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A short time-lapse video of Jonsi’s performance xD

You know, up until now – Jonsi’s Go remains one of my fave albums of 2010. Shortly followed by Yuguo’s Those Words I Want to Say to You, but that’s an EP.

G asked me about Ga-In — sorry, only in Spanish — and wondered if she was my favorite Brown Eyed Girl member. And yes, yes she is indeed. Though I didn’t love or adored her EP debut, it was very interesting to me in terms of style. It sounded very Argentina. To sum it all up, the music video is also very passionate Tango.

First of all, Ga-In seems to be enjoying all the body groping. I suspect it started with Abracadabra. LOL Plus she goes all “Music-Vid Turned Short Film” on us with a running time of over 10min. that includes tragic love, tears, face-scratching, dramatic walking away while the girl gropes your leg (very Latin passion, btw), suicide attempts, and some pop version of Tango dancing (Tanging?) in the desert.

I’m gonna actually show the video to my mom and dad — who also enjoy Kpop, btw. My mom likes to point out that Korean girl groups have better legs than Japanese girl groups. LOL She’s picky with the Asian chicken legs xD or how my friend calls them – the drumsticks. LOL

Anyway, I’d like to know what they think about this parrilla argentina.

I hate coding. Surprise!

I need someone to code for me xD

I’m trying to figure out what plugins to add, and decide what I need to code myself. It’s just… headache. In the end, I just began adding the categories and some of the tags we will be using, as well as creating accounts for the YAM team! xD

obviously, I deleted the names, usernames and email addresses for protection. But as you can see… there’s all us… there’s me, there’s our Ghost Writer, and we’ve got a bunch of more ghosts that have no pictures – and there’s LinzerDinzer.

Okay… did anyone else had troubles getting the feed? I was using my Chrome, and switched to Firefox… and even dared to open the crummy Explorer. I checked if my plugins were updated (they were), and I even downloaded the newest version of Java – which I usually avoid.

Still, all I got was the red loading.

I know it’s not only me, because I saw a ton of messages, but I wonder why it was such a bust. I mean, a lot of other people do live streams fine. Last night I had a fine experience at NPR and the Jonsi concert. Why do Vevo and YouTube need to make such a fuzz with technology?

I gave up after trying to get the feed for 30min. 30 MIN!!!!!

Never have followed the Asian Pacific nominations… mainly because it’s hard to, you know~~~ watch films from that part of the world for me. However, distribution is getting better – dvds are being launched so much faster, and many of them come with subtitles in English (when needed), and there’s a lot more people willing to fansub when needed.

And YAY! Aftershocks has landed 6 nominations – including Best Film, Best Directing, Best Cinematography, Best Screenplay PLUS! Best Actor and Best Actress. Now, I’m trying not to be biased, I don’t think actor Chen Daoming was THAT good in Aftershocks, but actress Xu Fan completely deserves it.

The other big nominee of the night is South Korea’s Poetry (Shi) – crap! I’m really that good at film recommendations for distributors, someone hire me ASAP! – which received 4 nominations for Best Film, Best Directing, Best Screenplay and Best Actress. While Taiwan’s Monga – see, I’m good – was nominated for 3 awards for Best Film, Best Directing and Best Cinematography.

The APSA(wards) will be handed out December 2nd on a live webcast at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards site.

All nominations below the break~

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You know I love Testino. You also know that I prefer his natural light photos, than his high-fashion work… but! There are times when it’s just too good, you know? Plus, it’s got some Carmen Kass!

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Did you see it?

It was amazing – LOL, the closest thing to it since I doubt he will ever perform here. I think it’s becoming a fixture… watching Sigur Ros, Bjork, Jonsi on live streams. xD

Anyway, in case you missed it – they will be re-running the nearly-hour show pretty much all of today. Just go to the NPR website, and check if the live stream is ready for re-viewing.

According to this Aiya They Didn’t post, Elva Hsiao’s latest single Rang Ai Fei Qi Lai (Let Love Fly) music video was deemed PG-12 in Taiwan, and banned in Singapore — understandable being a Muslim state and all — due to it’s gay “themes”.

The video comes in two versions, the Ice Version and the Rainbow Version – but no! The Rainbow Version is not the one deemed… er, inappropriate. It’s the Ice Version. Because it’s got the “gays” people holding hands! Eek! No, seriously guys… ironically, the gayest suggestive Rainbow version with tons of guys semi-nakedness frolicking in a pool filled with peen- er, I mean foam and some straight couple kissing just got passed Muslim censors.

If I were a censor, I would have gone with the hand-holding and avoid the gay pool with foam. But to each his own – that’s just me and my mind is in the gutter.

As for the song, and the actual Ice Version. I… don’t really like the song, but it’s so damn catchy – actually listened to it more than 5 times already. Plus, I guess it’s got a good message of love for everyone! And the video is kinda classy for a gay/lesbian pop music video.

I already pimped this to AfterEllen and AfterElton – I hope they pick up xD

Raiou, based on the novel by Mari Ueza about tragic lovers, is set to open next week on Friday the 22nd. It stars idol-in-the-rise Masaki Okada opposite established-idol-transitioning-to-actress Yu Aoi. What does Raiou mean to their careers?

A rising-star and an established-idol starring in a period drama romance? If it succeeds, it means the rising-star will keep on rising, and the established-idol still has “it”. A period drama romance lays solely on its protagonists’ shoulders, and their chemistry. If it fails, it’s because of them. That’s a lot of scary thoughts right there~

Why does Yu Aoi need Raiou to succeed? She is indeed an idol still. She sponsors products, and she makes a living selling products. She’s young — to westerners, anyway — she’s cute, youthful… the whole shebang. However, the life-span of a Japanese female idol is short, some of them have retired at 20! So Yu, having turned 25 already, isn’t… well, a young idol any longer. She’s been away of major mainstream entertainment, she’s had relationships, she’s been on tabloids as people discuss who she really is dating. Everything takes its toll. She’s now a woman. An actress who is still an idol. Will people support her passed her prime-early-twenty years like they did when the hit Hula Girls came out?

Raiou holds Yu’s idol-hood future. Will it be a hit right away? Shoot to number one the first week to then drop the next? Will it slowly climb to number one in two or three weeks and stay there a week or two? Will it climb slowly up to stay there for several weeks? Will it never reach number one?? Whatever happens, it will change Yu’s bankability.

These are gorgeousity~~~ xD

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