The Cho Show Premieres Next Week!

August 18, 2008 — Leave a comment

We (meaning me) interrupt your Olympic and Photobooks posts (finally) to report that Korean-American comedian Margaret Cho’s VH1 reality show, The Cho Show, will be premiering next week on VH1 (America, obviously… I’ll just have to find it online), Thursdays at 11pm.

Lucky for us… has a full ‘sneak peek’ of the first episode, Korean of the Year, where Cho battles the idea of accepting or not the award of Korean of the Year… The episode is divided into 4 parts, no commercial breaks~~~ I think the parts I laughed the most were Part 3 and 4.

If you don’t know who Margaret Cho is, what the hell is wrong with you? xD Cho is one of the funniest people I’ve heard, though her humor might not be for everyone… she’s funny once you get used to. I first discovered her by watching a YouTube link to her comedy act, I’m the One that I Want ~~~ xD

I just love Margaret’s parents~~~ and her imitation of her mother! xD

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