Archives For Fun

… you realize you spend all your time watching movies in your room with the lights off, while ignoring any form of communication, including real people.

You’re tears well up and hear heart jumps into your throat when you walk into a store with more than a hundred dollars ear marked for Criterion.

90% of your friends haven’t even heard of any of the films on your top ten, aside from you ranting about them. – Except the cool ones, of course ;P

you realize you like fictional people more than real ones.

everything in the world is seen as a film to you.

You spend more time on a certain film site any given day than you do talking to any member of your family.

you lecture people on what to watch and what not to. –  Of course!

you tell people about the inner working of film and they look at you like your a circus performer. With awe and confusion… and keep talking of how hot such and such looked.

You start to notice the names of directors… – You are lost. xD – *sighs* ever since I was a kid, even with music videos. what can you do, eh?

you come off like a pretentious jackass, even though you aren’t. when the subject of favorite films comes up.

You use your lunch break to buy movies instead of actually eating. – Oh man, I used to be that person when I began living alone hahaha.

you go to browse DVDs on a weekend night, and spent over 1hr just browsing through them even though you’re only picking three or four… a week. LOL – BAWWW I miss my friends.

the numbers of movies you own equals or surpasses the number of movies your entire other five family members own (combined). – SNAP! Guilty! I probably can put my whole family and friends “collections” and I would still have more.

you want to shoot yourself because you accidentally purchased a “full screen” version. DOH!

you would rather spend the evening sitting in front of the big screen with a good DVD than go out dancing with the significant other.

someone asks you what would you do if you had a million dollars, and you say “Buy every Criterion DVD” and an old drive-in theater to fix up and show nothing but the great films. – though I also want this sweet bike, but it turns out the bike is from a film… so~~~

your DVD collection suddenly has become too large for your set of shelves… – seriously~~~

everything on your Birthday list is a movie, or movie soundtracks~~~

LOL, many more reasons over at! Come and join me =D

but plays a great drunk. LOL – Okay, maybe she does a little if I read right the interview aoinohoho sent me.

Actually, this clip I found made me want to watch Tiger & Dragon. xD

should I?


Ever since I began visiting, if calculations aren’t all that bad… in 2001 – well, I had been an avid Portmaniac~~~ – I actually look forward to Portmania due to Sanjiro’s crazy ramblings. Why? Well, nothing beats his ramblings on Charlie the NatDog *RIP* ~~~ But it’s always fun to read his Natalie Portman Facts and read his warnings.

First thing is first.

this PORTMANIA we are going to Celebrate Natalie’s Favorite things. and the first on this long list (hopefully as high as a week’s worth) is….


and no one better represents the DOG than…


So Happy Bday, Natalie! xD – or you know, if the rumors of you speaking a bit of Japanese are true~~~ o-tanjoubi omedetto gozaimasu!!!

And happy bday to Johnny too. xD

Didn’t watch too many films either… I did re-watch some though, with subs or just plain re-watching. I still haven’t made it to 20 films released in 2009 though… I’m getting worried how my Experiment Awards will do, if I can’t even made it to my own voting rules. LOL

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I’m not much for video games, though I must admit games like this are fun for a bit. xD

I certainly don’t find a strong reason why I should blog video games, you’re better off playing yourself, but I thought this commercial in animation for Rock Band is pretty good… actually, I thought it was just okay until I reached “I Met the Walrus” then it got me. xD Take a look yourself~

Really, totally weed-induced Walrus sequence. LOL’

I know I’m often unkind to dubbing – right?? – but I particularly think Disney does a decent job at doing multilanguage version of their musically-animated films… perhaps not actual full films, but their musical sequences. I was watching a Russian animated short that linked me to the Russian-dubbed version of the Halloween song on The Nightmare Before Christmas.

I particularly think the Russian dub has a lot of personality, and kinda scarier vibe~~~ and, what do you think of the Japanese dub of Halloween? Kore wa HAROUIN~~~ xD

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Two days ago I found an interesting post on Chinese Celebrities When They Were Young~~~

Cutest thing~~ like EVER. Here’s Bibi!! Almost exactly as she is now, isn’t she??

Bibi Chow - Kid Bibi Chow - Kid - doodle

On that post, you’ll see some familiar faces like Zhang Ziyi (who hasn’t changed a bit), Jolin Tsai, Bridgette Lin, Vivian Hsu… is that Ella Chen (???), Jet Li, Tony Leung, Andy Lau, Nicholas Tse… and even Yao Ming!

But check after the break for some of the photos for Faye Wong, Jay Chou, Leehom, and Maggie Cheung – with a Japanese bonus… *tsk tsk*

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and Chinese in general.

Taking example of Julz’ K-pop YouTube list – But then MTV Iggy is not as cool, LOL – I decided to make a 12-song playlist in YouTube… mainly because I didn’t wanna upload anything here. Plus, as much as I love my cassette playlists via MixWit~~~ watching videos is way cooler.

The thing is, you gotta watch ALL the videos, and watch them in order because there’s a reason for me putting the songs in that order. LOL’ It’s the vibe. The videos I chose are cool to watch, music is great.

Hope that you enjoy them. And I am looking for more Chinese musicians and groups… out of this world music. Not simply pop. That’s a reason I didn’t name it MandoPop or Cpop list. ;P – Music like Faye Wong who is still not back, though Fayenatics are abuzz~~~

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  1. Faye Wong – Jiang Ai (To Love)
  2. Lee-hom Wang – Gai Bian Zi Ji (Change Me)
  3. Bibi Chow (Zhou Bichang) – WOW
  4. David Tao – Hei Se Liu Ding (Black Tangerine)
  5. Jay Chou – Fa Ru Xue (Hair-like Snow)
  6. Chris Lee (Li Yuchun) – Shao Nian Zhong Guo (Youth of China)
  7. Jay Chou – Dao Xiang (Rice Aroma)
  8. Chris Lee (Li Yuchun) – Cha Sheng (Poor Student)
  9. Bibi Chow (Zhou Bichang) – Wei Le Ren Shi Ni (Just to Meet You)
  10. Lee-hom Wang – Zai Mei Bian (Beside the Plum Blossoms)
  11. David Tao – Gui (Ghost)
  12. Faye Wong – Bu Liu – No Staying

Ooh la~~~ looking at Marion walking in those heels hurt me. LOL

Marion teams up for a viral/short film/commercial… but I can’t help but swoon. *swoon* – She does look gorgeous… total gorgeousity in those shots of her face. And wait~~~ wait for the ending. 3P

Dior's Lady Noire - Marion Cotillard

Video and captures below the break~~~
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Norway? Really?? Look, I think fiddling is cool [just look at Mairead from Celtic Woman doing The Butterfly], tiny as she is… she totally pawns this Alexander Rybak dude. So I took the time… REALLY, watched ALL the entries… some where good others were just AWFUL… case and point, Bulgaria. How can Bulgaria do that after having Elitsa Todorova with Stoyan Yankoulov and the song Water in 2007’s contest?

And just to get this out of the way… Sweden, Malena Ernman could totally beat me up with those muscles. LOL

Who I thought was the best? In not a mainstream way…

Slovakia – Kamil Mikulcik with Nela Pociskova – Let Tmou

Who are the rest? And who seem to be mainstream good?

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