Archives For yam

Most blog activity~

February 22, 2012

Also, just wanted to make this clear~
I’ve moved most my blog activity over to YAM Magazine.

You can subscribe to all my posts there with this RSS Feed, or you know, you can just subscribe to all of the YAM Magazine Feed, but I understand if you only love me ;P

Hey, Britney~

Let your body loseeeee control~~~

I wasn’t aware Britney had enough videos to fill a Top10. LOL

Once again, if you were subscribed to the YAM Magazine RSS Feed, you would know about this two-part post with LGBT music videos from around the world.

Also, you probably missed our LGBT Blogathon, didn’t you???


We can be sooooooooooooooo superficial from time to time ;D

Read it and pimp it~


Here’s another confession for the LGBT Blogathon~

What was once changed through literature, shaping individuals through writing, is now — kinda sadly — shaped through what we watch from television (and movies) because nobody reads anymore.

And so the medium of television becomes the ever important outlet for LGBT themes.

Television is free — though some people beg to differ — it reaches millions and millions of people through different channels around the world in many languages. Unlike film — you know, the one you pay for to enter a theater or catch at your local film festival — a lot more people watch television, and through it, sometimes watch film — see, television is so powerful even if you don’t watch it.

It is now, in our day and age (without counting the interwebs), that television plays a strong role into shaping the minds of the future generation of adults — that’s counting me, by the way… I’m not that old — who will hopefully grow into people who just won’t care whether you’re gay or straight or bi or transsexual. A generation that will ask about the need to add a “LGBT” genre tag when… it’s all normal!

Pride Bunting

This is my case. I came to know about LGBT issues because of television, which later prompted me to search online and then my world exploded with LGBT entertainment.

Continue Reading…

Welcome to my personal contribution to YAM Magazine’s LGBT Blogathon.

In this particular post we will be talking about Taiwanese boiband MISSTER, which I have already talked about on this MISSTER 101 post I did a while back.

Unlike the rest of the world, who have shunned dancing boybands (and girl groups) for more “rocking” affairs or idols who can’t dance at all, Asia is still a place where such groups have flourished for the past decade. The pop music industry is alive and well there, over-saturating our ears with danceable sugary pop tunes sung by idols that look so polished that it hurts.

Continue Reading…

LGBT Blogathon is ON!

June 1, 2011

Still deciding a few more films and tv shows I should review and talk about.

I don’t think I have enough time~

In the meantime, follow all the posts that will be added during the week.

YAM LGBT Blogathon

May 19, 2011

I thought I’d pimp this here too.

YAM Magazine is hosting an LGBT Blogathon starting June 1st.

Hope you join us~

You can talk about ANYTHING related to LGBT worldwide entertainment. If you’re a filmmaker that’s looking to promote your LGBT related short/film, or an out musician, or have an LGBT web series… you can all go promote it that week ;D

You can check the details, download graphics, etc on the YAM Magazine 2011 – LGBT Blogathon post. Don’t forget to leave a comment and/or link back to the post. Let all your friends know.

Worldwide Anthems~

May 1, 2011

This post took a really long time… it’s been on my to-do post-it for a while~ I even have a post-it with the songs that I wanted to include, and the ones I could ask people about.

So check out the list on YAM Magazine ;D

Re-pimping this old list~ xD

It’s always been tough to be a working actress on the big screen, as you turn a little older, offers often seem to be linked to “being someone else’s mother,” but cable television seems to be becoming more and more attractive to not only writers – because they get to write more challenging stories and skip censors – but also to women who were movie actresses and have found new complex roles to take on.

you can read the whole thing on YAM Magazine~