go to YAM Magazine and search for it.

I’m also considering buying my first ever mini-album… but it’s really costing me to go against my album etiquette. It’s like I’m going against everything I stood for all these years. Can I do it for BEG?

This is my list of Best 2011 MVs at the moment.

Oh, my gosh. I love Weibo. Not only do I get to see post such as this [1, in case you can’t see it], I also get to find out stuff xD. Plus, dedicated streams to Yu-chan stuff.

I get to semi-talk to other fans too.

It seems Yu is also promoting J!NS’ Air Frame — which are apparently super duper light. In the previous CMs (which are plain Air Frame ones) with Joe Odagiri and Chiaki Kuriyama [1]. They claim they’re only 10gr. which I guess is pretty impressive considering they look pretty sturdy.

My semi-rimless glasses seem pretty heavy in comparison.

There’s an HD version available but it’s not an official upload so it might get deleted.


Here’s some behind the scenes and a small Q&A via JIJIPress.

Here’s a clip of the Making Of.

I’ve attempted to sing Leehom’s new song six times already. The first time I saw it and he reached those verses in English… somehow I was deeply moved. LOL But I really can’t believe he’s saying all of this on the song. It’s really quite explosive.

Also, the people complaining it sounds like Ke$ha – please, as if she has copyrighted autotuned vocals. Plus, Leehom sounds more Michael Jackson than anything, specially singing in English. And I’m fine with that, in fact… I kinda love the energy when he says those things.

On the rough — seriously, are you going to trust my Google translation abilities? — multi-language lyric translation and pinyin below the break!

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I refuse to believe there’s no script on this one [1]. I just refuse to believe Yu-chan is this cute in real life. And I have an urge to eat some chips, with the lack of Calbee Potato Chipusu around – I’m just gonna have to get any other chips.

By the way, two funny CMs [KOIWEB] in like one week. Yu-chan, I know you do this on purpose.

— EDIT —

There’s also an Amusement Park version.

Fashion and perfume CMs are so pretty, huh? [1][2]

This latest j’Adore Dior CM, which Charlize Theron has been promoting for a while doing those long walks almost naked but not showing anything have been… pretty normal. But this latest one which features Grace Kelly, Dietrich — both look like pretty close impersonators (I’m not even sure! LOL), but Marilyn looks pretty close to the actual Monroe and it looks like it might be footage. I’m not sure either, but it’s just pretty cool hahahaha.

Theron is the long-legged giantess and with those uber high high heels, I don’t even want to think of how tall she must be with those. I love it. LOL

Having said that, does anyone know the legality of using a dead icon’s image to use on a CM?

I love it.

Since I posted the OAOA MV on YAM Magazine, I haven’t been able to stop singing along to the song, which at first was stupid. I mean, REALLY — the song is called OAOA. If you speak Spanish, it just reminds you of the Teletubbies. Lucky that the song is actually called O.A.O.A, but still! I just couldn’t get passed that name… then I finally listen to it, and it has been non-stop butchering Mandarin while saying OAOA.

Saying OAOA is as fun as singing Linda, Linda!!! Linda, Linda, Lindaaaaa~ xD

What’s even more impressive about Mayday 3DNA is that it’s also going to be a movie, and not just a concert movie but a movie-movie, with a plot and all. Makes me want to see it even more.

Pinyin lyrics after the break! So you can butcher Mandarin with me!

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