Oooh, it’s been a while since I’ve been taken by a poster :) Anybody know who was in charge of the design?

It’s only a couple of days more, and the movie will finally open [1], but here’s the Rene Liu song that’s promoting the film full of feels~
This is probably the most gender-bending I’ll ever see from Korea xD Though I do feel Amber’s rapping isn’t as fluid as Jay Park’s here, I can’t help it seeing biases working together.
Also, Amber has earned her tag.
Ah~ I thought I would do a post compilation of the Chulpan Khamatova TV serials that I’ve been able to find on YouTube. Starting with these two~ Children of the Arbat (Дети Арбата) and Pepel (Пепел). I’ve seen Pepel with Google translated subtitles, but I haven’t seen Arbat yet, as subtitles online are incomplete.
Here we go:
Han Hong brought out the big guns with the most perfect rendition of Heavenly Road (天路) [1] I’ve seen her do. You know she means business when she pulls that song out, so she -of course- was crowned the winner of this season of I Am a Singer. Well, it was about time! LOL
I still wish she and Meav could collaborate in a song together.
It’s been 15 years, nothing has knocked Dancer in the Dark out of my #1 favorite movie. I hardly remember the Oscars ceremony (of any year), but Bjork’s Swan dress is a classic in the public consciousness. Her performance of I’ve Seen it All, though shorten for the ceremony, is still better than the would be mash-up with other songs from previous years. And if I’m not mistaken, this year’s performances were even more rushed… yet, the broadcast never seems to run on time.
I can’t wait to get Vulnicura in my hands.
Buongiorno, Principessa! Stanotte t’ho sognata tutta la notte, andavamo al cinema, e avevi quel tailleur rosa che ti piace tanto, non penso che a te principessa, penso sempre a te!
-I just realized… the English quote is so weirdly translated.
Damn, Christina Aguilera sounds pretty good as Cher and Britney. Her Shakira sounds a bit Cher-y for my taste, but her yodeling sounds legit. But apparently, it’s pretty big news that Christina does old school Britney better than Britney herself because my mother came over with an already set comment on this before I showed her the clip.
Thing is, Christina can do voices, BiBi does gestures [1].