I’m a Ni Ni stan now, have I mentioned it before? No? I really REALLY enjoyed watching Mo Zhang’s Suddenly Seventeen (28岁未成年). The ending is a bit straight rom-com, but Ni Ni— Woah. She was amazing.

Cfensi has always loved Ni Ni, so she’s also gushing about this new photoshoot for The New York Times Travel Magazine by photographer Yin Chao (尹超), centered on Nanjing Girls and also featuring actresses Hai Qing, Yang Zishan and Mei Ting, as well as model Bonnie Chen.

The favorite shot, tho, the watermelon one~ xD

You can also follow Yin Chao’s activities on his studio’s Weibo— SUPERSTUDIO.

Also, I haven’t even gone through 5 episodes of Lost in 1949 (脱身), but I’m looking forward to Rise of the Phoenixes (天盛长歌) :)

I’m about to finish watching Stories By Rabindranath Tagore, which has some episodes directed by Anurag Basu— an anthology of some of Tagore’s short stories. One of my favorite episodes has been Mrinal ki Chitthi (ep19), which stars Amrita Bagchi. I’m usually really good with faces that I see in other movies, but I honestly just vaguely remember her face in Phobia and Meri Pyaari Bindu. I must be getting old.

There’s a series of photos by Shivaji Storm Sen. This is my favorite, tho~

Mamamoo has officially become the group with most albums in my music collection— officially 8 albums; but honestly it’s 9 albums (with a double Purple edition), plus a SolGam tape, a SolGam LP, two kihno kits, a DVD and a BR of Moosical. LOL

Once upon a time, there were five albums by P!nk, but there were also six albums by the BackStreet Boys, six Hanson albums, six Westlife albums, four turned to five Marit Larsen albums, five Salyu-related albums, five albums eventually turned to seven by BiBi [it became viral on Weibo xD], seven albums by Shiina Ringo, seven albums by Bjork— altogether, I have 6 Brown Eyed Girls-related albums but that’s three albums, a fancy collectible repackage and two GaIn minis. Phew.


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Zico’s Artist isn’t honestly my favorite track in Television, but damn! It’s probably my favorite live of the album, coz- duh! Live band~ I mean, it’s almost impossible to beat any You Hee-yeol’s Sketchbook (유희열의 스케치북) when competing with a live band, but not even the Sketchbook performance of Anti or the MAMA one top it, because that’s the type of song you listen to at home in the middle of the night at 3-4AM.

Feelings. Feelings were had. Despite this divide of video/screen, I felt that. Faye’s that good. Imagine being there sitting in the PhantaCity studio watching a video of Faye Wong singing Dreams (梦中人) and, all of a sudden, Faye appears on the stage, right there, in front of your eyes. Woah. Shivers down my spine.

Truly a legend.

Look who’s playing her Solar Emotions LP


I’m a stan. I have decided to stan forever. LOL Well, at least a few years. A few years in this day and age is an awfully long time, which is practically forever. I’ve seen relationships that have lasted less than my two and a half years as a moomoo. xD

I’ve been a fan of Yu Aoi for a decade now [1][2]. I’m expecting my moomoo status to be just as long.

If they ever do an event here. I’m done for. LOL I’ve been wanting to feed them my whole moomoo life, as the Grandma Radish that I seem to be turning into.

Just finished going through Mamamoo’s Rooftop Live, and just got in the mood of finding drinks for Mamamoo’s Four Seasons, Four Colors project. Coz LOL Yeba saying the lime was a kiwi and trying to stab it xD and Whee-in’s mixology skills; and my children having a blast at their Red Moon and Yellow Flower cocktails. xD

Even though I don’t drink, I do have a thing for mixology— especially for non-alcoholic drinks; so I spent some time browsing the web to find these seasonal drinks~

First off~~~ Hwasa’s Yellow Flower drink: the Ginger Apricot cocktail.

Apricots are -supposed to be- in season in spring and early summer~ they’re sweet compared to other spring-y things like cherries, kiwis, lemons, kumquats or strawberries… and they’re kinda like peaches, which are supposed to be in season later. The ginger adds to the punch xD

According to rokz it’s made of:

  • 2.5 ounces ginger cardamom infused vodka
  • 0.5 ounce fresh lemon juice
  • 1 ounce apricot orange simple syrup
  • 1 ounce club soda
  • Pureed canned apricots

Whee-in, you’re supposed to add your liquid ingredients (except the soda, coz lol carbonated) in the shaker with ice, shake it to chill it, and then pour it in your glass (with large ice cubes) through the strainer. Add some pureed apricot, top with soda.

You could probably substitute the vodka (and soda xDDDDD) with non-alcoholic ginger beer. This is my favorite brand.

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Damn you, Solar, you making me cry for picking that song for Solar Gamsung. LOL

Like- the song on its own is super sad, but it works well with its video… but the Japanese version? Literally, Nada Sou Sou. xD With the Shamisen, and the goddamn subs in Spanish. ToT

Makes me miss my dad so much.

Me acostumbré a rezarle a la primera estrella, al atardecer miro al cielo y con el corazón lleno te busco. En la tristeza y la alegría, pienso en esa sonrisa; si desde donde te encuentras, me puedes ver, yo viviré creyendo que seguro nos encontraremos algún día.

Soft OT4 Mamamoo~

July 15, 2018 — Leave a comment


Good luck on the comeback, Mamamoo kids. Red Moon, Fighting! Mariachi Maria la del Barrio Moonbyul, Fighting! Pole-dancing Solar, Fighting! Burn-everything Whee-in, Fighting! Just chilling in the tub Ahn Maria Hwasa, Fighting! Mamamoo, Fighting!

Also, my Japanese reading skills~ lol, thank you. And here is something I never thought I would say… bless Dispatch? LOL

Anticipate staying awake until Monday for Red Moon activities~

GINZA has just published a piece titled REDI no Shozo (レディの肖像, Portrait of a Lady) by Tomoko Kurose; and two black & white shots by Yasuhide Kuge. It’s a rare interview because it’s actually readable in Google Translate, lol. She talks about taking photos (she’s bad at it), what feelings she gets shooting movies and working on stage, how she perceives herself, a bit on her childhood, her work on voice-acting for animation… some talk on Penguin Highway and her speech for the Japanese Academy Award win where she talked about movies and being bullied.

Give it a read.