Archives For yam


Gonna share this on the 2011 YAM Blogathon

Let’s see, I missed posting yesterday! Coding is such a mess~ Please, if you know anything about WordPress plugins, programing, and crazy coding talk – HELP ME!

Anyway, to clear my head from that problem, I was having a debate on whether or not The Kids Are All Right is anti-male or not. The participants? The Film Snob (snobbyfilmguy), Kevin Ketchum (KevinnK), Johnny Splash aka. filmcave, Benjamin Vargas aka. bensower, and MovieBungalow.

When the film first came out, a lot of the critics and bloggers were singing praise left and right. TKAAR is my flare, light drama with bits of comedy. Plus, it’s got Julianne Moore and Mark Ruffalo, of course I was going to watch it. However, with positive feedback, there’s also the few that can’t help but feel disappointed… or outraged.

While reading IMDb (battle zone!!), and some comments on, you could find lesbians saying the film is “anti-lesbian” because no way Julianne Moore’s character would sleep with a man, saying that it makes it seem like lesbians can’t live without c*ck – their words not mine.

That’s like saying Imagine Me & You is “anti-heterosexual” because no way Piper Perabo’s character would go for a woman. Hmmmmmkay.

Let’s start with the basics. The Kids Are All Right is the story of a lesbian couple that’s going through a rough patch. Nic (Bening) is a doctor that’s spending more time tending to her patients, than her wife Jules (Moore) who’s a stay-at-home mom, whose string of career switches fill her with insecurities.

After years of marriage (ten?), they’ve got two kids, almost-18-year-old Joni (Wasikowska) mothered by Nic, and 15-year-old (16?) Laser (Hutcherson) mothered by Jules. They seem you’re average white upper-middle class family with no kids problems, no money issues. Since Joni is about to turn 18, her brother asks her to contact their sperm-donor father — Enters Paul (Ruffalo), and all hell breaks loose.


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Happy American Thanksgiving~

November 24, 2010 — 4 Comments

I always got confused about American and Canadian thanksgiving~

I know a lot of people who visit are from the US, so Happy Thanksgiving guys! Hope you eat a lot — that’s me wishing you the best in Asian-talk — and that the crazy cold or hot (depending on where you are) doesn’t get to you.

Don’t have any Thanksgiving-y photo~

Sunrise in Cappadocia

I won’t be posting daily because I found that posting so much online makes it impossible for me to work on the YAM Magazine website. I will still be tweeting for the YAM Mag Twitter account, the YAM Mag Facebook Group, or you know… you can follow my movie-watching on MUBI.

Why Kurt Hummel is Important

November 11, 2010 — 5 Comments

This week’s episode of Glee created a bit of a ripple. Some of my friends said “intense” because people were surprised that the football (?) – let’s just call him jock – that he smack one on Kurt. At first I was like Kurt, kinda quiet, but then thought to myself “Oh, okay… I’m not really surprised.”

I went to the ever present IMDb boards to read some of the things people were saying, and was surprised at the amount of people that have begun to hate Kurt… or should I say Kurt’s gay storyline. Okay, I’ll concede in that Glee’s not doing a great balance of the funny, the cheesy and the drama — Popular had a bit of that plus more — but I don’t have a problem with that. I usually like Glee’s cheese, I can handle my drama fine, and I like the funny. But I know what you mean when you guys talk about Glee not being the same.

However, some of the comments left me perplexed with things like “I don’t have a problem with Kurt being gay, but why does his story need to revolve around him being gay?” People saying that Will & Grace was a better representation of homosexuals, and other programs that do the “gay thing” much better.

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I’ve run out of material to post. I was working on part 1 of a post, that still needs a part 2. While also working on coding for YAM… which I didn’t do today. Haven’t had time to watch anything, listen to anything… or even finish the book I was reading.

Oh, yeah – I haven’t posted that I’ve been reading Handling the Undead – and finally, the reliving are doing something. Also… have I told you I’ve been going to bed at 6am everyday? Sighs…

Having said that, I got an email from the Spirit Awards – hope to get screeners early next year, though I would really like to get the screeners now. xD Looking forward to the nominees =D

I hate coding. Surprise!

I need someone to code for me xD

I’m trying to figure out what plugins to add, and decide what I need to code myself. It’s just… headache. In the end, I just began adding the categories and some of the tags we will be using, as well as creating accounts for the YAM team! xD

obviously, I deleted the names, usernames and email addresses for protection. But as you can see… there’s all us… there’s me, there’s our Ghost Writer, and we’ve got a bunch of more ghosts that have no pictures – and there’s LinzerDinzer.

Hello, Goodbye YAM012~

October 15, 2010 — Leave a comment

Hello to YAM012.

Goodbye (sorta) to YAM PDF.

Hello to

Head over, for the last time, to my portfolio to download the latest and last issue.

LOL it reached over 70 comments in just a few hours. It was crazy coming back home and seeing my inbox filled with LiveJournal replies. And here it is, the old article on YAM008 “Where is the CPop Scene Going?”

Check out the LJ discussion here.

Twitter 101

September 17, 2010 — 11 Comments

My head hurts. Can anyone type Twitter tips here? I could really use some of them with YAM’s account. Or better yet, take over it, so I don’t need to? xD

Tell me why can’t you just type “@” and get an automatic list of the people, and then get the names as you type the user… u know like tagging people on facebook? LOL Isn’t that common sense?

Well, Hi YAM~

September 15, 2010 — 2 Comments

We’re on track, I guess~ xD

Don’t forget to either follow us on  Twitter, or contribute on our Facebook group.

Sharing this on the YAM 2011 LGBT Blogathon~

I love complicated post titles.

AfterElton has just begun their voting for their 2010 poll of 50 Greatest Gay Movies. Plus, in honor of the first week run of Contracorriente (Undertow) on Peruvian cinemas, I’ve made a list of 10 LGBT related films that not many people may have heard about or seen… so these films need your voting. *cough*

And since AfterEllen is dropping the ball on this one — I was pretty sure they were doing polls on Lesbian movies, but oh well~

I am mixing it all up. Because I’m like that.

Look, I love Brokeback Mountain, I love Milk, and I certainly LOVED A Single Man last year. Some of my favorites are Were the World Mine, Show Me Love, Imagine Me & You, and I liked Love Songs as much as — or maybe even more — than you did, but this is about not so popular LGBT flare. There’s also a lot of foreign films because they certainly don’t get major distribution – so thank you, Internet.

Also, don’t forget to vote for Undertow! xD

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