Archives For fandom

Love Love Love, Oh Yeah!

December 29, 2009 — 1 Comment

You know, if anyone artist deserves to make me broke, it’s Wang Lee Hom and his freaking talent. Not only is he an astounding singer, and a kick ass composer… and producer. He also plays 14 instruments, and freaking speaks Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Japanese and French.

To make it funny, he’s also beaten Angelina Jolie, since he has 10 adopted children from Laos.

He’s an amazing live performer, and I would kill (not literally) to see him in a concert.

Check out,

Finally got the chance to watch the second chapter of Camouflage fully translated. Why? One, because I didn’t have the time, and when I had the time ViiKii wasn’t letting me stream.

So… anyway! I’m pimping subscribers! I want more people to subscribe, and I guess most of the visitors are coming here for their Yu Aoi fix, so please. Add this blog to your Google, or your Yahoo…. or just add the blog’s Feed to any reader you use, that way you can keep up with your Yu Aoi reading. ;P

Okay, pimp time is done.

BARAIRO NO HIBI, or Rose-colored Days is the 2nd 3-episode chapter of Yu Aoi’s Camouflage, which aired a LONG time ago. The title seems to be a play on words on “rose-colored g lasses” (aka. pink-colored glasses) which refers to seeing something nicer than it normally is. A common word that is often used (and I often read about 5 years ago) was delusion. Delusional people aren’t really crazy per se, but they are living in an illusion that they’ve created.

In this case, Yu’s character, Makoto.

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In 2006, when she began promotion of her debut Under the Surface, she released a simple video for the song with the same title, which wasn’t really WOW but promoted the song well. Turns out, since her starting promotion of her music in Germany, they made a new version of Under the Surface…

and they also released a proper video for If a Song Could Get me You~~~
comes with Making Of an all~~~ Marit’s so cute.
Wonder if under all that cuteness, there’s a strong Scandinavian character.
What you say Julz?
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I doubt I will catch any more music videos by now, so here is my random list of best music videos in very random categories, because that’s what I do best, I think.

I’m writing as I go, so if I don’t make any sense. Forgive.

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Found these ;P I think most of us know that Hana & Alice was expanded from the Kit Kat Anniversary CMs. xD Some cute moments here and there… if you haven’t seen the film, what are you waiting for?

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Here’s the main idea post.

And yes, I made it passed the 48 films. I’m nearly on my film #70, I think.

Since it’s nearly December here, and it’s December already in several places. It’s time for a reminder because I haven’t heard from many of you, and I promised to remind everyone.

  • You’ve got all this month to watch films to complete your 48 film-count.
  • Your nomination list should be sent by January 7th 2010.
  • Nominations categories are the same as the Academy Awards, except;
    • no Best Foreign Film category.
    • no shorts (documentaries, animated or live-action)
    • no Documentary Features either.
  • Nominations are announced on January 10th 2010
  • Voting for a winner ends on January 28th 2010
  • Winners are announced January 31st 2010.

So grab and Academy Award nomination list, fill in the blanks except for the categories specified above, and send them my way. ;P

I received a notification on my email that Amazon was going to begin selling The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life: Volume 3 this week. First of all, I wasn’t aware that Volume 1 and Volume 2 were on the market. Then I read properly. It’s not an official release! It’s on DVD-R, so they won’t play on many DVD players. And they’re edited! And you gotta pay over $20USD for those volumes.

So that’s about $60 for just three volumes.
The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life – Volume 1
The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life – Volume 2
The Best of Rocko’s Modern Life Volume 3 (2 Disc set)

Now, is that fair? As a consumer, and as a fan of the show?

No, I don’t think so.

So this is a link to the complete 4 seasons of Rocko’s Modern Life.

Woah, those crazy fans~

November 15, 2009 — 3 Comments

I just sorta had a surreal experience while shooting a gig last night. After the 50min. gig, I was waiting coz I had lost my dad in the audience — hahaha, he’s like my bodyguard. You know, tiny girl + big camera is not a good combo at nighttime. Anyway, the band finished playing and were getting their gear packed when girls starting gathering around the entrance. Then the screaming started, like ear-splitting screams… they sounded three times the number they actually were. In the end, the band and the rest of us went the other way, from a side exit.

Once we got out of there, and security closed the fences, chicks had followed us there and kept on screaming against the fence. I was just startled, and it was kinda funny. So we ended up on the building where they were hanging out before the gig, and went up 3 floors. They chilled a bit there, when bam! Fans were downstairs waiting for them to show up on the balcony. Honest to blog, there weren’t that many, but they sounded like a hundred. LOL

The band began throwing signed stuff liked print-outs, and other paper. And I threatened to throw some tempura because honestly I was kind of starving, so I camouflaged my pass and my gear and quietly left to get my dad, and also get something to eat. I didn’t eat much either. Too many people~~~

Dear Yu-chan~

November 10, 2009 — 4 Comments

It’s been like year and a half since I started fawning over you and the work you do. I feel like we’re on -chan terms by now (joking, joking). But please, PLEASE announce a good project for next year already. And I mean it like a good substantial (not like Honokaa Boy) role, and not a magazine batch. xD

I love your Photobooks, but you’re making me broke. LOL But if you’re working on a new PB, please PLEASE work with Yoko-san because you two work your magic together.

If you want to work on some series, I would also be happy. xD

There’s only one place for fandom in my life (if there were more, I wouldn’t work… sleep, eat or do other stuff) – and right now, Family Outing is pulling my strings hahaha, so hurry up! xD You are lucky I’m not particularly too fond of Hyori-unnie’s music. LOL

Dear Hyori-unnie~

November 6, 2009 — 5 Comments

I love how you mean-girl people.

I just finished trying to catch up on Family Outing because Diana and I are meeting to watch the latest episode, and I hope to get together for some KFood as well, because every time I finish watching the show I get hungry. No matter if it’s 2am and I’m supposed to go to bed.

I saw the Farewell episodes, and the two episodes welcoming the Park Siblings. I miss Savage and Lovable Ye-jin-unnie, and Chunderella. Ye-jin is so efficient, right? How can they fill up those shoes?

Please, Hyori-unnie, keep on mean-girling people. You remind me of someone I haven’t talked in over a year, and I don’t even know where this person is to send an “analog” letter, because apparently my Digital Design friends are mostly analog now. Ironic.

Hyori-unnie, keep wearing those glasses. They suit you, and not everyone can wear them. Keep wearing sweats and slacks, and be sporty… also, keep picking on Jaesuk-oppa ‘coz it’s just too funny to watch.

Also, piece of friendly advice. Don’t mess around with scandal… or, to borrow from you “You Die”.