Marit Larsen and The Chase~~

This might be old news to some, but it’s news to me… and the more people blog about it, the better~ I just read over at Marit’s MySpace that her 2nd studio album as a solo is almost done and that it will be called “The Chase”. The first single is already up on her profile, and it’s called “If a Song Could Get Me You“.

I love her music! So head over there and give it a listen if you haven’t heard her music~ Such a fusion of magical sounding pop with a folk countrish vibe. She’s got an innocent sweet soudning voice that mixes well~~ xD And you know, her last album (her solo debut, “Under the Surface”) was great… and even too short an album! Whenever I put it on my disc player, I have to repeat it at least 3 times. xD

Anyway~~~ to top it all off, Marit has also posted 3 home-made video versions of the song… one on the train, the other on a green grocery store, and one last walking through escalators in a subway station.

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