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It wasn’t long ago that Lima got the chance to watch Paris, Je t’Aime – and though the shorts are not perfect, they are very enjoyable. They also had a really nice cast put together that included Natalie Portman, Juliette Binoche, Elijah Wood, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Maggie Gyllenhaal, heck~~ even Ryan Phillippe. LOL… and with an interesting list of directors that included Cuaron, the Coen and Gus Van Sant~~

Apparently, the collection of short films were pretty successful, so as Hollywood does what Hollywood does best~~ Now we’ve got New York, I Love You… and there’s a Teaser because apparently there might be a screening at TIFF. Here it is~~

I was excited about NY, I Love You. I was… but this teaser~~ some of the actors, they’re not on my good list of actors~~ in fact, they are in my list of actors I should skip. LOL’ Though, I’ve probably made exceptions. Anyway, and the music. I like the music… I do. But I thought they could pick tracks less familiar, because at the moment it makes me feel like I put my iPod on shuffle.

Also… 2010, will you be ready for Shanghai, I Love You? Or should that be Shanghai, Wo Ai Ni??? xD

Kobe Collection - Juri Ueno - Aug 2008xD Oh yesh, they do~~~

Now that Olympics are over, I can slowly return to my current obsessions… so I stopped by the forums, and *le gasp!* How did I not find out about this sooner????

Juri-chan won Best Supporting Actress at the 57th Japanese Drama Academy Awards.


Also, seems like Last Friends swept awards by winning Best Supporting Actor for Ryo Nishikido (WTF? I need some Eita lovin’), Best Directors, Best Script, Best Drama, and BEST THEME SONG~~~

Go Utada Hikaru!!! Hope you have a fun party with Kuma-chan xD

You can read a little bit more about the results in the Juri Ueno Live Journal Community. They also have the awesome photos of Juri’s last public apperance at the Kobe Collection, which happened yesterday in Japan… just click over here.

OMG, are you watching?? I can hear millions of Asian girls swooning~~~ Wang Lee-Hom and Bi singing Beijing Beijing Wo Ai Beijing!!!! Poor Kelly Chen… who? Where was Guan Zhe, though??

Wo Ai Beijing - Lee Hom Wang and Bi Rain

American-Chinese musician Wang Lee-Hom, and Korean musician Bi (Rain) perform together Beijing Beijing Wo Ai Beijing in the Closing Ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics

Are you waiting for London? Eh, No~ What the heck was that, London? That looked more like a Superbowl half-time entertainment than an Olympic closing performance. We all love some Beckham… and some people love themselves some Leona Lewis and then some Led Zeppelin… but that was just so anticlimactic.

Anyway, going back. Closing ceremony was not as HOLY-CRAP-CAN’T-BELIEVE-THAT-I’M-SEEING-THIS, but it was pretty good. LOL’ I am still swooning over Wang Lee-Hom and Bi together….

I think one of my favorite parts was when the performers made the Olympic logo, because I’m so-oh-in-love with Dancing Beijing… unlike the ‘unnamed’??? 2012 London Logo. While watching the whole London Olympic sequence, I couldn’t help but think about school Motion Graphics. Yes, sure… aim at young people, but don’t alienate the older viewers. My mother sure didn’t appreciate that~~

Dancing Beijing - Memory Tower

Performers make the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics logo, Dancing Beijing, on the Memory Tower.

Moving on… again! Placido Domingo made an apperance! He sang alongside Song Zuying (which the dude on TV made sound like ‘Son Su Jin,’ which made me think she was Korean).

Hmm… will look for photos. Photos are everything… or at least a video clip. Did you swoon? Lee-Hom Wang and Bi deserve my swooning~~~ I hope you swooned!! xD

**EDIT** 8.54pm – Found some photos!
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Chinese stories? Yah, in the Western Media.

Last week or so, my mother woke up to some news reporter, what else, talking about the Olympics. Such news report, title Cuento Chino (Chinese Story, as in Tall Tales?), broadcast sometime on Sunday (probably Reportajes) in Canal 2 (Frecuencia Latina).

Furious, my mother wrote a letter to one of those so-called opinion columns, for Somos magazine that is part of El Comercio newspaper.

Here is the copy of her email to them.

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It is almost a month… >almost< since the last music post. Since then, my iPod is in danger of permanently dying… I can’t think of all the Last Played/Play Count data that will be lost, add that to the fact that some backed-up music doesn’t have the correct song information such as year, track number or even album. BUMMER.

ANYWAY! Thanks to Olympics week, I have added a few albums to my collection! Most importantly… Chinese music. I am loving me some Bibi Chow music, as well as some Lee-Hom Wang music~~ And apparently many have been enjoying listening to Guan Zhe singing Beijing, Beijing Wo Ai Beijing, making that post with the lyrics the most popular in here. Alongside that post, Beijing Huan Ying Ni and Wo He Ni join the list of most popular posts… O_O

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4th Generation iPodI’ve got a 4th generation iPod… yes, my iPod is 4 years… since the day I bought it on my trip to Hong Kong back in September 2004. Yes, my iPod has many scratches on the tiny 1.5 inches one-color screen. LOL I cannot watch videos, it doesn’t allow photos… and it’s only 20Gb. But it’s more than I could ask for…

Yesterday, my iPod suffered an accident, and it’s been on the border of a permanent coma. Connected through the USB cable to my Frankestein PC desktop, I tripped over the cable and it fell on the hard cold floor. I had dropped my iPod before, and apparently… it’s been taking its toll.

One of the problems that began happening is that Windows XP wasn’t recognizing the iPod, iTunes crashed… and I ended up restarting my computer more than a few times before I decided to disconnect it all. Once again, I disconnected all and restarted the system as I connected my iPod directly to the electrical outlet with the firewire.

It seemed to work that way, and I hadn’t lose any of the 3000+ songs I’ve got in it… over 14Gb of music. When I woke up today, everything seemed to work fine, and I set up the music that I wanted to listen while doing some studying, when all of a sudden everything stopped playing. Most of the songs I tried playing showed that little exclamation (!) sign when iTunes can’t find the original file.

After that, Windows and iTunes began acting weird again, and it did so in another computer. After a few more restarts, I plugged the iPod to the electrical outlet once again, and let it rest there for a while.

iPod is working once again… and songs that showed up as missing are playing fine.

My faithful 4-year-old iPod that accompanied me through so many sleepless school days during finals, during so many hours on a plane… and terrible endless waits in airports around the world. ~~~ There won’t be a replacement for my 4th generation iPod, just like there’s no replacement for my worn-out Adidas, which I bought in 2001 and have carried with me around the world… endured terrible rain, mud, moss, extremely long walks.

Funny lyrics!! If you like the Alphabutt, you might enjoy Onara Taisou!

Anyway, Alphabutt makes for a really odd, but funny listening~ which includes the song of the same name, Alphabutt… great funny for learning your English ABC.

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3 of 3!

This time with lovely Juri Ueno~~ Rocking photos by Kentaro Shibuya. First time i find a portfolio online…

Anyway, as the name suggests… A Piacere, is a pleasure… a delight. It’s got 50+ photographs of Juri-chan visiting Kodaira (Tokyo), Okinawa, Yokohama and Ebisu (Tokyo). Moreover, Juri’s photobook is western. LOL’ It begins from the left to right like any regular books you buy in America or Europe, and there’s a lot of easy-to-read info (like the cities, and people involved names).

Juri Ueno - A Piacere

PLUS, there’s an interview with Juri and Kentaro Shibuya. I didn’t get much of what was going on… since they didn’t talk much about food (and the interview is in Japanese), and food talk in Japanese is what I’ve been practicing. But they did talk about Juri’s musical projects, relating it to some of the photos of Juri playing the guitar. So a little bit of Swing Girls talk, then some of Nodame Cantabile… and they even get to talk a little bit about Niji no Megami (Rainbow Song)…

If you doubt whether to get this or not, photos are REALLY worth having, many of them have a natural lighting style that remind me of some Mario Testino photographs. Anyway… some photos of the photos ahead!! You know the drill!

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More New Clothing

August 20, 2008 — Leave a comment

*smashes head into wall*

xD I just made a dangerous clothing discovery~~~ damn you YesAsia!!! xD Yes, because they had to spam me with a little print on YesStyle~~ And Amy wants some of those, especially those beanies… I am almost sure now that the search for that knitted beanie/toque/tuque that I’m on can end with – Word. But NO! I’m not only eyeing those beanies… Amy cannot possibly stop looking there!

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We (meaning me) interrupt your Olympic and Photobooks posts (finally) to report that Korean-American comedian Margaret Cho’s VH1 reality show, The Cho Show, will be premiering next week on VH1 (America, obviously… I’ll just have to find it online), Thursdays at 11pm.

Lucky for us… has a full ‘sneak peek’ of the first episode, Korean of the Year, where Cho battles the idea of accepting or not the award of Korean of the Year… The episode is divided into 4 parts, no commercial breaks~~~ I think the parts I laughed the most were Part 3 and 4.

If you don’t know who Margaret Cho is, what the hell is wrong with you? xD Cho is one of the funniest people I’ve heard, though her humor might not be for everyone… she’s funny once you get used to. I first discovered her by watching a YouTube link to her comedy act, I’m the One that I Want ~~~ xD

I just love Margaret’s parents~~~ and her imitation of her mother! xD