So… casting over at the current NHK Taiga drama gets even more interesting with the announcement that Yusuke Iseya will be playing Takasugi Shinsaku, samurai friend of Ryomaden.
His first appearance will be in the episode scheduled to air on July 18th. It starts from the scene where Ryoma meets Shinsaku and other Choshu samaurai by chance at a restaurant in Nagasaki.
Suzuki Kei, the chief producer, explained: “Ryoma and Shinsaku both died young, had an unconventional fashion sense, dreamed of activity overseas, there were a lot of common features between them. We’ll be depicting them as ‘having the same soul,’ the friendship and intermingling of two people as soulmates.”
via Arama They Didn’t.
Bolding mine.
I gotta be honest with you, I haven’t kept up with Ryomaden, mainly because it just gets a really difficult time-slot here. It airs like at 6am, and then it re-airs at 1pm… Maybe NHK should really think about differing their transmission. But then I would be complaining about that too, right?
Six Degrees of separation! Well, not really… Yu Aoi — anyone knows when her character will show up? — played opposite Yusuke Iseya on Honey & Clover. Their names also appeared together on Tekkonkinkreet… and Tekkon is much cooler than HachiKURO xD
I just wanted to post this photo.