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VMA’s still on, and Pink just performed So What, which I dig. I actually own all Pink albums, even the first one, and I know that Pink pumps the audience good, just didn’t feel the performance tonight… Best of the night though, up until now.

Now, onto rumblings… Britney WON! She actually won a Moonman, which my dad was sure she wasn’t gonna do, and he was left flabbergasted. LOL – Anyway, I actually don’t care for any of the nominees… actually, dunno who’s nominated so I’m kinda going with the flow. xD But Britney won! Yes, I was also surprised, as I thought Katy Perry was gonna win and all…

Why the hell did MTV cut to commercials when The Ting Tings were performing? WHY! And they should really think about changing the category names from such as Best Female Video to Most Popular Video by a Female, because it’s hard to believe that a video by Jordin Sparks could win a spot in the nominees, instead of a Bjork’s video.

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Because I did. Malditos promotores! How on earth am I supposed to find out people are coming if you don’t bombard me with printed stuff on magazines, newspapers, cable commercials, or even a pityful data addition at Eventful. Continue Reading…

To just sort of follow through with the idea of follow-up lists (eg. Shows You Shoul’ve Watched when They Were on the Air). I am sure many people (not sure if EVERYONE) could come up with a couple of lists mentioning the films they’ve watched that have changed their lives forever.

So just posting this, will dig in deep after today’s (Sunday) madness, ‘coz I’m sure I will be multiple-posting today. Care to share some of your movies though?

Juri Ueno - Nikkei Entertainment MagazineAwww, Juri-chan! I was reading a post over at the boards, and found that Yuuki provided a link to an English-translated  Juri Ueno interview for the latest issue of Nikkei Entertainment Magazine. Juri can be so charismatic~~ LOL’ but apparently it only works on girls. Let’s face it, girls~~~ Boys or most of boys have RUBBISH taste in women… case and point all those guy magazines, such as FHM. Here’s the chart~

Juri Ueno - Boy and Girl Charts

It’s a really insightful interview in which she discusses her latest film (GuGu), her acting in Nodame, Last Friends~ Here are some quotes;

“Rather than films, I grew up watching variety shows most of the time (laughs). Refining or adorning myself, I still don’t have much interest in that area. But in this era, the scope of what being ‘an actress’ is have widened greatly haven’t they? In the olden days, being an actress means you have to be beautiful and ladylike else it won’t be possible. Now, there are even roles like Nodame, and because of that, even someone like me is able to be one (laughs).


Being married probably won’t effect my focus towards work but at the moment the image of being alone is stronger. […]

Scans and complete article translation, here. ^^

Well, couldn’t find stills of Eve, but apparently the debut of Natalie Portman behind the director’s chair is doing pretty good, with the first reviews being positive. **EDIT**

Eve - Lauren Bacall and Ben Gazzara

Lauren Bacall and Ben Gazzara in Eve, Natalie Portman's directorial debut.

Read about it at

This might be old news to some, but it’s news to me… and the more people blog about it, the better~ I just read over at Marit’s MySpace that her 2nd studio album as a solo is almost done and that it will be called “The Chase”. The first single is already up on her profile, and it’s called “If a Song Could Get Me You“.

I love her music! So head over there and give it a listen if you haven’t heard her music~ Such a fusion of magical sounding pop with a folk countrish vibe. She’s got an innocent sweet soudning voice that mixes well~~ xD And you know, her last album (her solo debut, “Under the Surface”) was great… and even too short an album! Whenever I put it on my disc player, I have to repeat it at least 3 times. xD

Anyway~~~ to top it all off, Marit has also posted 3 home-made video versions of the song… one on the train, the other on a green grocery store, and one last walking through escalators in a subway station.

Trying to figure out a better way to keep updated with films I watch, some are not on Flixster or IMDb, which makes it hard to figure out which ones I’ve seen by the end of the month.

Wow, a month already~ This post began Aug. 10th xD just because I couldn’t find some of the short films, ha! It’s a really not so fun way to keep track of films…

Anyway! I know I don’t blog DVDs, so I’m gonna do now! Can’t really remember which was the last DVD post I made of DVDs that I’ve bought, so these are the films in my last buy~~ which hasn’t arrived yet.

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So… Hayato Ichihara also has a Photobook of his own. It came out in 2006 and it features photos by Yoshiaki Sugiyama of a 19-year-old Hayato… there’s even an image reminding us of his debut of All About Lily Chou Chou (in which he shared the screen with Yu Aoi)~~

Well, you can get his Photobook in here: [minimum shipping $8 I think…] [free shipping when reaching $90 for International orders, and cheaper for US, Canada, etc]

The book features 90+ pages of Hayato being silly, included rabbit costume photos (like the one on the cover), making faces with an oba-chan, and even a naked butt…. LOL’

But don’t worry, it’s not only fun and games~~ there’s also some artistic shots of Hayato wearing his traditional Japanese clothing, some with a tux, and some very cool black and white shots. And I will be posting a teasing image… no, it’s not the butt. It’s a really nice shot of Hayato in Japanese outfit running up a stony set of stairs~~~

Hayato Ichihara - Personal Photo Book Scan

As with Yu’s Travel Sand scan, I’ve added some photo and PB credits~~ It’s a wallpaper sized 1680x1050px, there’s also a more ‘squarer’ version of it (fullscreen one sized 1280×1024) if you are interested. Just leave a comment either here or Flickr.

What are the chances… really~~~ to become a fan of Juri Ueno and having the chance to watch Swing Girls at Centro Cultural Peruano Japones???

And now, what were the chances of watching Tekkonkinkreet not long ago… buying it online just a couple of days ago, and learning that it will be playing all throughout September on Cinemax Latin America??? So rejoice television surfers~~~ the zapping will end when being able to watch this, ‘coz it’s totally worth your viewing. Plus, it’s Yu Aoi… once you know Yu, her voice is very recognizable. Here’s what the Cinemax-LA website says about the film….

En la Ciudad del Tesoro, donde la luna sonríe y los niños pueden volar, la vida puede ser tan apacible como brutal. Allí dos huérfanos tratan de sobrevivir, mientras intentan proteger a sus habitantes de la mafia yakuza.

The two orphans, named Kuro (Black) and Shiro (White), make perfect compliments. Amy loves herself some compliments because it reminds her of symbols, and Amy loves symbols… for OBVIOUS reasons. xD Okay, maybe not so obvious… but whatever, that’s why they’re called “symbols” because they’re not obvious. LOL’

Anyway, knock yourselves out~~~ Here are the times for Cinemax Este and Cinemax Oeste – If you don’t have anything fancy (meaning just Cable Magico) you have Cinemax Oeste.

Cinemax-E 11:15 Sab 30/8/2008 | Cinemax-O 13:15 Sab 30/8/2008
Cinemax-E 15:45 Jue 4/9/2008
| Cinemax-O 17:45 Jue 4/9/2008
Cinemax-E 17:30 Vie 12/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 19:30 Vie 12/9/2008
Cinemax-E 14:15 Lun 15/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 16:15 Lun 15/9/2008
Cinemax-E 07:15 Dom 21/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 09:15 Dom 21/9/2008
Cinemax-E 14:00 Jue 25/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 16:00 Jue 25/9/2008
Cinemax-E 11:00 Mar 30/9/2008 | Cinemax-O 13:00 Mar 30/9/2008

Oh yeah, they are also showing Continue Reading…

The 60th edition of the Primetime Emmy Awards will be held on Sunday September 21st at 8/7c – and hopefully will be broadcast in Latin America by either TNT (latin america) or Sony Entertainment Television… but if you’re in America, just head over to ABC for it.

Anyway, that’s a little less than a month away… in the meantime, you can head over to the ABC Emmy website (click here) – where you can vote for two of your favorite memorable TV moments in the Comedy and Drama categories~~ (that means one moment for each category, people). In there, check the menu… you will notice the “memorable moments” section where you can read “comedy voting” and “drama voting” ~~~ knock yourself out with it. I am hoping you can vote for the Buffy the Vampire Slayer moment in the Drama category, from the episode The Gift… which could’ve made a GREAT ending, if the series had ended there~~

Loads of funny moments in the Comedy category too… like the Ellen moment when she comes out (and Laura Dern hugs her), and the I Love Lucy bit one… which had me laughing. Lucy always gets me laughing like a maniac. LOL