Archives For On Rotation

I’m currently basking myself in the beauty that is Henry Huo’s (霍尊) first full-length album Heavenly Song or Tianyun (天韵). He was the winner of the first season of Sing my Song (中国好歌曲) when he cause a ruckus with his song Rolled-up Pearl Curtain (卷珠帘) [1], which he ended up performing at the 2014 CCTV Spring Festival Gala.


You can listen to the album over at Xiami or Migu Music (for US locked).

Lyrics, English/Español translations and song embed below the break~

Once again, all Chinese translations by me to be taken with a pinch of salt. xD

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I discovered Fifi Rong on the Xiami compilation, and though her track Parting Life (在离别中生活) isn’t my favorite, I did start to pay attention. So I’m all eager to listen to her new material now, which is available everywhere from Xiami, iTunes, Bandcamp and Soundcloud~

[bandcamp width=580 height=340 album=3479289225 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 artwork=small]

My favorite tracks are Wishes’ Fault, and there’s a certain haunting attraction to Breathless. LOL

Let’s see what comes off it by the end of the year~

You Me by Hamacide + ChaCha

October 15, 2012 — 3 Comments

Just ran into this song- a collaboration between producer Hamacide and Shanghai singer ChaCha on vocals. The EP — which seems more like an elaborate single really — has different remixes by Downstate, Jared Turinsky, Lightswitch Lafayette as well.

With artwork by Lily Xiao.

You can also buy this on Bandcamp.

I haven’t done one in a very long while, huh?

Since the demise of the LivingSocial application on Facebook — TuneSocial — and my shift from downloads to streaming… it’s been hard to keep track of the music I listen to and rate. I tried, but I’m thinking of dropping it because they’re such an uptight community. Every time you add an album that doesn’t adhere to their guidelines of barcodes, catalog numbers, and milimetric genres, you get voted down.

I don’t buy or sell anything there, and I find myself adding more than I’m actually just searching for… and still there’s people who vote me down and are bitchy about it, instead of helping out and finding the lacking info themselves.

I rather keep my own database without hassle. I’ve added about 350 albums tonight… in the time it took me to add just a few albums at Discogs.

These are the albums I’ve heard this year. There aren’t TOO MANY amazing ones yet, but there are a few very good singles that shall be contenders for the Top50 list this year~

This year I’m doing better with my music than with my movies. LOL I’ve only seen like new movies this year, hahaha. If I don’t work harder on that, I’m not going to be able to pick my Best Movies this year.

Light blue highlight only points out a “special edition” xD

When did this begin?

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff0090&auto_play=false&show_artwork=true” width=” 100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]

I wasn’t a very HUGE fan of Imogen Heap’s last album Ellipse, but she is still more interesting than 95% of people out there. I got really excited with the first track, Xizi She Knows, because it partly reminds me of my Yat Yi Sam song… but you know, in Mandarin xD

That one and the Indian track one. xD

The first five tracks of the album are pretty good, I wonder when the album will be up for purchase.

My purty iTunes Library~

April 22, 2011 — 4 Comments

I’m a dork, you can’t deny it.

I’m a dork, and I’m proud of my -mostly- tidied up iTunes library.

As with my CDs, and my DVDs… a little bit of books, and mostly with computer files, I like to know where my things are. Of course, iTunes makes it way easy to keep things organized with their “copy to folder” and “keep things organized” options, but then we’ve got album covers, song names, artists names… and music can get a little messy.

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LivingSocial Albums~

November 21, 2010 — 1 Comment

Previously known as TuneSocial? xD

Recently listened to~~~

Divided on whether or not buy the Monkey Majik Best collection because the album doesn’t have the oh-so-sweet Forever version with the kiddos and the old people. As if I could hate rainbows and puppies!

Then there’s Mavis Fan 1999 album, I Want Us to Be Together – so SO freaking-tastic. Frak! This type of albums is what makes me wish I could understand Mandarin, and makes Chinese music all sorts of awesome.

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OMG, I think I’ve broken my own whatever record of music heard ever.

I’ve been listening to whatever I could find for streaming. Including albums that I had no plans to listen to, but I figured I should just to say I have listened to them when giving my opinion, and not get that “well, if you don’t listen to it, how do you know it’s bad?” – you know that response, right?

So I think you’d be surprised to see what I’ve listened to.

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Music Overload

April 24, 2010 — 16 Comments

I just spent all day yesterday (and still) listening to music at Haoting.

Yay for keeping updated!

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Wow, it seems like such a small # of albums xD

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