Archives For Music

This is probably the most gender-bending I’ll ever see from Korea xD Though I do feel Amber’s rapping isn’t as fluid as Jay Park’s here, I can’t help it seeing biases working together.

Also, Amber has earned her tag.

Han Hong brought out the big guns with the most perfect rendition of Heavenly Road (天路) [1] I’ve seen her do. You know she means business when she pulls that song out, so she -of course- was crowned the winner of this season of I Am a Singer. Well, it was about time! LOL

I still wish she and Meav could collaborate in a song together.

I won’t lie to you- I searched for “Naked Beef” first, then for “Beef Naked” LOL

I had been using my wiz google skills to try to find some songs released circa mid early millennium (2000-2002), once that failed a couple of times, I went in deep into my disc backups. After some digging around through old-OLD really purani school files… which were mostly poorly labeled (Hey! I found a Psy and Jolin Tsai tracks with no names downloaded circa 2005), I found what I was looking for et more~

What’s rare and I might post?

  • Amanda Latona – Can’t Take it Back
  • Amanda Mumba – Everybody Doesn’t
  • Ano – 4 tracks of Fruits from the Tree
  • Marit Larsen & Marion Raven – Synger Kjente (or ten tracks off it)
  • Out of your Mouth – Music (Madonna Cover)
  • Tangleroot (20 tracks)
  • The Sunwater Diaries [1] (2 tracks)
  • Capitanes de Lata (the Gloria Maria Solaris children play)

so if any of those search words bring you here, let me know.

Anyway, down the rabbit hole of Amy’s memory lane that included pop, country, r&b, hard rock, metal, electro hip hop rock and what not~ I realized that I have Canadian years gap compared to many of my friends, knowing Canadians bands that had only-Canadian hits between 2003-2006. Out of your Mouth (above), GOB, Our Lady Peace, Billy Talent, Barlow [1] are some…

… and of course I remembered this video of Bif Naked. I knew she was ingrained in my mind because of Buffy, but this video for Tango Shoes and Bif Naked on a tank cruising through downtown Vancouver, Pender St. with spottings of Tinseltown and whatnot. Can’t get more Canadian than that. I remember seeing the video on Much.

Oh, man~ it does take me back.

It’s been 15 years, nothing has knocked Dancer in the Dark out of my #1 favorite movie. I hardly remember the Oscars ceremony (of any year), but Bjork’s Swan dress is a classic in the public consciousness. Her performance of I’ve Seen it All, though shorten for the ceremony, is still better than the would be mash-up with other songs from previous years. And if I’m not mistaken, this year’s performances were even more rushed… yet, the broadcast never seems to run on time.

I can’t wait to get Vulnicura in my hands.

… and, BAM!

You gotta love a contest that focuses on material, composition and production. That’s my main problem with singing contests, there are soooooo many great voices out there, but when albums are released, they turn out to be very boring in production. Sun Yunying’s (苏运莹) voice isn’t even bad at all, she sounds great and unique and she sells Wild Child (野子) so well right from the start.

Damn, Christina Aguilera sounds pretty good as Cher and Britney. Her Shakira sounds a bit Cher-y for my taste, but her yodeling sounds legit. But apparently, it’s pretty big news that Christina does old school Britney better than Britney herself because my mother came over with an already set comment on this before I showed her the clip.

Thing is, Christina can do voices, BiBi does gestures [1].

OH, man~ the things one has to do to get Marit Larsen albums. Spark wasn’t that hard, since it somehow made its way to Amazon, but it seemed so unlikely that When the Morning Comes would show up there again, so I went hunting. It was not a fruitful web-hunt with everyone telling me they did not do international shipping.

More power to friends! Way to go, Julz~


Marit’s 4th album has finally joined its siblings. It also means Marit’s the only 2014 album I had actively physically purchased so far, beating my 2013 record when I only got BiBi’s Unlock as a present (more yay friends!). However, I did just recently physically purchased Calle 13’s Multiviral considering it was my album of 2014. I’m surprised myself.

I’m a little sad that most (if not all) my purchases are digital.

Oldie song, but new performance at… what seems, the Bird Nest Stadium in Beijing.

Mayday has just released the Nowhere Concert Movie in four editions: 3D BR + Live in Live Making-Of the concert DVD, Simple BR, Free Region DVD, and the DVD with the Making-Of.

They’ve also re-released their albums in Chinese versions, and I’ve seen (super expensive) Vinyls, as well.

I still can’t believe Asian Blurays are so expensive compared to their US counterparts. Now we all gotta way for Asian movies to be released in America.

Last year, I fell in love with Carrchy’s (卡奇社) music. And honestly, their 2007 album Daylight Allure (日光倾城) is pretty good stuff [Xiami] [YouTube Sample], but they hadn’t been releasing ANYTHING for many MANY years. Last night, they surprised with the release of the single track Clouds (云, Yun), which you can get in Xiami (Sorry, those who Xiami is blocking). I don’t know anywhere else where you might listen to their music [Here’s some Douban demos].


Other than that, happy listening!

I said it before and say it again~ the best thing to come out of Angelina Jolie’s Unbroken was to see Miyavi being fabulous on carpet events in the US where so many oblivious in the west got to see him. [My favorite is Lainey who’s gushed over Miyavi twice] And now to see him on Ellen playing his guitar- that’s really more than I could hope for.

And I love that he did a bit of What’s my Name on top of Let Go.